Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1352: Very lethal acting

Chapter 1352 is a very lethal acting

Probably the combination of handsome men and women is too eye-catching, even the photographers are quietly helping Sumanman...

During the photo taking process, the photographer said to the early Han Dynasty: "Time God, you are close to Manman! Closer to me... When I want the kind of very affectionate eyes, look at Manman to get closer, Manman It feels right, that's it... The little girl likes a person's eyes!"

At the beginning of the cold, it was also professional. It was not affected by Sumanman’s words just now.

In the opposite direction, Sumanman almost fell into the dark and dark voices of the early Han Dynasty.

He has a smile on his lips, and his eyes seem to hold the entire galaxy...

That feeling, let Sumanman feel that when the early cold is to himself... infinite affection.

Sumanman grabbed the hand of the early cold arm and tightened it slightly, even if it was just acting, Sumanman also fell in love with this feeling.

It seems that she was deeply loved by the early hours of the cold.


She used to be deeply loved by the time!

Whether Sumanman is filming, participating in variety shows, or shooting today... The feeling of giving time to the beginning of the cold is not like a new one.

It’s very...very old.

At the beginning of the cold, I couldn’t tell why I had this feeling, but he checked Sumanman... I took a few TV series from the hour, and after the accident, I didn’t touch the entertainment circle again.

Probably... this is the talent!

Next, Sumanman wants to take a photo with Ren Shanze, the biggest villain in the movie.

Ren Shanze is also an actor who is famous for acting. The length of the person is very handsome, but it is not particularly handsome. The acting skills are recognized by the masses of people who eat melons. But I don’t know why these years are not fire.

Even, the popularity of Ren Shanze is not as high as the current Sumanman.

However, this person is also very interesting, very low-key... not anxious, single-mindedly doing his own thing, not swearing, quietly filming.

Su Manman’s two-year-old Ren Shanze was very polite when he was at the beginning of the cold. After he smiled and said hello, he started...

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at it.

The photographer asked Ren Shanze and Sumanman to show two states.

One is a match that is evenly matched.

There is also a kind of Sumanman's weak eyes.

When you will do it later, when you are evenly matched, Sumanman’s scorpion will be made into a fox.

Probably think that Sumanman is a newcomer, Ren Shanze is very concerned about Sumanman, saying that the first shot is weak.

After all, girls should be weak and easy.

Ren Shanze’s eyes are very lethal, and the acting inside is different from the previous Sumanman’s contact in the “Antiquity” crew.

As director Chen Wenhua said, Ren Shanze’s acting... is a very lethal acting.

After more than 20 minutes, the photographer looked down at the camera with joy and thought that every photo was beautiful.

Next, I took the feeling of being equal in the second position. Ren Shanze also wanted to let Sumanman slightly...

Who knows, when the photographer started, Sumanman’s eyes changed, his expressions did not change much, his face’s fine muscles were slightly adjusted, and his eyes were given, and he gave the feeling of Renshan Zetai’s topping in an instant.

Ren Shanze, who was unprepared in his heart, took a moment to make a serious effort on Sumanman.

Before, Ren Shanze heard that Sumanman was recommended by the early Han Dynasty, and thought that the director Chen Wenhua bought the face of the early Han Dynasty!

But it is still not really in the play and Sumanman, just take a publicity photo... Ren Shanze feels the tremendous pressure from Sumanman acting.

He can even feel that he had taken care of Sumanman in the past, and he secretly refused to accept that Sumanman’s thoughts were seen by this little girl. This is Sumanman’s intention to give himself a horse.

That's right, as Ren Shanze thought...

Su Manman was lightly watched by Ren Shanze, and his heart was very upset.

In the past, Sumanman did not cooperate with Ren Shanze, and he still admired Ren Shanze in his heart, but he did not like Ren Xiuze’s contempt for newcomers.

It was Jiang Mingzhu that year and never despised any newcomer.

In the first round of photos, Ren Shanze, who was disrupted by the rhythm, finally took out his own strength and took a serious response to Sumanman when he drank back.

Seriously and Sumanman took a photo down. Ren Shanze took the cold towel from the assistant and iced the ice forehead. He smiled and said to Sumanman: "I didn't expect that the newcomer is so strong, I still stay. In the old concept of the past, it seems that... it’s really the waves of the Yangtze River!

Sumanman knows that Ren Shanze is apologizing for the previous incident. She has not kept on arguing: "The predecessors are so powerful. As a younger generation, we naturally have to chase after the horses. Otherwise, we dragged the whole leg of the crew, which is the sinner of the ages. !"

Ren Shanze nodded and had a new understanding of Sumanman...

I feel that the Internet is right, Sumanman is probably the kind of girl who dares to love and hate straight.

At the beginning of the cold, I was watching.

Probably as a bystander, at the beginning of the winter, Su Manman saw the skills that Jiang Mingzhu used in his previous performances.

In addition, Jiang Mingzhu's gradual and gradual pressure gives people the pressure to crush people's bad taste.

At the beginning of the cold, the hands that were copied in the trouser pockets were slightly tightened, and the throat rolled slightly.

what happened to him? !

Jiang Mingzhu has been dead for so long, he is still looking for the shadow of Jiang Mingzhu in others.

Sumanman's personality is indeed similar to Jiang Mingzhu's true personality. But if Sumanman is really learning Jiang Mingzhu, shouldn't Jiang Mingzhu face the media and the audience with a gentle and perfect attitude? !

How could it be as easy as Sumanman did, and dare to show up in front of the mass media.

When Shi Hanchu looked at Sumanman and Ren Shanze, the eyebrows looked like a smile, and turned away...

At the beginning of the cold, Xiao Song, the assistant of the early Han Dynasty, immediately followed up with the early Han Dynasty. He was busy asking: "Hanchu, you are this because Manman talked with others and was jealous?!"

Shi Hanchu: "..."

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at my assistant with the kind of care for the mentally handicapped: "When are you so gossip?!"

Xiao Songxiao smiled and said: "I have joined the cold-blooded brothers and Manman's CP powder group! There are a lot of video videos in the house, do you want to watch?!"

Shi Hanchu: "..."

He thought of the video that Sumanman sent him, thinking about it...

Sumanman... Wouldn't it also enter the fan base of their CP powder? !

This kind of thing, it is really possible to put it on Sumanman.

At the beginning of the cold, I was inexplicably thinking that Jiang Mingzhu was also secretly mingling with her fan base. Every time I saw the fans’ praise for her beauty, she took it to her.

Jiang Mingzhu...

At the beginning of the cold, my eyes became far away and I thought of her again.

Xiao Song noticed that the atmosphere was wrong, and gently called the beginning of the cold: "Chenchu ​​brother?!"

(End of this chapter)

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