Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1344: Can't you see this little trick?

Chapter 1344, can't you see through this little trick?

Probably because I once owned, sang the taste, I feel that is the case, and now her family background is very hard, not short of money.

So Sumanman is more concerned about whether he can occupy a place in the history of film.

With such an idea, Sumanman’s film directed by Chen Wenhua is bound to win.

Tu Jie originally planned that if director Chen Wenhua was picky about Sumanman, he went in and talked about...

I didn't expect him to see a few directors in the heated discussion and change the script after entering. It seems that the performance of Sumanman's audition today gave them new ideas and felt even better.

"This little girl played well. Since it is a family of nine-tailed foxes... then it’s natural and charming, and words and deeds should be enchanted with hooks. At least until you know your life, you certainly haven’t deliberately converged!”

Tu Jie heard this and quietly stood by and did not rush to ask Chen Wenhua, and he planned to understand and ask the situation. Who knows that he just stood by and wanted to listen quietly, and was discovered by Director Chen Wenhua.

"Tu Jie, what are you doing there?!" asked Chen Wenhua.

Tu Jiezhen smiled at Director Chen Wenhua: "I don't want to secretly listen to your evaluation of Manman, but also know where her problem is, let her correct it. After all, she is a newcomer, and I didn't expect her to really Can be selected! I heard the cold at the beginning... This character was left to Pearl, but I didn’t expect Pearl to pass away, even your plan was put aside!"

"The person recommended by the early Han Dynasty, not bad!" Director Chen Wenhua smiled and smiled aloud, "Like this little girl!"

For so many years, because of the mythical universe they built, the first heroine could not be settled, and their director’s plans were delayed...

He also had no actor like Jiang Mingzhu who was as beautiful and acting as Jiang Mingzhu after his death, but Su Manman’s appearance really made him shine.

Whether it is understanding or understanding of the script, Sumanman is too good.

Outstanding, the director Chen Wenhua was shocked. He saw a girl who was better than Jiang Mingzhu.

When Tu Jie heard the words of Director Chen Wenhua, the speed of the heartbeat suddenly increased.

Chen Wenhua, the most discerning director in the entertainment circle, decided to use Sumanman. What is this signal? !

Sumanman will be a big fire...

"That! Chen Dao... I will go back with Manman first, let her back the script well, then... Can I officially announce that you choose Manman as the heroine?!" Tu Jieyan talked to Chen Wenhua The director is very respectful.

"When the official Weibo of our crew is established, there will be a few starring roles. When you forward it!" directed by Chen Wenhua.

"Okay! Then there is nothing else I will go first!" Tu Jieyan is happy.

"This time until the end of my play, don't arrange other activities for this little girl, let her finish the scene with peace of mind, tell her... as long as she plays well, the future is unlimited!"

This is what Chen Wenhua’s director told Tu Jie to convey to Sumanman, and also told Tu Jie’s words!

The meaning is very clear, do not give Sumanman business activities during this time, and do not take any endorsements. After this play, there will be higher endorsements to find Sumanman.

The endorsement of Sumanman’s olive branch is indeed good, but if Sumanman is directed by Chen Wenhua’s play, then the endorsement of luxury is not a problem!

Tu Jie nodded: "You can rest assured that Chen Dao, I understand the importance."

From the inside, Tu Jie said this news with Sumanman's feelings of self-improvement and Sumanman, so that Sumanman can feel at home to watch the script during this time. Other activities will help Sumanman, including "Antiquity The propaganda of "" is not intended to let Sumanman go.

"Is this not good for Manman?!" I have some concerns. "Now it has been said that Manman’s temper is not good enough. If someone says that Meng Yuqiao has stood up and apologized, Manman is still What should I do with Meng Yuqiao?!"

"It doesn't matter. Whoever stipulates that others should apologize must be forgiven! This does not care!" Su Manman told Tu Jie, "I don't want to pick up any activities during this time, then listen to your peace of mind and watch the script at home!"

After returning to his residence, Sumanman saw Du Lingyang’s interview and Meng Yuqiao’s live video, sneer...

These two people are really okay, just like Xiaoqiang who can't die.

Putting the phone aside, Sumanman is about to watch the script, and he listens to his face and is not happy: "Meng Yuqiao is really shameless! After the death, Jiang Mingzhu has been dead for two years, she is still tied with ginger. Pearl made an article, and made a fuss... It’s still done by Jiang Mingzhu’s mother. Are the fans behind Jiang Mingzhu’s shadow stupid?! Actually, I feel that this product is heavy and heavy! I grabbed someone else’s boyfriend... Also want to grab someone's mother!"

Upon hearing this, Sumanman frowned and asked: "What happened?!"

The more angry she was, the more she handed her mobile phone to Sumanman: "Just this Meng Yuqiao! Because it is said that you have imitated Jiang Mingzhu’s things after being copied, she is smart... I went directly to Jiang Mingzhu’s mother. Then pitifully cried and apologized to Jiang Mingzhu’s mother, saying that her behavior had smeared Jiang Mingzhu. Jiang Mingzhu’s mother also comforted her and said that she knew the heart of the pearl! This is not a slap! Whoever apologizes and takes the reporter Shooted?!"

Sumanman saw the photo as a fire.

What does Meng Yuqiao do other things, Sumanman does not matter, can take her mother to make a fuss Sumanman can not bear.

But now she can rush to her mother, saying that Meng Yuqiao is not his own friend? !

Because of the entertainment, Sumanman and his mother were very stiff.

Mother and daughter are you do not know my life, I do not know your life, old and dead do not come and go!

Now that her daughter is dead, her mother’s apology is used in this... a woman who claims to be her daughter’s best girlfriend.

Su Manman did not understand, the mother is so strong and intelligent, is it true that even Meng Yuqiao’s little tricks can’t be seen? !

still is……

Sumanman took a hand on the phone and tightened it slightly, or said... Because after she died, she was too missed her daughter, too lonely, so she chose to accept Meng Yuqiao? !

Sumanman can hear every heartbeat, and she can be sure that her guess is at least seven or eight points.

When a person is alone, he will have a strong tolerance for the person who is with him.

When Jiang Mingzhu passed away, she read the news... This Meng Yuqiao was accompanied by Jiang Mingzhu’s mother for more than a month as a friend of Jiang Mingzhu’s life.

(End of this chapter)

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