Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1299: Is Lin Biao brother boasting that she is cute? !

Chapter 1299, Lin Biao, is this boasting that she is cute? !

"So big rain, what are you doing back?! Not afraid of driving dangerously on the road..." Liang Hao did not speak well and walked toward the kitchen.

Lin Biao is even more inexplicable...

He walked upstairs wearing his slippers, and he did not forget to take out his mobile phone and send a message to his little girlfriend.

Lu Yunfan’s speed of returning information to Lin Biao has been very fast, and he has responded to the next moment when Lin Biao sent the past information...

[Lu Yunfan: Ok, rest early, good night Lin Biao! 】

Lin Biao thought about it and gave the little girl a good night, then went upstairs to take a rest.

Lin Biao had a good rest that night, but Lu Yunfan was unable to sleep at night because of Lin Biao’s active kiss.

She always wondered why she felt that Lin Biao pinched her chin, and her eyes first swept her lips, but in the end, Lin Biao kissed her forehead instead of her lips? !

Is it... Is Lin Biao’s dislike of her being too ugly? !

Or is she eating something that shouldn't be eaten? !

The tone should not be there. Every time she sees Lin Biao, she checks it carefully...

Lu Yunfan thought of this, couldn't sleep, put the plush toys in his arms and set aside and walked to the mirror to observe his facial features.

It seems... a little bit of baby fat!

Lu Yunfan pinched the toot of his little face and looked down at his stomach.

Ok, maybe I have eaten a lot lately, I have to lose weight...

Maybe the toot on my face was unsightly, so Lin Biao finally kissed her forehead without kissing her lips.

Sighed, Lu Yunfan decided to go to the gym to report a personal training course, and strive to get slim down as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Lu Yunfan went to the gym not far from the gallery with dark circles. The little girl in the gym saw Lu Yunfan as a kind-hearted reminder: "In fact, I think... rest well, than exercise. More important, what do you think?!"

The little girl thought that Lu Yunfan had no time to rest and still wanted to exercise, and he carefully reminded him.

"Well, I know..." Lu Yunfan nodded, signed the word to buy the course, then went back to the gallery office and fell asleep on the table.

This sleep wakes up, Lu Yunfan looked at the watch, it is already twelve o'clock, and obviously can't catch the Lin's group to accompany Lin Biao for lunch.

Lu Yunfan called Lin Biao and said that he couldn't accompany Lin Biao at noon today. Just finished, Lu Yunfan thought about going to the gym in the afternoon. He said: "I can't eat with Lin Biao brother this afternoon, Lin Biao... ...I may have something in the afternoon, so... I will find you at noon every day!"

Lin Biao did not bother to ask the little girl: "What happened to you over there?!"

"Nothing! Lin Biao Ge, don't think too much, if something really happened, I will definitely call you the first time to let your boyfriend come over and help me solve it!"

Lu Yunfan is afraid of Lin Biao's worry. He can only tell the truth: "I reported a private education course in the afternoon. I didn't go to private lessons in the afternoon or do aerobic exercise, so I don't have time to go to dinner with you!"

Moreover, Lu Yunfan plans to lose weight at night and drink a meal replacement powder at night. It is inevitable to eat and drink with Lin Biao...

"You are going to lose weight?!" Lin Biao asked.

Lu Yunfan, who was seen through, blushes and leans his fingers on the edge of his desk: "Well... there is a little bit, and I also admire the figure of other vests..."

"It is necessary to exercise for the purpose of exercising. If you lose weight, I don't have to look at it. You are fat and have your own cuteness... that is your special feature!" Lin said.

Lu Yunfan’s heart thumps and jumps...

Fat a little... cute? !

Is Lin Biao brother boasting that she is cute? !

"Lin Biao... Do you think I am cute?!" Lu Yunfan asked.

"Well, very cute!" Lin Biao replied almost without thinking.

Lu Yunfan took a bit of baby fat, a bit of flesh and flesh did not want other girls to become thin, but not fat...

Lu Yunfan itself does not belong to the slender and tall line. The little girl is not tall, probably because of the smallness, plus a little baby fat is very cute, like a doll.

so cute……

Lu Yunfan’s face is going to burn!

Lin Biao Ge actually said she was very cute!

Especially embarrassed Lu Yunfan bit his lower lip, for a long time no snoring.

Lin Biao looked at the phone and saw that it was still connected: "Hey?!"

"I am in Lin Biao Ge!" Lu Yunfan replied busy, she asked her Lin Hai, Lin Lin, "That... Lin Biao, do you think I don't have to lose weight?!"

"No, everyone has their own characteristics, you also have your own characteristics..."

Therefore, Lin Yige means that fat is her characteristic? !

How do you feel like this is not a good word? ! But... Lu Yunfan is still very happy.

"Then I will still reduce it a little bit! If Lin Biao Ge doesn't feel good, I will eat it again, and I will play tricks."

Playing and playing? ! What is this word? !

Lin Biao did not intend to interfere in the life of the little girl. He said: "You like it..."

Hanging up the phone, Lu Yunfan thought about it and was afraid that she wouldn't go to work. Lin Biao was busy at work and didn't eat lunch. She saw the time when she sent the takeaway to Lin Biao, and felt that the take-away time was longer than the time she sent it. Fast, he gave Lin Biao a takeaway.

When Lin Biao was eating sandwiches in the office, the secretary took Lu Yunfan's takeaway for Lin Biao into the office.

"Lin, this is the takeaway that Miss Lu called you." The secretary came in with a thermos.

Lin Biao's brow is tight, Lu Yunfan called him a takeaway...

Probably Lu Yunfan showed that the order had been signed, and the little girl phone came soon.

"Lin Xiaoge, is the delivery already arrived?! Don't be good for lunch because I didn't accompany you for lunch!" Lu Yunfan's voice was full of girls.

Lin Biao looked at the incubator in front of him, and the lips twitched and asked Lu Yunfan: "Have you had lunch?!"

"My brother and I called the same takeaway, but the store is far away from me, so I haven't received it yet. Lin Biao brother, you can taste it and eat it well..." Lu Yunfan sounded cheerful.

Lin Biao opened the lunch box and looked at it. Although it was a takeaway, it looked very delicate...

Lin Biao took a piece of pork ribs with chopsticks and tasted it. Nod: "Well! Not bad..."

"Really?! That's great... Lin Biao, you are going to eat! I won't bother you, finish the work full of vitality! We will see you tomorrow!" Lu Yunfan laughed.

Just now Lu Yunfan’s personal teaching sent Lu Yunfan a message, saying that in the afternoon, Lu Yunfan practiced the abdominal core...

(End of this chapter)

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