Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1323: Sumanman step did not run white

Chapter 1323 Sumanman Steps No White Run

She didn't know what it was like when she was in the early hours of the cold. She couldn't think of going to the haunted house to do this variety show. Isn't it afraid to be in the haunted house? !

"Go??" Tu Jie asked.

Go, don’t you go to the beginning of the cold? !

At the beginning of the cold, the fans were perfect in front of the fans. How can such a perfect person be considered a ghost by fans? !

Sumanman nodded: "I am going!"

Sumanman promised that in the expectation of Tu Jie, he nodded: "Well, I will let the gods take care of you!"

Sumanman didn't say anything, she thought the final result might be that she was taking care of the early hours.

I think that I have given the red line a smile on the red line at the beginning of the cold, and I only feel that the red scarf on the chest is more vivid.

He is doing his best... As for the development of Sumanman and Shi Hanchu, Tu Jie is also looking forward to it.

"If you agree, then I will tell the program group now, the shooting time will be next Wednesday, I will communicate with the director in advance on the side of the crew. You will fly directly to Japan on Tuesday, and I will fly over there. Let the program group send someone to pick you up, okay?!” Tu Jie and Sumanman discussed.

Sumanman beheaded: "Good..."

Soon soon, Sumanman packed up a few large suitcases and sent them to the airport. The film was filmed on Tuesday in the "Antiquity" crew, and the director released the player early.

Thinking about it in a few hours, when I saw it, Sumanman was immediately full of blood.

A few hours of the plane, when Sumanman arrived in Japan, the Japanese days were already dark...

The "Terrorist House Combat" program group held a sign at the door and waited for Sumanman, and left and waited for the right to wait for the program group to call Sumanman's contact information.

Just dialing the phone here, Sumanman was followed by several assistants and makeup artists pushing the suitcase out.

The people who came to pick up Sumanman from the program group all looked at it, but they came to shoot a day's show. How did they bring so much luggage? !

Seeing the figure, wearing a sportswear, a cap with a cap and a mask, followed by an assistant who took the bag and answered the phone while handing water to Sumanman. Several people hurried forward.

"Sorry, I am embarrassed, my stomach is not comfortable. Manman sister waited for me to get off the plane and squatted on the toilet, so it was late!" The assistant first apologized to the staff of the program team.

People have three urgency, who can control the diarrhea, the staff of the program group to pick up the frown and said: "I am fine, that is, God is still waiting in the car!"

In this case, Sumanman’s assistant’s face was green, and he was busy with Sumanman’s words: “Manman, the **** is also in the car...”

Sumanman heard, after the footsteps, he took the assistant's hand and opened his long legs...

"No... Sorry! We will come over immediately!" The assistant said that it was incomplete. It was almost a slogan to the phone.

Sumanman’s eyes were sharp, and the words “Terrorist House Combat” were immediately sprinted by the assistant. The makeup artist and the other three assistants were all pushing the luggage cart to chase after the smoke.

"Sorry! It’s late..."

Sumanman dragged an assistant and ran so long, and the assistant she was dragging was already panting, but Sumanman was not flustered.

During the two years of weight loss, Sumanman did not run white.

The guests came with a cap and a mask. The staff couldn't see Sumanman's looks and smiled and pointed Sumanman to the doorway...

From the airport, the sky has been drizzling, and under the streetlights, it seems to be a fine mist, and the road light is turned into a fuzzy velvet photosensitive circle.

Sumanman’s heartbeat was very fast before the business car. She still has no makeup today. After getting on the bus, she must take off her mask!

However, Sumanman has great confidence in his own beauty. After all, she is so beautiful that she does not allow herself to appear anything wrong.

But if you can take a look at the mirror before getting on the bus, it’s better to make sure you have no problem again...

When the door opened, Sumanman took off the cap and mask and took a deep breath.

Can be on the bus, how come when there is no cold? !

Sumanman looked back at the staff who took her on the business car and asked, "Isn't that God is in the car?!"

Under the street lamp, the cap and mask were taken, and only the pony tail was tied... This time it was a shock to heaven.

After a moment, the staff of the program group immediately returned to God and pointed to Sumanman’s car in front: “The **** is in front...”

In the car in front!

Sumanman has a lost loss, but it should be!

Come to Japan who is not an assistant and a lot of things, how can a car sit so many people.

Moreover, since I started to stay in the same hotel together, I would definitely meet for a while. At this time, she put on a mask and paint a light makeup for a while. It was just right at the beginning of the hotel.

Sumanman got on the bus and adjusted the seat sticker to take a rest with the headphones.

Driving all the way to the hotel, when Sumanman got off the bus, it was already a beautiful person.

Just getting off at the hotel entrance, it led others to turn back frequently.

At the beginning of the cold, there was a fan who got the news in advance. I knew that I would stay at this hotel when I was cold. I had already stayed at the hotel door early, wearing a raincoat and holding the card at the beginning of the cold.

When I got off at the beginning of the cold, the fans couldn't help but scream and shouted the name of the early Han Dynasty. Some of them excited and cried.

Sumanman thought that he had the opportunity to speak with the early hours of the cold. It was obvious that when he was at the beginning of the cold, he was standing in front of the fans and asked the fans to ask for help. She was not good enough to walk past the blunt and greet at the beginning of the cold. Take a look at the beginning of the cold, then go to check in with the assistant.

On the way to the room, Sumanman is obviously not very emotional!

The only makeup artist Yang didn't know the situation. He thought that when Sumanman was jealous, there were fans who came to pick her up at the beginning of the cold. He smiled and said: "I have a hunch that afterwards, Manman fans will wait for Manman at the hotel door. Mann is like a god, gentle to the fans! Fans are not as thick as ours!"

"Do you mean that I am not good to you?!" Sumanman asked.

Yang is only busy: "Which can! The salary you gave us in the whole circle is high. After a holiday, I will send a big red envelope. Where can I find such a good boss! I am not slap the boss, save me. Abandoned by the boss!"

"Less poverty!" Sumanman's lips have a smile.

Yang is the only makeup artist of Jiang Mingzhu. Later, Jiang Mingzhu’s death was the only thing that did not have any thoughts to follow other stars. After a year of depression, he followed the director of Pang Tong and became the makeup artist of Pang Tong’s director.

(End of this chapter)

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