Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1262: She doesn't want to see the day.

Chapter 1262, she does not want to see the day

Lu Jinnan's life assistant looked like a smile at Hong Jinxi, and saw her a pitiful look. She knew that Hong Jinxi still had no thoughts on Lu Jinnan.

However, he did not want to tell Hong Jinxi that he had moved his heart. The cost of hospitalization for Hong Jintao was that he had been hand-picked before, and he was afraid of being entangled by Hong Jin.

He only smiled: "Sorry Miss Hong, there is no way for you to see Lu Zong, and your hospitalization expenses are not the total of the land, you really think about it..."

"How come?!" Hong Jinxi looked at Lu Jinnan's life assistant with a weak look. "In Haicheng... I can only control me, only Jinnan!"

After that, Hong Jin’s eyes narrowed and he looked down. For a long time, he looked at Lu Jinnan’s life assistant. “I know, Jin Nan does not want me to know, so I don’t admit it?! Is he... ... afraid that Bai Xiaonian knows how angry?!"

Lu Jinnan saw that Hong Jinxi felt good about himself. Suddenly he regretted that he had moved his heart to help Hong Jinxi.

"If there is nothing wrong, I have to give us a meal with Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu!" Lu Jinnan's life assistant smiled and turned to leave.

Hong Jinxi grabbed Lu Jinnan’s life assistant’s wrist, and his tone was almost pleading: “I don’t want Bai Xiaonian to misunderstand Jin Nan, so... can you tell me about Jin Nan? If Bai Xiaonian is gone, it’s not convenient to see me?!”

The assistant was not moved. Hong Jinxi began to sell miserablely: "How long can I live?! In this world, the person who really cares about me is left alone. Before I leave... I want to see meet him!"

"Miss Hong said wrong..." Lu Jinnan's life assistant dialed the hand of Hong Jinxi. "We only have Mrs. Lu in the heart of Lu, and he does not care about women other than Mrs. Lu!"

"If he doesn't care how I know that I am in the hospital, how can I pay for the hospitalization?!"

"Miss Hong, the cost of hospitalization is really not paid by our landlord!" Lu Jinnan life assistant still smiles.

"But no one else will help me pay for hospitalization!" Hong Jinyi once again grabbed the assistant's arm and said.

"I have heard someone shirking revenge. No one has ever heard of someone who has shirked to repay. Ms. Hong...I am really not our general, otherwise I have not had the courage to answer you for Lu." Lu Jinnan Life Assistant is helpless I once again opened the hand of Hong Jinxi.

"That, or Jin Nan did not tell me, he can't care for me!" Hong Jinyi said with anxious consciousness.

Lu Jinnan’s life assistant’s nephew gave a slight glimpse and smiled: “Miss Hong is probably too high to see your position in our general mind, or Miss Hong just wants to deliberately bring this kind of enlightenment to our general manager.” It is necessary to evoke the old feelings of our generals with the present pitiful look. I hope that we will support you until death?! Or... I would like to mention some other conditions and requirements."

Lu Jinnan’s life assistant is now too regretful about why he has to help with a hospitalization fee. Probably...because he was also abandoned by his mother since childhood, he saw that Hong Jin’s mother abandoned Hong Jinxi and felt help with her once.

However, since it is the wrong thing he has done himself, he can’t even be tired of the boss.

Hong Jinxi, who was said to be at the center of the matter, did not jump his face and shook his head: "No! I have not thought about this..."

"That completely disappeared in our total life!" Lu Jinnan's life assistant was clearly laughing, but let Hong Jinxi feel the bitter cold, "otherwise... I will help you disappear, okay?!"

Hong Jin's heart trembled fiercely.

"Nothing else, I will go and give us a meal for Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Hong slowly." Lu Jinnan's life assistant turned and left.

Hong Jinxi was also very close to death before. He could see that the careless coldness of the assistant’s eyes was killing.

She couldn't help but guess the identity of Lu Jinnan's assistant, such a person... killing is so careless, it is not good.

At this time, Hong Jinxi’s heartbeat was extremely fast. She slammed her fists and finally left quickly...

At the same time that Hong Jinxi was panicked, Cai Xiangyao, who was locked up in the kennel, could not wait until Mr. Shan went to find her. When the group took her out of the cage, Cai Jingyao heard that. The dogs screamed fiercely, thinking that they were going to die here today, hysterically crying for mercy.

But who knows that she was dragged out of the kennel, and actually saw the single rhetoric of Mr. Shan who stood outside the car in front of the car...

Cai Jingyao sighed with a sigh of relief and burst into tears. The single rhetoric bite the cigarette at the corner of his mouth. Then he crossed the wall at the door and stared at Cai Jingyao, frowning slightly.

"Sir, don't be embarrassed about us, this person is Missy, let us go to the Nanyang field!" The man in front of the person brought by the single rhetoric opened the way.

Cai Jingyao has been tortured and the spirit has collapsed and cried: "Rhetoric... Rhetoric, save me!"

Single rhetoric took a deep cigarette, dropped the cigarette **** at the fingertips, smothered it with his toes, sucked the cigarette with a hoarse voice and calm and indifferent: "I am embarrassed today?!"

The man who took the lead and wanted to take it was frowning, and said something, wait a minute, then go and call.

Cai Jingyao has already understood that these people have to send themselves to Nanyang... Their position in the game, Cai Jingyao, is also clear about what she is. The only straightforward one is her only rhetoric.

However, the single rhetoric looked at her eyes, which was different from the previous sultry and gentle, and his eyes were cold and with a bit of exploration, which made Cai Jingyao fearful.

But now, Cai Jingyao can't take care of this, as long as the single rhetoric can take her out of this group of people.

Cai Jingyao and the single rhetoric are opposite each other. They dare not move away. They are afraid that she will leave her eyes alone.

Soon, the man who called to come back, respectfully handing the phone to the single rhetoric: "Mr....Mrs. Miss."

The single rhetoric squinted through the phone and took the lead and walked toward the remote place: "Hey..."

At the end of the phone, Zheng Qiuhan’s voice was a little bit careless: “I know that this woman has ulterior motives for you, do you still have to take people away?!”

Zheng Qiuhan’s hand tightened the armrest of the sofa, and his heart was invisible.

"You can rest assured that I will hide people very well. In this life... she doesn't want to see the sky..."

(End of this chapter)

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