Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1340: I will handle it!

Chapter 1340 is on me!

Meng Yuqiao knows Du Lingyang too!

He will do this, probably already gave birth to the idea of ​​abandoning himself...

Presumably Du Lingyang is watching the background behind the Sumanman, and Sumanman is indeed a mess of fire, so I want to do with Sumanman... their mutual cooperation.

Meng Yuqiao's eyes are all red blood, she is biting her teeth...

Want to leave yourself, Du Lingyang dreams!

He dared to take her as a stepping stone... She dared to let Du Lingyang lose her name.


Sumanman was very satisfied with the wind that looked at him.

Now Sumanman was stunned by a small wave of black powder, and fans of Du Lingyang said that Sumanman touched Du Lingyang.

I am very worried, but Sumanman is not at all concerned.

Sumanman has already lived in adulthood. She knows that her current popularity is difficult to compete with Du Lingyang, so she has long known that she will be held by others.

But to ruin a person, start a little bit...

This is only for the first time to let everyone associate the word Du Lingyang and the scum male. In the following, more and more Du Lingyang’s black materials will burst out, and Du Lingyang’s people will collapse with it. !

What Sumanman wants is to make Du Lingyang robbed.

Du Lingyang is a murderer, Sumanman will find ways to get evidence and avenge himself for the rest of his life.

"Manman...Jie Ge calls!" He sent Sumanman's mobile phone, and the voice was a little empty.

Sumanman looked at his sly expression and took the phone. He smiled and asked, "What is your guilty look like this?!"

咚咚: "..."

Is this all seen? !

Sumanman puts his mobile phone in his ear: "Jie Ge..."

When I saw the phone connected, I quickly ran outside the private room of the beauty salon, for fear that Sumanman would marry her for a while.

Tu Jie heard Sumanman’s voice and said: “He sent me a video, it’s your makeup artist Yang’s only conversation with you...”

Sumanman stunned and shot her and Yang’s only conversation. Sumanman knew that it was only Sumanman who did not expect to have posted this video online.

"I think this video is very helpful for you to set up a person. Although you said that you are not allowed to send out, I still want to persuade you..." Tu Jie did not make his own claim, but first sought Sumanman. The meaning, persuade one to persuade her.

Sumanman glanced in the direction of the door. He knew that he was kind and did not blame. He said: "No, I am personally thinking that I don't have to worry so much. I want to stand up a little! Help Yang only this. At first, I didn't intend to let her know. I didn't want to help people with a reputation. The video of the sneak shot was open to me. It is helpful to Yang. But how can Yang mix in the circle?! If I The person is set up on the future of a person’s career, especially in the family who has a large amount of money to pay for a sick mother. This person has set me not to..."

After Tu Jie listened to Sumanman’s words, there was still a little bit of emotion in his heart.

For a long time, Tu Jie sighed and said: "Well... I know!"

"Jie Ge, I have worked hard!" Su Manman thanked Tu Jie.

Hanging up the phone, Sumanman put down the magazine in his hand and screamed in. After the confession, he saw Yang. The only thing that didn’t nose was not the nose, not the eyes.

I am particularly puzzled: "But Manman... she is so black! Even if you don't plan to make a public video, you have to fire her!"

"Since you secretly recorded the video, you should also know that Yang has only one mother who needs to spend money urgently. It is not easy for anyone! From another point of view, she used to be the makeup artist of Jiang Mingzhu... I saw some Habits are similar to Jiang Mingzhu. The subconscious will think that I want to imitate Jiang Mingzhu and give me a scorpion. This is also because of the loyalty to Jiang Mingzhu. Such people will not really be bad!"

Suddenly frowning at the pure eyes of Sumanman: "You are... not angry at all?!"

pissed off……

How can you not be angry, but as long as you think that Yang’s only mother is still sick, think of Yang’s only for the former Jiang Mingzhu, all for her... she will not be angry.

Everyone said that the most favorite fan of the whole entertainment circle is Jiang Mingzhu. For those who like themselves... she always gives the most tolerance.

I bowed my head: "I told you... I am very uncomfortable in my heart. She is so dark to you. I am afraid that I will not be able to hold the video when I can't help it!"

Looking at the shackles that swayed over the gang, Sumanman smiled and reached out and licked his head: "It’s bigger than me, how is it like a child! I have time to be angry... it’s better to watch. A video of God speaking to me in front of a media reporter several times, do you want to watch with me?!"

Rubbing your eyes, nodding.

The video two people have been together and read it many times, and the mood is finally better.

"Manman... Are you particularly fond of God?!" whispered Sumanman.

Sumanman stared at the screen and nodded.

He raised his hand and buckled Sumanman’s shoulder and said seriously: “Then you can rest assured, I will help you! I have been very good with the assistant Song Song who is next to God!”

"That's up to you!" Sumanman spoke up in a serious confrontation.

He was nominated for a heavy responsibility, patted his chest and promised: "You can rest assured! Wrap it on me!"

Sumanman repeatedly watched the video of talking to her at the beginning of the cold, and it was better to read it once...

After seeing countless times, Sumanman remembered that he should send a message to express his gratitude.

She took out her mobile phone and opened the mobile phone number at the beginning of the cold.

At the end of the editorial message, Sumanman habitually added a blinking expression to the beginning of the cold, and almost all of it was sent out... After she hesitated, she removed the smile.

Since I decided to become Sumanman, many habits will change...

Otherwise, what should you think of yourself at the beginning of the cold? !

After the information was sent, Sumanman began to watch the video of the early Han Dynasty again and again, waiting for the reply at the beginning of the cold, and the mood was more than a little bit pleasant.

As a result, Sumanman did not wait for the response from the early Han Dynasty, but waited for the famous director Chen Wenhua to invite her to audition.

Who is the director of Chen Wenhua? !

Very very famous director...

How famous is it? !

Probably... as long as it is the film he made, almost all of them are sold and sold, even if they all use new people, the box office is not a hate.

At that time, both Han and Jiang Mingzhu were fired from the director Chen Wenhua.

Especially Jiang Mingzhu, and later almost the imperial actress directed by Chen Wenhua.

(End of this chapter)

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