Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1308: She is already inseparable from Lin Biao!

Chapter 1308, she is inseparable from Lin Biao!

Lu Yunfan nodded hard: "Lin Xiaoge, you believe me! I won't let you wait for a long time! I will try my best to cook my cooking from tomorrow! I will definitely make you delicious! Cooking... My mother Said, I am quite talented!"

"Oh! I am waiting..." Lin said with a smile. "I am also cooking for the first time. If you don't do well, please also bear with me!"

"Really?!" Lu Yunfan's eyes are brighter.

She stared at Lin Biao's eyes full of emotions, and she saw that Lin Biao was somewhat inexplicable.

However, the expression of the little girl is like a little milk cat who was trying to sell Meng in her birth, but she couldn’t help but lick her hair.

Lu Yunfan’s children’s psychological activities at this moment are very rich.

Lin Biao brother first cook, actually for her!

Her He De He can get the love of Lin Biao Ge, and let Lin Biao brother personally cook for her!

Lin Biao Ge is really good!

How... I have already loved Lin Biao, but I still want to love more!

She is already inseparable from Lin Biao!

Decided! I want to love Lin Biao a little deeper every day! Forever!

She also has to work hard to make delicious food for Lin Biao!

Lu Yunfan learned the habit of always cooking and demoning in the past, and he was afraid of making dark dishes. Hey, Lin Biao, this time, according to the search results on the search engine, step by step.

While cooking according to the recipe, Lu Yunfan could not help but look at Lin Biao's direction.

Lin Biao pressed the squid with one hand and licked the knife with one hand. The elegant movement of the fish made a neat knife mark, and then smeared the fish with a mixture of salt and raw material.

Lu Yunfan must look at the idiot...

So handsome, being taken to the heart!

No wonder people say that serious men are particularly handsome! Her Lin Biao brother is invincible handsome!

How can anyone cook so well? !

The fish seemed to be exceptionally obedient under Lin Biao's hands, and it was not sticky at all. Lin Biao handled it easily.

See Lin Biao took out a few kitchen papers and wiped his hands and sprinkled **** and shallots on the fish, looking at her.

Lu Yunfan, who was caught in the bag, couldn't stand Lin Yu's deep and deep eyes. He quickly lowered his head and set the cucumber in his hand to clear the scorpion. He held the handle and licked the cucumber in both hands.

Lin Biao: "..."

Lin Biao originally wanted to say something, but when she looked at the girl who was "cutting" the cucumber, Lin Biao still said nothing, silently wrap the fish and the plate with plastic wrap.

The recipes that go up say that wrapping the fish and the plate with plastic wrap can speed up the taste, and it takes only fifteen minutes to steam on the pan.

Put the fish aside, and Lin Biao started searching for ribs. What should I do...

Here, Lu Yunfan has also “cut” the cucumber and put a piece of cucumber into the big bowl. According to the recipe, a spoonful will have two spoonfuls of vinegar, a small amount of salt, etc. Cold salad with cucumber.

She tasted it and it tasted good...I don’t know if it’s because her cucumber is too big to be tasted.

Lu Yunfan thought about it and added it again according to the weight of the seasoning. The double seasoning should be tasteful!

After finishing the seasoning, Lu Yunfan was satisfied with the cucumber and set aside his own cold coriander.

No way, Lu Yunfan knows that he is currently in a low position and only dares to challenge this low-level and simplest cuisine.

As for Lin Biao's first cooking is fish and pork ribs, Lu Yunfan has made up his mind, no matter how difficult it is for Lin Biao Ge, she will eat the light, and must not let Lin Biao brother sad!

So, Lu Yunfan further mixed the coriander according to the online recipe. When he looked back at Lin Biao, Lin Biao had already fished the ribs out of the water, and cleaned the floating foam on the upper layer of the ribs soup, and put them into kelp, carrots and corn. And yam.

Lu Yunfan stood next to him and watched Lin Biao's elegant handling of these ingredients. He watched him squatting over the gap in the pan and looking at the phone screen, then using a small bowl to prepare the soup.

Lu Yunfan bit his lip and his eyes locked the white licking fingers of Lin Biao stirring the soup...

Lin Biao's hand is so slender, the knot is clear, clean and beautiful!

What to do, suddenly the spoon on the hand of Lin Biao Ge, I also want to be led by Lin Biao...

In the kitchen, Lin Biao calmly and slowly carried out his work and looked so pleasing to the eye.

If you don't look at Lin Biao from time to time to look at the phone screen, Lu Yunfan really can hardly imagine that Lin Biao is the first time to cook, the movement is smooth and beautiful, the tall and straight figure stands there, looks better than the beautiful men who appear on the magazine TV. Still handsome!

Unconsciously, Lu Yunfan, like a flower idiot, held his face in his hands and looked at his boyfriend to cook food in the kitchen. He completely forgot that Lin Biao had let her cook rice.

When Lin Biao took the fish and ribs out of the country, he asked Lu Yunfan: "Is rice good?!"

rice? !

Lu Yunfan’s head had a short circuit. She stood up and patted her head hard: “Yeah! I forgot...”

Lin Biao: "..."

So what are you doing for a long time? !

Lin Biao wiped his hand and looked at the new rice cooker, strictly in accordance with the rice cooker instructions... Put the rice in the measuring cup that came with the rice cooker and put the water, press the steaming.

The soup is still boiled, and the five dishes are on the table. In addition to the take-out chicken legs that she heated up, the contrast... Lu Yunfan's dishes are simply terrible!

Lu Yunfan raised his hand and squinted, and he did not look at it!

Lin Biao's steamed sea bass, especially beautiful in color...

Sweet and sour pork ribs, the color is also very beautiful, it makes people feel particularly appetizing.

Where is this like the first time a chef can make it? !

This is even more beautiful than the ones sold in the restaurant, and the scent is tempting!

Lu Yunfan secretly swallowed a saliva.

In contrast, Lu Yunfan's cold cucumber... paragraph, and cold coriander...

Lu Yunfan put his hand down and apologized to Lin Biao: "Or else, Lin Biao, I will go and make you a corn egg! Heart-shaped?!"

"Forget it, the food is enough!" Lin Biao didn't mind at all. He handed the chopsticks to Lu Yunfan. "How about the taste!"

Lu Yunfan nodded, took the chopsticks and tasted a fish...

"Yeah!" Lu Yunfan's eyes are bright. "It's delicious! The fish is tender... It's still delicious! Super!"

Lu Yunfan said that he had a piece of ribs, and the tongue taste buds just touched the ribs. The sweet and sour taste was like blasting on the taste buds...

"Uh huh um..." Lu Yunfan excitedly slammed his feet, "It's delicious!"

Lu Yunfan’s performance is really not an exaggeration. Lu Yunfan did not eat sweet and sour pork ribs before...

(End of this chapter)

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