Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1328: Director, are you sure you are not looking for it? !

Chapter 1328 Director, are you sure you are not looking for it? !

Ji Jiarou's group of grinding and grinding for two hours came out.

Ji Jiarou cried tears and had no sense of beauty at all. When he came out, his legs were soft at the exit and he was helped by several staff members.

"How long?!" Li Mao asked Ji Jiarou.

Ji Jiarou cried and said that she was unlucky. She was actually posted twice by the ghost king, so she could only be trapped inside.

The three groups that haven't entered yet see Ji Jia softly. Her companion's face is pale and bloodless, and she has a bit more fear of this haunted house.

Ji Jia is a very clever actress, she is afraid... but she knows that the longer she stays in the camera, the more the audience is now, the more viewers like to watch the abuse star, the more miserable she is... the audience will The more funny I feel, the more variety.

Therefore, the first time Ji Jiarou was posted by the ghost king, it was deliberate... The second time there was a deliberate suspicion. Others did not know, and the sports star who formed a team with Ji Jiarou was very clear.

Ji Jiarou, who has been scared to face no one's face, sat on the stool and did not forget to provide information to everyone, saying that when a child's crying sounds, it is necessary to pay attention to the ghost king haunted!

The sports star also followed the nod: "Once the ghost king is infested, a large number of ghosts will follow up and chase people. The most desperate thing is that you have already gone to the exit, but because the rules are labeled by the ghost king, you have to stay for half an hour. You have to Inside and all the ghosts chase for half an hour, is a super-powerful chase."

This tip is also a conscience, at least let others know the signs before the ghost king came out, and understand that you should never be chased by the ghost king.

Just two times when Han Han and Su Manman were lucky, they passed too fast, and the ghost king had not had time to come out...

The program "Terrorist Warfare" is either a horror plot, or simply overnight in a famous haunted house or a place where there are strange events.

Today's program is very simple, just let the guests walk around the haunted house.

The two missions of Shi Hanchu and Sumanman were completed early, but they were only fifteen minutes in the haunted house. This is very unfriendly to the program group that was to be led by the early hours of the cold.

So when all the groups came out of the haunted house, the director made a moth for the ratings, and began to count what the previous groups had encountered in the haunted house.

And the pictures have been printed out, indicating that these groups need to go in again to return the things they encountered before.

Several groups immediately mourned and accused the directors of playing the game.

Sumanman got their photos and raised their hands: "Director, but what are the tables that have been hit, what the photographers do is not related to us!"

The director has already seen Sumanman’s performance in the haunted house. He knows that Sumanman is not afraid of ghosts. It’s not like to make people look pale and not to lie to others. He smiled and pointed at one of her pictures with a scalpel. : "The position of the scalpel is misplaced, please return to your position!"

Sumanman: "..."

The error that doesn't even reach ten centimeters is also called misplacement? ! Director, are you sure you are not looking for it? !

"Wow, Manman... You actually took the scalpel inside! Are you not afraid?!" Ji Jiarou looked at the photo and was undecided.

"Then I put the scalpel that I moved, let the photographer return to what the photographer himself encountered!" Sumanman said.

The director replied to Sumanman: "Oh... innocent!"

After that, the director continued to add: "Photography is accompanied by the team members. I hit the props and shift the props in the task of restoring the props. I hope that the players will remember the props you encountered. Returning home, if there is any omission, it will return to the homing again..."

When I heard this, Ji Jiarou’s face was white, and her little hand trembled to pick up the picture and asked the director: “How does this get us back? The director is sure that the monkey is not sent to us?!”

The person who went in once also wanted to go in for the second time, but he had to succumb to the director's group.

“In addition, in order to avoid giving the photographer a psychological shadow, this time the guest brought his own photography equipment and was not accompanied by a photographer.”

The director’s words fell, the photographers of the photography group applauded, and the guests almost collapsed collectively...

Just four people just went in together, so that people can still feel a little comforted. This will really let two people go in. Some of the members of the group have a little deep inside, but if you think about it, let’s not let a person go in. Acceptable.

After the re-draw, Ji Jiarou’s group was very sad and rushed to the second one. She carefully remembered the original picture many times and asked the director to let her bring the picture in. She hit the thing too much, afraid of not The law is all in place.

Can be directed by Ji Jiarou spoiled and sold Meng is also unmoved, Ji Jiarou had to sit with his companion to desperately remember, waiting to enter again.

Sumanman has no pressure on the chair to play mobile games, very focused.

Someone saw that Sumanman was still playing mobile games. He went over and asked: "Is Manman nervous?! Why are you still playing mobile games?!"

At the beginning of the cold, I also looked in the direction of Sumanman...

"I am too nervous, so playing mobile games eases relief!" Sumanman looked up and said, it seems that his face has not recovered his blood.

"Manman sister..." The assistant handed the word Mei to Sumanman.

Sumanman held the phone in his hands and smacked it to smell the plum, and he slid it into his mouth.

At the beginning of the cold, the pupil contracted.

"I love to eat Mei! But I can't eat, the heat is so high... It's so sweet! It's anti-aging, and it's all about anti-sugar, so I will smell it, can you eat it well?! ”

Jiang Mingzhu’s voice was more and more clear in his mind, which disturbed the mood of the early Han Dynasty.

At the beginning of the cold, the heart seemed to be shackled by one hand, and the pain made him unable to breathe.

Yang only said that Sumanman is imitating Jiang Mingzhu...

But where did she come from so much news about Jiang Mingzhu? ! Where is it from? Where do you know the habits of Jiang Mingzhu? !

Sumanman, who is playing the game, feels a scorching gaze, looks up and looks at the squatting squats of the early Han Dynasty.

Sumanman had a question in his eyes. "Well," he asked, what happened when the early Han Dynasty? !

Sumanman slightly raised his eyebrows, his eyes were puzzled with the look of inquiry... It was too natural to be too familiar, and when he was too familiar at the beginning of the cold, he was familiar with the fact that he felt that the person was not dead at all, just beside him. illusion.

At the beginning of the cold, his palm hurt, and he turned his fists hard.

(End of this chapter)

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