Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1346: For me, it’s a last resort.

Chapter 1346 is a last resort for me.

In this way, more and more Venus beauty salons opened by Ye Qinghan...

Ye Qinghan can always be managed by the manager. She uses the beauty secrets uploaded by her ancestors, plus her own skin care products, and beauty products to serve consumers.

Sumanman sat in the hall and did not enter the VIP room. She was afraid to miss Ye Qinghan.

What Sumanman didn't think was that Ye Qinghan actually came over with the store manager and said that she would explain this new skin care film to her.

When Su Manman saw Ye Qinghan, his eyes were wet.

She refrained from her own emotions, pretending to be calm and calm, with a smile on her lips...

"Miss Su, hello... this is the founder of our Venus beauty salon..."

"I know!"

The manager has not finished, and the words have been interrupted by Sumanman.

Sumanman stood up and looked at Ye Qinghan: "This is Ms. Ye Qinghan, the mother of Mingzhu!"

Ye Qinghan was surprised and looked at the amazing little girl in front of her eyes.

I don't know why, Ye Qinghan only feels that the little girl in front of her eyes is inexplicably familiar.

"Hello aunt, I am Fu Manman... I used to work with Mingzhu in "The World"!" Su Manman reported his real name to Ye Qinghan.

Since the death of Jiang Mingzhu, Ye Qinghan has repeatedly watched the TV series that Jiang Mingzhu played before.

Her favorite is Jiang Mingzhu's "The World".

I just thought that the little girl who is so beautiful to the real person is familiar with it. Now look at it...

Ye Qinghan then reacted to the age of Sumanman. He said: "You are... the little Su Qinghe inside?!"

Sumanman smiled and nodded: "It's me, my aunt!"

Ye Qinghan didn't usually watch the gossip news, so she didn't know that Sumanman was Meng Yuqiao who cried in front of her... the girl who imitated Jiang Mingzhu.

Looking at Sumanman, Ye Qinghan inevitably remembered Jiang Mingzhu, her lips twitched, and the smile at the bottom of her eyes was a bit sad: "All... long!"

Sumanman nodded.

"Han 姨..."

Sumanman had not had time to talk to Ye Qinghan, and he heard Meng Yuqiao’s sweet and greasy voice at the door.

Ye Qinghan turned back and saw Meng Yuqiao, wearing a small dress with sunglasses, coming in, picking up the mask...

Ye Qinghan’s lips can’t help but hook up: “How come you are on such a hot day?!”

Meng Yu's lips twitched off the sunglasses and saw Sumanman standing opposite Ye Qinghan.

"Go and pour a cup of warm water!" Ye Qinghan told the staff in the store, said to Meng Yuqiao, "Slightly wait for me for a while."

Meng Yu-chun bites his lip and is still heading in this direction. His eyes stare at Sumanman.

Su Manman did not think that Meng Yuqiao would come over today, and the corner of his lips would smack a smear of curvature. It wouldn’t be like Meng Mengqiao’s eyes, only to Ye Qinghan: “Is it convenient to introduce the film in the VIP room? ?!"

"Of course!" Ye Qinghan nodded.

"Manman!" Meng Yuqiao first called Sumanman. She went to Ye Qinghan and raised her hand to hold Ye Qinghan's arm. She said to Sumanman, "This is the mother of Pearl, Ye Qinghan."

Sumanman’s gaze swept away, and the voice was a bit lazy and cold: “Mingzhu sister showed me a photo with my aunt, you don’t need to introduce it.”

Meng Yuqiao's fingers were slightly trembled. She did not listen to Du Lingyang who said that Jiang Mingzhu had been with Sumanman before.

I also played drums in my heart. Sumanman really knows Jiang Mingzhu? !

Ye Qinghan saw the wrong way between the two girls, and guessed that Sumanman was probably the one that Meng Yuqiao said... the girl who imitated Jiang Mingzhu.

"Sorry, I said before you imitate the Pearl, I am just..."

"You don't have to explain to me. Your apology and explanation after the truth is published is a last resort for me!" Sumanman's lips twitched and looked at Meng Yuqiao, a beautiful pair of beautiful people, " First, I used Jiang Mingzhu to bundle and sell myself. Now I am also aunt! Who is going to complain to my friend and apologize and bring the reporter?!"

Sumanman pointed his head and said: "The brain is a good thing, I hope you have it!"

Meng Yuqiao held the hand of Ye Qinghan’s arm slightly tightened...

Ye Qinghan looked at Sumanman's sloppy gesture, and the subconscious actually thought of Jiang Mingzhu.

Although Jiang Mingzhu always showed a gentle and perfect appearance to others, Ye Qinghan knew his daughter too much. She was actually cozy and arrogant in her bones.

Meng Yuqiao smashed his tears, Ye Qinghan applauded the hand of Meng Yuqiao, obviously biased toward Meng Yuqiao: "The reporter is my name, Yuqiao is a friend of Pearl, she just cares about Pearl, if What is offensive to Miss Su’s place, I apologize to Yu Xu for Miss Su.”

Jiang Mingzhu has a tight hand, her mother has always been proud, who would apologize in this life? !

She smiled and said to Ye Qinghan: "Meng Yuqiao is not a friend of Jiang Mingzhu. I don't know. I only know... Jiang Mingzhu and I told many people around her many things, but never... I have never seen this Meng Yu. Awkward name!"

Meng Yuqiao's face is white...

Without giving Meng Yuqiao the opportunity to open up, Jiang Mingzhu said to Ye Qinghan: "Auntie, I am here to find you! There is something I want to tell you!"

Ye Qinghan Wen Xiao smiled: "If Miss Su is very welcome to come to the beauty, if it is to say things, sorry... I am old."

Ye Qinghan’s gentle and soft voice clearly showed rejection.

Looking at my mother to protect others, but here refused to myself... Sumanman did not know what it was.

But there are some things that she must say to Ye Qinghan.

At least Ye Qinghan must be against Meng Yuqiao. After all, Meng Yuqiao is Du Lingyang's girlfriend.

Even... Sumanman has reason to suspect that Meng Yuqiao pretended to be her good friend, Ye Qinghan, and even accompanied Ye Qinghan for a month, in order to find the manuscripts written by her father.

After all, when the manuscript of Sumanman’s father was published, the reputation of Du Lingyang’s plagiarism would be solid. If he was fined, he would murder Jiang Mingzhu...

Du Lingyang is finished in this life.

"Auntie." Sumanman was still calm and indifferent. He smiled and said to Ye Qinghan. "When Pearl was hospitalized, she woke up halfway. She told me that the most sorry thing about her life is with you. When I quarreled, I dropped the glass snow ball that you gave her. The photo of you in her has been placed in her treasure chest, and it has not been destroyed. It is burning to others, it is all yours..."

Ye Qinghan heard this and stared at Sumanman.

In the treasure chest, the photos of their mother and daughter, or Ye Qinghan miss Sumanman unintentionally opened to discover!

(End of this chapter)

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