Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1292: Does the secretary help you prepare the flowers?

Chapter 1292, is the secretary preparing flowers for you?

"That... her gallery opened today, how can I be with you?! Can she leave the gallery?!" Liang said.

"She came over to give me a meal at noon, I heard that her brother was watching."

When Liang Shuyi heard it, there was a smile in the bottom of his eyes: "The opening of the gallery does not forget to supervise you for lunch!"

Lin Biao did not talk, only said to Liang Shu: "So you don't have to worry about my unclear relationship with other little girls. This Lu Yunfan... I feel that after a month, I feel that I am not motivated to get along with me, so I will dispel my thoughts!"

"What do you say to this child!" Liang Shuo looked at Lin Biao. "If Miss Lu is good, you will get along with others. Don't hold the thought of breaking up after a month. Good to the girl! You Seeing that the little girl is more attentive to you, if you are not good to the little girl, you can’t say it!”

Lin Biao smiled low.

"Small, ah, whether it is Miss Lu, Miss Jane, or Miss Gao, the main thing about marriage is mutual affection, you like each other! Because life is always tossed by all kinds of things. Upset, if the people who are with you for a lifetime are not what you like, then life is too difficult!"

Liang Shuo lived in Lin Biao’s hand and shook his grip. He said, “Mom doesn’t want you to look at the marriage so lightly... otherwise life is even more boring.”

"I know Mom! You can rest assured... I have a measure in my heart!"

From the Lin's building, Liang Shuo exhaled a long breath, with a few smiles on his lips...

She can see that although Lin Biao is not willing to admit it, when he talks about Lu Yunfan, the lip corner is rising, which shows that Lin Biao has a good impression on this little girl named Lu Yunfan.

What kind of girl is it that can make her stone-like son open? !

Thinking of this, Liang Shu suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the gallery to see Lu Yunfan.

Liang Shuo called the driver: "Lao Zhu, drive to the Lin Yunyun Gallery just..."

"Good lady!" The driver Lao Zhu turned his head at the intersection and headed for the gallery.

Lin Jianyun Gallery...

Liang Shu suddenly had a bright eye and didn't know if he thought too much!

Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan? !

Does it mean this? !

Whether it is this or not, Liang Shu’s mood is very good today...

When Lu Yunfan came to the gallery, the gallery was not as lively as it was in the morning, and the staff were busy cleaning up.

Seeing an elegant and elegant temperament Liang Shu appeared in the doorway and hurriedly greeted him.

Liang Shuo didn't have to call her, she came to see if there was any kind of painting.

The cheerful Lu Yunfan heard that there were guests coming, and went downstairs to ask Liang Shu: "Mrs.... Need me to introduce these paintings for you?!"

Liang Shu looked at himself in front of him, his eyes were clean and like a little girl who had been washed by the rain. The lips evoked: "You are?!"

"My name is Lu Yunfan, the boss of this gallery..." Lu Yunfan is very charming.

Lu Yunfan smiled very sweetly and was very welcoming... It made people feel comfortable.

"Okay, then you can help me introduce the introduction!" Liang Shu is very polite.

Lu Yunfan took a picture of Liang Shuyi and painted a pair of paintings. He told Liang Shuming the story of the author of the painting, the source of inspiration for the author of the painting, and the brushwork and pigment treatment used by the author. It is very professional.

Liang Shuo occasionally asked a few questions, and Lu Yunfan answered very well.

"Miss Lu is so clear about the painting techniques of these paintings. I think it should be good to draw painting skills. I don't know if there is a painting by Miss Lu in the gallery?!" Liang Wei asked.

Lu Yunfan was asked this to be embarrassed. She smiled and said: "It’s very embarrassing to say it. When I was a child, I really liked painting, but the talent is really not very good, so since the painting is not talented, it is small. I am determined to open a gallery, and now I am a dream."

Sure enough, as Lin Biao said...

Liang Shu nodded and bought a painting.

After thinking about it, Liang Shu did not take the painting away that day. She said: "I am not convenient to bring the painting back when it rains today. I don't know Miss Lu is inconvenient. When the weather is fine, I can send it to me. I and Miss Lu talked very speculatively, and wanted to ask Miss Lu to come home to see my Tibetan painting..."

Lu Yunfan really loved painting. When he heard that Liang Shu’s family had Tibetan paintings, he agreed to let Liang Hao leave the address and telephone. She waited until the day was clear and she called Liang Shu. Convenient, she personally sent the paintings.

Lu Yunfan, who succeeded in defrauding the possibility of becoming a daughter-in-law of the future, went to the house to be a guest. Liang Shuo quickly left the address and telephone.

When Lin Biao came to pick up Lu Yunfan in the afternoon, Lu Yunfan also told Lin Bianxian that he had met a very good wife today. Both of them liked painting and felt that there was a lot of conversation. The wife bought the painting and let her Waiting for the weather to send her to the house, let her visit her Tibetan paintings.

Lin Biao looked at Lu Yunfan's happy appearance and nodded. He asked, "What do you want to eat?!"

"I can do it! Lin Biao Ge wants to eat what we go to eat! Today I sold a few blessings, I treat!" Lu Yunfan took a picture of his chest and looked proud.

"I still don't know your taste, what do you like to eat?!" Lin Biao asked.

"I am! I am not picky eaters, as long as I eat delicious food!" Lu Yunfan said, I thought that I said the same thing as the piglet, so I quickly changed my mouth. "I remember that I wanted to ask the warm sister to eat before, so I was Haicheng’s food online search, there is a net red restaurant called Wang Hao Restaurant, I heard that it was opened by retired military personnel, or else...”

Lu Yunfan’s voice stopped again, thinking about himself. This is the first time I asked Lin Biao to eat. How can I go to the Net Red Restaurant? Of course, I want to go to the tall restaurant!

Then, Lu Yunfan said, "Or else we will go again next time. I know that a French restaurant is a good restaurant. It’s not bad to eat it before! Lin Biao is not as good as we are going to eat this French dish?! You think What?!"

"Listen to you……"

Lu Yunfan called the restaurant and confirmed that there was a place. After setting the seat, he would guide Lin Biao and go to the French restaurant to eat French.

When Lin got off the bus, Lin Biao opened the trunk and took a bunch of flowers from the trunk and handed it to Lu Yunfan.

When Lu Yunfan saw the flowers, the little heart thumped and fluttered. How do you say...

She also thought that Lin Biao was the kind of man who wouldn't give flowers to girls. After all... she knows Lin Biao really is this personality.

"Lin Xiaoge, is the secretary who prepared the flowers for you?!" Lu Yunfan's big eyes glared at Lin Biao.

(End of this chapter)

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