Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1310: Very sad

Chapter 1310 is extremely sad

Lu Yunfan did not react and screamed. When she reacted, she almost screamed. She squinted back and took two steps. The eyes were hard to cover the surprise. Her voice trembled and asked: "Lin Biao... What do you say?! What? ...have one family?!"

"If we get married, two people will be able to have one." Lin Biao replied casually.

He buckled his watch belt buckle and saw the little girl standing in the big eyes and said: "Then I will go first and come home to give you information."

Lu Yunfan nodded hard: "Good..."

She felt that she was trying to restrain her expression and wanted to pull Lin Biao to jump up, but she didn't want to be too unruly.

When Lin Biao was sent to the door, Lu Yunfan couldn’t control his hand and grabbed Lin Biao.

“Hmm?!” Lin Biao looked back and looked at Lu Yunfan’s eyes.

Lu Yunfan wanted Lin Biao’s words to come to his lips, and she was swallowed back by her...

She refrained from thinking that she wanted to rush to Lin Biao tonight, and smiled at Lin Biao: "Lin Xiaoge, be careful when driving."

Having said that, Lu Yunfan’s small hand holding Lin Biao’s wrist was not released.

Originally, they are already male and female friends, and they are all set to get married after five months. In fact, can they spend the night together? !

Lu Yunfan was shocked by his own thoughts.

"Is there something else?!" Lin Biao asked Lu Yunfan to ask questions.

"I see the time is very late, the aunts in the house have been cleaned up, or else... Lin Biao brother, you don't want anything tonight, don't... don't go back?!" Lu Yunfan looked up at Lin Biao.

The little girl seems to have the greatest courage in this life, and the eyelashes can't keep shaking, and she can't afford to say anything.

As Lu Yunfan said to Lin Biao at the beginning, Lin Biao can see the thoughts of Lu Yunfan at a glance.

The little girl may not have anything to do with Lin Biao tonight, just want to leave Lin Biao.

"Actually, I live alone in such a big villa, my heart is still a little scared..." Lu Yunfan's voice is very small, as if he is afraid of being rejected.

Lin Biao looked at Lu Yunfan's good bullying and asked: "Is there any new toiletries in the room?!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Yunfan’s eyes looked up and looked at Lin Biao with a sparkling scorpion. He nodded hard and said: “There are some! At first, the aunt was ready. I was afraid that our family would come here to see what I lived for one night. There are even razors, and there are new male pajamas that have already passed the water, but my brother has never passed through, to ensure that everything is complete! Also guaranteed new!"

Lin Biao’s deep-eyed scorpion swept through Lu Yunfan’s small hand and stared at Lu Yunfan, only laughing.

Lu Yunfan's blushing blush, the warmth of the entrance porch warm warm colors outline Lin Biao's three-dimensional and resolute facial features, his nephew smiled slightly, so that Lu Yunfan heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

So handsome! I want to kiss!

Lu Yunfan licked his lips, and the smile that could not be restrained at the bottom of his eyes came out, and he wore a pink heart.

Lu Yunfan hopes that time will be still at this moment, so that he can always be with Lin Biao and never be separated.

However, how do you seem to be close to the facial features of Lin Biao’s handsome and angry people? !

Lu Yunfan’s breathing was stagnant. She stared at Lin Biao and swallowed a sip of water. She watched Lin Biao move a step toward her and slowly lowered her head.

The speed of Lu Yunfan's heartbeat accelerated in an instant, and the chest was squeaking. She almost couldn't bear it. Is Lin Biao brother going to kiss himself? !

According to the truth, this is in the home of Lu Yunfan, Lin Biao is his favorite man.

But... Lu Yunfan is still awkward!

She bit her lower lip and stepped back awkwardly, watching Lin Biao: "Lin Biao..."

The sound is like a little milk cat who was just born and screamed for milk.

Lu Yunfan retired, Lin Biao was a step closer...

Lu Yunfan rubbed his chest with his hand, but he couldn’t talk but his brain, breathing and panicking, and bowing his thumb: "That... Lin Biao Ge, I still... I am not ready yet, my heart is about to jump out. You make me... you let me slow!"

Lin Biao couldn't help but raise his lips, and the curvature of his lips was so bright and dazzling.

“Where is the room?!” Lin Biao untied the watch and the suit button.

Lu Yunfan lowered his head and pointed to the direction upstairs: "The first room on the left hand side up..."

Lin beheaded, put on the slippers again, took out the phone and called Lin.

Lu Yunfan leaned on the position of the shoe cabinet, listening to Lin Biao while going upstairs, and calling the Lin family to say that he would not go back at night. She did not dare to go back to see Lin Biao, but she could not restrain her smile and bite her head. Nail smiled with a nail.

Until I heard the sound of closing the door upstairs, Lu Yunfan looked out from the back of the shoe cabinet and looked at the stairs. It was confirmed that Lin Biao was indeed in the room. Lu Yunfan clenched his hands and made a YES gesture, happily biting his teeth. Lame!

She did not dare to make excessive laughs, only dare to suppress the scream and jumped up.


The sound of Lin Biao suddenly came upstairs.

Lu Yunfan was so scared that he bit his tongue and bent over his mouth.

"Where is the new pajamas?! Didn't see..."

Lu Yunfan endured the pain of his tongue, coming out from behind the shoe cabinet, looking at the Lin Biao who was taking off his shirt and wearing a shirt at the stairway. He endured the tears in his eyes and the **** smell in his mouth. He smiled and said: "Auntie placed I have to go to the cloakroom, Lin Biao, you will go back to the room and wait for me!"

Lu Yunfan tried to keep smiling...

See Lin Biao nodded and left, Lu Yunfan licked his mouth and went straight to the bathroom, his tongue was bitten!

Sure enough, it is very sad!

Before the mirror, Lu Yunfan pulled the hairpins of the ponytail and pulled the hair back. He rushed upstairs into the cloakroom to find the set of water blue men's pajamas, laughing and holding into his arms.

Great! Today, she is also living with Lin Biao Ge!

Then... Do you want to take down Lin Biao brother this evening? !

Lu Yunfan sat on the stool in the cloakroom and called Yu Jiaxin.

You Jiaxin heard that Lu Yunfan had turned Lin Biao to their home and excitedly screamed: "I told you about Vatican. You are not too young now, in your twenties! You are not a child, you have to seize the opportunity to seize Time to take your family Lin Biaoge! At the beginning, I and Tang Xige were both my initiative! Otherwise, Don Xie always regarded me as a child and would not move that mind! You must hurry and take advantage of today... and your forest Hey brothers come to a sport of love! What do you say you know right? Love sports!"

Notice, it is expected that the day after tomorrow will begin to write when Han and Sumanman, the new syllabus is ready, and soon thousands of will open a new article, when the time will inform us big baby!

(End of this chapter)

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