Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1301: How a grievous expression

Chapter 1301, how a grievous expression

"Yeah! I have set three months, three meals in the morning, midnight and evening!" The little girl said happily. "It is not difficult to eat, I will definitely stick to it!"

Lin Biao also asked: "If you eat a fitness meal every day, then what do you mean by this phone is that you will not eat with me in the future?!"

"No, I don't mean this! In the future... I can accompany Lin Biaoge to eat together, then I will eat my fitness meal, Lin Qiao brother eats Lin Biao Ge! It is different to eat." Lu Yunfan said.

Lin Biao chuckled: "Okay, I hope you can hold on!"

Therefore, during the afternoon meal, it was said that no matter where Lu Yunfan would deliver fresh food to the gym in front of Lu Yunfan, the fitness meal was really delivered to the hot pot restaurant where Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan eat hot pot.

The delivery staff of the gym is also very intimate with Lu Yunfan. Don't eat hot pot. It is enough to eat a fitness meal.

Lu Yunfan also agreed very happily.

Then, sitting in front of Lin Biao, Lu Yunfan saw Lin Biao eating her favorite tender beef cattle, as well as hairy belly, flowing water, I feel that there is no taste of the fitness meal more and more tasteless.

The specially tasted hairy belly that has been cooked, stained with sesame sauce... with the tempting aroma of the hot pot bottom, Lu Yunfan, who took a salad, bites the lower lip, across the hot pot, the watery eyes look to the opposite side. Eat elegant Lin Biao.

"How is a grievance expression?!" Lin Biao smiled and asked, "Is the fitness meal not good?!"

Lu Yunfan bit his lip and gave a sip to his mouth: "Very delicious!"

Lin Biao nodded: "Well, then eat more!"

So, Lu Yunfan looked at Lin Biao after eating a plate of hair, and finally could not help but pick up the chopsticks.

"Hmm?!" Lin Biao looked at Lu Yunfan.

"I will eat a little, eat a little!" Lu Yunfan took the beef from the pot, and smashed it and sent it to the import...

Delicious on earth!

Such a contrast, Lu Yunfan really does not know how the world will have such a wonderful food for fitness meals, it is really too bad! Nothing tastes, boiled chicken breast, plus a bunch of grass that doesn't give salad dressing. Is this something people eat? !

In the evening, Lu Yunfan was satisfied with the meal and was sent home by Lin Biao. It was probably a sigh of heart and thought that he had eaten more at night. Lu Yunfan ran forty minutes on the treadmill, and the heart was relieved. I took a shower and went to sleep.

For a few days, the little girl was eating delicious under the leadership of Lin Biao, although the gym was on time to send the fitness meal to Lu Yunfan on time, but Lu Yunfan could not resist the temptation and Lin Biao ate a lot.

After three weeks, Lu Yunfan not only was not thin, but he was fat two pounds...

The little girl stood on the body fat scale at home and held her face in horror!

How can I get so hard when I try to exercise like this every day? !

What to do, I will soon be in a month with Lin Biao Ge, I am not thin and fat, will it be abandoned by Lin Biao? !

Lu Yunfan recalled her for a few weeks, and she did have a hard time to exercise...

Then, after working hard, I went to eat with Lin Biao, and then she felt that her fitness meal was very difficult to eat, and then... she would eat delicious with Lin Biaoge!

Probably because of the reason after the exercise, every time Lu Yunfan feels particularly hungry, she and Lin Biao eat a little, eat a little more!

Lu Yunfan squatted on the sofa with his face, what to do... This is really the result of eating it by himself!

Two pounds! Eat two pounds of meat!

I originally reported a fitness class, is it to eat myself fat? !

Lu Yunfan’s mood was very broken, and he felt that he had no face to see Lin Biao...

Obviously it is to lose weight, why the more you lose weight!

When Lu Yunfan was crying and mad, the cell phone rang, and the little girl took a look at Lin Biao, and the grievances were red.

The little girl sucked her nose and connected her phone: "Hey... Lin Biao Ge."

"What do you want to accompany me tonight?!"

The little **** the phone heard Lin Biao’s voice, and her eyes were redder...

What to accompany Lin Biao to eat, clearly what she wants to eat!

This has been like this for a few weeks. Lin Biao asked Lu Yunfan to accompany him to eat. Lu Yunfan said that he wanted to eat. After he went with Lin Biao, he ate more than Lin Biao, and he became a big fat man. ......

Seeing that there are still three days from the January period, Lu Yunfan feels that he may still be able to rescue him. Even if he is hungry for three days, he does not know if he can lose two pounds? !

"Lin Tongge, I am today... I am not going today!" Lu Yunfan said that he was particularly unfounded.

I clearly met Lin Biao, but I was afraid that I would eat too much and get fatter.

"What happened?!"

Lin Biao put down the documents in his hand and frowned at the little girl with a crying face.

Asked by Lin Biao, Lu Yunfan’s eyes became more red.

Lu Yunfan sucked his nose: "I am fat... two pounds!"

Lin Biao: "..."

Lin Biao thought that something went wrong.

"I didn't have a face to eat..." Lu Yunfan grievously shed tears. "I originally reported a fitness private education course. I thought that when we fall in love for a month, I will lose weight and become a beautiful girl. Then Lin Biao Ge will not Will abandon me, who knows... the more you lose weight! I have no face to see you, Lin Biao..."

"What big things happened to me at the time..." Lin Biao smiled and looked down at the file. "You are not a type of big beauty, so even if you lose weight, you can't lose a big beauty, but you lose your original." Features, you are very cute, don't lose your character."

"Cute?!" Lu Yunfan sucked his nose. "I am so cute, Lin Biao, will you break up with me?!"

Lin Biao's lips and corners are getting deeper and deeper: "then continue to get along and try..."

Lu Yunfan was shocked to stand up from the sofa: "What do you say Lin Biao Ge?!"

"I really like Lu Yunfan with meat fat. Before you lose this feature, let's get along and try it..." Lin Biao said.

"No loss! No loss! I am not only thin and fat, but I am still a little bit fat! The little face is still a meat toot. If you don't believe it for a while, I will give you a good time for Lin Biao Ge?"

Lu Yunfan's voice is also the tone of this kind of invitation, with the daughter's family's delicate, cute.

Lin Biao at the other end of the phone laughed and said: "Well... for a while, I will take a look!"

Hanging up the phone, Lu Yunfan happily squatted on the sofa: "Great! I don't have to break up with Lin Biao! Don't break up! Hahaha... don't break up!"

Lu Yunfan sat on the sofa and picked up the phone and dialed the phone of You Jiaxin!

(End of this chapter)

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