Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1348: Mother does not know female

Chapter 1348, the mother does not know the woman

Seeing Ye Qinghan’s eyes seems to be a bit unbelievable.

Sumanman did not speak slowly: "Mingzhu sister has always been, and thanks to the tea art you taught her, she can stand out in the "World" audition, the tea art in "The World" is not a substitute... is the pearl My sister, Mingzhu’s tea art is obvious to all. You can check if I am telling lies.”

Ye Qinghan looked surprised and a little embarrassed: "I don't mean that!"

Sumanman smiled and didn't care.

"In fact, you teach the things of the Pearl Sister, and the Pearl Sisters go back to practice. She just thinks that your life is too boring and always wants to find something for you. She said... Letting you teach her is also a thing... ”

In another identity, Sumanman sits opposite Ye Qinghan and tells his own voice.

Ye Qinghan looked down at the clear liquid in the cup, his throat swallowed, took a sip from the cup, and tasted particularly good, but her heart was particularly uncomfortable.

Her daughter's tea art can teach such a good apprentice, she never knew.

Their mother and daughter...

Really, the mother does not know the woman, the woman does not know the mother.

Ye Qinghan closed his eyes and drank the small cup of tea.

Putting down the teacup, Ye Qinghan looked at Sumanman and slowly said: "I actually know that the child named Meng Yuqiao is not a friend of Pearl, because she always avoids talking about Pearl, saying that it is for me. Ok... I am afraid of my heart!"

Ye Qinghan picked up the teapot and filled himself with tea.

After putting down the teapot, Ye Qinghan sat elegantly and looked at Sumanman. "But the child gave me great comfort after the death of the pearl, and smoothed the heart I wanted to go with the pearl." ”

Sumanman put a fist on his knees tight.

She knew that her death would bring a big blow to Ye Qinghan, but she did not expect that a strong woman like Ye Qinghan would think of death.

The desire to tell Ye Qinghan himself is Jiang Mingzhu, almost pressed to reason.

Yes, Sumanman is still in control.

Such a fantasy thing, tell Ye Qinghan...

Ye Qinghan will believe? !

Maybe... I will regard myself as a nerve, and I will never see myself again.

This is definitely not what Sumanman wants.

"That time, I regard this Meng Yuqiao as a pearl, a different pearl, teach her what is a school, and it is better than the pearl!" Ye Qinghan smiled, his eyes became far away, "She is The daughter I imagined, even when I am going to scream... call her pearl!"

Sumanman licked his lips and didn't say anything.

Ye Qinghan looked back at Sumanman and smiled. "Meng Yuqiao said to me, let me treat her as a pearl. She is taking care of me for Pearl."

"But she is not a Pearl sister..." Sumanman couldn't help but remind him.

Ye Qinghan beheaded, she laughed and laughed and said: "Probably... I am too lonely!"

Every word of Ye Qinghan can easily crush Sumanman's heart.

Her back is tight, she knows that she wants to show her in front of Ye Qinghan, she can't collapse!

The people set up a small thing, she is afraid of being distrusted by Ye Qinghan.

"In that year, Pearl firmly decided to enter the entertainment circle. I threatened with our mother-daughter relationship. From then on, except for the holidays and my birthday, Pearl will send gifts back, and our mother and daughter have no connection!"

Yes, Sumanman’s throat whimpered, she did not dare to contact Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan's personality is too strong, she thought that even if she went back, Ye Qinghan would not let her enter the door!

Phone, Ye Qinghan will not pick up.

"After the death of Pearl, I was thinking that if I didn't stop her from entering the entertainment circle, or... I originally lowered my posture and took the initiative to contact the Pearl. Is it... our mother and daughter will meet again, it will not be The yin and yang are separated."

Ye Qinghan said that tears could not be tolerated.

Sumanman took out a paper towel and handed it to Ye Qinghan. His throat hurt so badly.

"Thank you..." Ye Qinghan took the paper towel and smiled and thanked him, but the tears still could not stop.

"Ming Pearl sister, she is afraid to contact you..." Sumanman whispered.

Ye Qinghan smiled and shook his head: "She is not afraid, she does not want to, she is my daughter, how reluctant she knows me! From the beginning of my relationship to break the mother-daughter relationship, I don't bow... she never looks back."

Sumanman’s heart hurts numb...

It turned out that she was such a personality in her mother's heart.

It turns out that their mother and daughter are thinking of each other like this!

Obviously...because it is the two closest people in the world, but they don’t know each other at all.

No wonder... the mother will be alone!

No wonder... she will suffer in her last life.

Looking back now, their mother and daughter, the last life... never talked about it.

Her mother is a single mother, so always want to play that strong and brave woman in front of her daughter!

She would rather show her wounds to outsiders than to let her daughter see her fragile side and worry about herself...

The same is true for Sumanman!

Because she only has a mother, she does not want her mother to worry about herself. She only shows her strong side to her mother.

Wounds... definitely don't let mom know!

The weakness of my heart can never be seen by my mother!

It is such a stubborn and stubborn personality that has led them to the most intimate people in the world, separated by the word "understanding".

She remembered that she had picked up the phone countless times and put it down many times!

I remembered that I was at the door of my house, looking at the silhouette of my mother in the villa flower room, and driving away...

When I think of being wronged, I will go to the place where my mother used to go when she was a child.

She really didn't dare to contact, not waiting for her mother to bow!

She regrets it!

At the beginning, why didn’t I have the courage to go in at the doorstep? !

What was rejected by the mother's reprimand, and their blood was connected... Her mother really didn't want her? !

The phone picks up and fights, and the mother hangs up, how can I hit it again!

Mother hangs twice, three times and four times, can it hang forever? !

If the mother really doesn't want to pick up her own phone, she has already changed her phone number. Isn't it? !

The saddest thing in the world is that you know the truth about something after you die.

Of course, fortunately, God is not thin, let her soul remain in the world.

Let her have the opportunity to sit across the mother and listen to her voice.

"How many times have I picked up the phone, how many times... I went to the apartment where Pearl is located downstairs, but I didn't dare to get through the phone number, I dare not go up and knock on her door!" Ye Qinghan covered his eyes with a tissue, could not see Sumanman At this time, the sad expression, "I am afraid she will tell me, isn't it a break between mother and daughter? Why come to her?!"

Sumanman's throat swallowed.

(End of this chapter)

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