Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1318: Sumanman feels that he also earned

Chapter 1318 Sumanman feels that he also earned

Two years later.

"Sumanman, are you crazy?! You are a newcomer who just debuted, do you talk to the director with that tone?!" Agent Li Renjie widened his eyes and looked at Suman, who was sitting on a lounge chair and applying a mask. Man, "Look at the movie star, watching the script, you are good... I also put a mask on the filming site to make a nail art! If you are seen, you should say that you are playing big!"

At the shooting scene, even the ancient style of the Emperor level did not have her newcomer.

The 瞅瞅 视 视 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视 视The assistant is just adding hot water to the side.

Look at the new artists in their home, Li Renjie just wants to say lying!

Sumanman suspected that the coat did not wear the image, wearing costumes, white clothes fluttering and not mentioning more fairy,? Around a circle of small sun heaters, four manicurists... two gave her two hands The fingernails, two gave her pedicure toenails, she will start shooting immediately after lunch, unloading makeup and lying on the mask lying there leisurely.

There are still assistants who bend over and hand the water to her mouth. She just needs to open her mouth and **** it with a straw... It’s beautiful!

This is a filming! Still come to be a princess? !

Even if he knew that Sumanman was indeed a little princess of Fu's family, she didn't know that the saliva drowned in the entertainment circle? !

As for her, if someone has taken two photos and uploads them online, she still doesn't know what to look like!

Sumanman, who is closed-eyed, opens his eyes to the direction of his own agent. The assistant is very eye-catching and opens a half mask to facilitate Sumanman's speech.

"The heroine is not coming to the big card until now. Is it difficult for me to take a makeup and sit here??! Destroy the skin and not destroy the skin?!" Sumanman didn't have a big voice, and the smile and the words were not polite. "I am even a female partner... It is also a female partner who has invested in the group. It solves the director's most troublesome financial problems. Let him remind me that the female starring actress who is not dedicated to playing big cards is coming over, what can't it be?! ”

Li Renjie: "..."

He could not refute.

Sumanman’s eyes swept to the deputy director who overheard the corner of the corner. The lips were tilted: “If I am really unreasonable, I don’t want to let the director change the heroine or withdraw the money. What do you say about the director?! Yes... Xu Deputy Director?!"

The named deputy director quickly came out, accompanied by a smile, nodded: "That... the director told me something a little, I passed first..."

Looking at the assistant director who ran away, Sumanman lay back, and the assistant put the mask on her.

Since Jiang Mingzhu successfully said that she wants to enter the entertainment industry, Fu family first disagreed. She changed her name to Sumanman and began to perform in the entertainment circle.

How to say it, although the Fu family did not agree, but when she stepped into the entertainment industry, as long as she needed... Fu Jia did not give up.

In this life, her starting point and background are much higher than her life. She also feels comfortable to become Sumanman and vows to live a good life. Fu Manman is more ready than Jiang Mingzhu to complete, and also completes himself... ...the revenge and the wish of the early cold.

In the past life, I have been playing in the entertainment industry for many years. Sumanman knows how to get angry. Now the world is full of gentle white flowers. Otherwise, it is the woman who is set up. The public has long been tired of watching...

Therefore, Sumanman is taking the casual, poisonous tongue, but not losing the heart of justice. The true nature is set by this person. The entertainment circle is alone. It is either blacked out... dead, or it is blasted after being black. .

However, even if it is black death... death, this life can live according to his own heart, Sumanman feels earned.

Besides, the back of Fu Jiahao is cool, Sumanman is not afraid.

As for why Sumanman chose such a TV series, why not choose to be a female lord directly, but chose to be a female mate, because this heroine Meng Yuqiao is now Du Lingyang's girlfriend.

The most disturbing thing for Sumanman in these years is that Du Lingyang’s good feelings after she died after she died, the huge pearl powder turned around and once loved the beans and lover, called Duling Yang Nuzhen... It becomes a proper mother-in-law powder.

In order to uncover the true face of Du Lingyang, she used the trumpet to tell the truth. She was almost caught by Du Lingyang’s people. She was also attacked by her own fans and became a plug. Do you say that the heart is not blocked? !

Later, when the mother-in-law saw Du Lingyang’s singles for so many years, they began to persuade Du Lingyang to let go of a good life, indicating that Zhu also hoped to see him in the sky, and then in a star love show... Du Lingyang It was with Meng Yuqiao, who is known as a friend of Jiang Mingzhu.

It can be a lifetime, and she is the only one who admits to be a good friend.

When Su Manman thought of the show, Du Ling Yang was so depressed that he sat in the moonlight in the middle of the night, holding the watch she had sent, and turned away from tears, and was called the comfort of Meng Yuqiao’s picture... Disgusting vomiting.

The two of them are now deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and each year they will also hold hands together to worship Jiang Mingzhu, so that the pearl powder is also very moving.

Sumanman is not willing to let them step on their shoulders to make a name for themselves. What kind of people are the two people, Sumanman has been taught in the past, she has to pull them down step by step.

After Sumanman finished the mask and nails, the heroine Meng Yuqiao finally came late.

Meng Yuqiao went to the small white flower who was still walking as usual. Because of the lateness of the apology, he gave a apology to the director and the crew of the crew. At the end, he went to the emperor to apologize to an ancient teacher. It also brought snacks and coffee to the Emperor.

It’s notorious that the emperor’s temper is good, and he laughed and thanked him. There is no extra words.

Meng Yuqiao looked in the direction of Sumanman...

She heard that a newcomer with funds to join the group had actually squeezed out Ming Xiaoyu and became the actor of the Feng Elders in The Antiquity.

She hasn't arrived yet. The eyes in the crew have already told Sumanman's sect to Meng Yuqiao. Meng Yuqiao is only a rich lady who is not interested in playing, but at this time, just look at it. Sumanman’s pair of clear and clear scorpions trembled.

Meng Yuqiao has always been confident in his appearance, but when Sumanman is in the eye... The whole person is still amazed for a long time.

Sumanman wore that scented white dress, sitting with his one hand on his body, and one hand elbow resting on the knee of his left leg...

(End of this chapter)

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