Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1296: Suddenly, I am very distressed by Lin’s mother’s mother.

Chapter 1296 suddenly hurts Lin Biao's mother how to do

Lu Yunfan is already crying. Lin Biao Ge, you are really a god, can you rescue and save your poor girlfriend.

Lu Yunfan has not had time to reply to the message, Liang Shu’s phone will ring first...

Liang Shu looked at his mobile phone and smiled. "Sorry, I took a call!"

Said, Liang Shuo took the phone out of the restaurant.

"How come this call back?!" Liang Shu said, looking into the restaurant, seeing Lu Yunfan sitting still in a cautious position, very confused.

"Mom, have you cheated Lu Yunfan at home?" Lin Biao asked.

"What is cheating, how can you listen to this child so hard!" Liang Yan's lips evoked, "I bought a picture in the gallery of Vatican that day, and then let Van Gogh send me over, this child I am quite Like, simple kindness... Treating people is also sincere, it is not too strong for people's defense, but it also shows that this little girl's heart is very simple and clean, the more I look at the Vatican, the more I like it!"

Lin Biaofu at the end of the phone: "Don't scare the girl!"

"Where do I scare the little girl, the little girl doesn't know that I am your mother. I just pretended to introduce her to my son as a girlfriend. The girl refused me because of her righteousness and said that she only likes her boyfriend. Hey...a really cute girl!"

Liang Shu’s three sentences are all praised by Lu Yunfan, which shows the degree of love for Lu Yunfan.

"Lu Yunfan has already found the family portrait of our family in the restaurant!" Lin said with a sigh.

Liang Shuyi took a step back and saw that the family servant in the restaurant did not close up...

No wonder she just returned to the restaurant, Lu Yunfan suddenly showed a very cautious!

Liang Shuan suddenly realized: "No wonder... I said that I just went back to the bathroom to go back. How does Vatican become like a person, so cautious in front of me, what can I do? I haven’t talked enough with Vatican. !"

"Let the little girl go!" Lin Biao said, "I can't help but now how the little girl regrets how she just talked in front of you, but maybe she still secretly felt cheated by you..."

Liang Shuming: "..."

Hanging up the phone, Liang Shu returned and pretended to see nothing, and smiled at Lu Yunfan: "Wait a little while the kitchen's sweet soup and ribs are ready, I let the driver send you back..."

"No need to use it!" Liang Shuo waved his hands again and again. "That, I am visiting the Tibetan painting room today, and it is very disturbing to leave for lunch."

"We said good things, how can we forget, you don't have to be polite with me! I always feel that we are very close, I really like you little girl, I hope you have time to come and sit down!" said laughingly.

like her? ! Casting? ! is that true? ! Lu Yunfan was upset.

"I have three children, one son and two daughters. The eldest son knows that he is busy with work all day, and he has no time to accompany me. A daughter is married and has children working. There is also a daughter who is not home every day. I am a People are so lonely in such a large yard. I am very happy to be able to chat with me today!" Liang Shuming smiled softly at Lu Yunfan. "I have not been so happy for a long time..."

Lu Yunfan looked up in the direction of Liang Shu, and suddenly he was very distressed by Lin’s mother’s mother. !

Yes, Lin Biao Ge is so busy day... I definitely have no time to accompany my mother!

Lu Yunfan thought of his mother.

Before Lu Yunhang was always busy, there was a scorpion in the house and she and her nephew accompanied her mother!

Although my mother doesn't like the scorpion very much, she is happy with her nephew. Sometimes she talks with her nephew about the big brother and her childhood, and her mother always smiles...

But Lin's mother is alone at home, and there is no one around her!

The warm sister is so busy with her work every day. Lin Biao is the kind of girl who looks like a business, and she is probably not as good as Lin Biao.

Thinking about it, Lin’s mother is really lonely!

Lu Yunfan was distressed because of her distressed feelings. Her fear of the future mother-in-law was a lot weaker. She said with courage: "Ms. Liang... If you don't feel that I have more words, I can come with you later. You can also Go to my gallery! Call me in advance before you come, if it's just in time for dinner... I can take you to eat delicious!"

Liang Shuming saw the fear of Lu Yunfan's eyes turned into distressed. He liked Lu Yunfan more and more, and reached out to Lu Yunfan's little hand: "You are such a good girl, I really want you to be my daughter-in-law! You really don't think about my son. ?! My son is really long and handsome..."

This one……

Lu Yunfan did not know whether she should tell Liang Shu, in fact, she was Lin Biao’s girlfriend, and she licked her lips and smiled.

However, is this explained from the side, her future mother-in-law is very satisfied with her? !

Isn't she worried that she won't be recognized by her mother-in-law in the future? !

"Okay! It's not too strong for you... But you don't always call Ms. Liang Ms. Liang's name, call me Liang Shuo...friendly!"

Lu Yunfan nodded from the goodness of the flow: "Good Liang Shu!"

The smile of Liang Shu’s lips is getting deeper and deeper: “I heard from your clerk that you are also a person who has never opened a gallery in Haicheng. Didn’t the family follow?!”

Lu Yunfan shook his head: "I came alone. On the opening day, my brother came over. I saw that everything was fine, and I left! After all, I am already a big girl, my wings are hard! It is also time to leave the protection of my parents. Flying is flying! After all, I don’t grow up alone and how to grow up! I can’t rely on my parents forever!”

Lu Yunfan took a good heart and brushed his face in front of Liang Shu.

She came to Haicheng for Lin Biao...

The set of words spoken to Liang Shuming now is the ghost of her lie to her parents!

In order to come to Haicheng, she also said to her parents... She said that she was afraid of being in the same city. When she encountered something, her parents couldn’t help but solve her problem, so she couldn’t really grow up, so she must I want to come to Haicheng to stay away from my parents.

"I am really a little girl!" Liang Xiao smiled. "Now the little girl is more motivated than the girl of our time, and her career is heavy! You are cheering... Liang Shu is optimistic about you! If you have any troubles You can't solve it, don't be polite to call Liang Shu... Liang Shu's son is very capable, I let him help you!"

Lu Yunfan couldn't help but be moved. How is the future mother-in-law so good? ! I really like the future mother-in-law, she can't help but want to be honest...

(End of this chapter)

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