Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1356: The sorrowful beauty of the eight children

Chapter 1356 is a beautiful woman

"Would you like to go up?!" Ren Shanze asked with a smile.

At the beginning of the cold, the lips evoked a response, nodded, and the line of sight swept the elevator light: "You first go down..."

When the elevator door closed, Sumanman licked his lips, what did it mean when he was cold... He smiled so brightly at him, he couldn’t see himself, and he didn’t even bother.

Sumanman’s brow is tight...

Early Sumanman had already sat in his seat, opened the script, and lifted his wrist to look at the watch.

Why didn't you return to the soy milk that I liked to drink when I bought it? !

At the beginning of the cold, this person likes to have something to do with the card. Just went up and took a fight and took a bath for up to fifteen minutes.

Sumanman, who was just about to make a phone call, thought that in the elevator just now, he didn’t say hello to himself at the beginning of the cold, he was angry... he put down his mobile phone.

Today, the director Chen Wenhua, who is a little bit jealous in his lines, found that the exchange between Shi Hanchu and Sumanman was not more than one tenth of yesterday. Is it a contradiction? !

Otherwise, let's put people early today, and let the stupid boy of Shi Hanchu go to his girlfriend.

Director Chen Wenhua released the man to 6:50 in advance, thinking that he could let the time of the cold and Sumanman go out for dinner or something!

Who knows, the director Chen Wenhua just finished letting go, when the cold boy started to pack things first, no matter what Sumanman...

Director Chen Wenhua: "..."

This kid can't!

In addition to acting, how to talk about a love is not as romantic as his old man, can't wait for his girlfriend to go with him? !

He couldn't see that Sumanman's little mouth was about to rise to the sky, and his face was not close to him, and he ignored me.

Well, it’s been a long time since I met him at the beginning of the cold. Director Chen Wenhua decided to teach him a fool who would only act in the early hours of the cold.

So, half an hour later, when I was just showering, I was directed by Chen Wenhua on the sofa and took a twenty-minute love story.

"Chen Gui, what is yours?!" When I was sitting on the coffee table at the beginning of the cold, I rubbed my hair and asked with a smile.

Director Chen Wenhua put down the erected Erlang legs and pressed the fingertip cigarettes into the ashtray on the coffee table: "Where?! You didn't see the Sumanman's mouth can be teapot now, is it a contradiction?! I set up an alarm clock today to let me go early, just to let you go to marry a girl, you are good... I have to go first!"

When I first wiped my hair in the cold, I realized that Director Chen Wenhua seemed to misunderstand his relationship with Sumanman. He smiled and said, "Are you mistaken?! I am not a couple with Sumanman..."

Director Chen Wenhua’s eyes widened and looked at the beginning of the cold.

When I was sitting on the coffee table, I smiled at the beginning of the cold: "If I really fall in love, I can still stare at you!"

Director Chen Wenhua made a big joke and licked his lips: "I thought you were a pair, very good!"

At the beginning of the cold, there was no snoring.

"Okay, count me as a nosy today..." Director Chen Wenhua sighed and got up, "I still can't put Jiang Mingzhu?!"

At the beginning of the cold, the smile on his face did not change. He dropped his throat and wiped his hair with a towel. His movements were obviously slow.

"Okay! You can't walk out, I don't force you! But at the beginning of the cold... people still have to look forward!" Director Chen Wenhua stretched his hand and pinched the shoulder of the cold, leaving the room at the beginning of the cold.


Under the supervision of the devil-style director Chen Wenhua, the script was quickly finished and entered the shooting state.

In the beginning, I wanted to shoot the intimate play of Su Hanman and Sumanman.

Both actors are ready...

The plot is actually very simple, that is, two people came in from the outside of the apartment and kissed them. When they first closed the door with their feet, they almost wiped the gun on the sofa, but they were restrained at the beginning of the cold, fearing to scare Sumanman.

Such a play is completely okay for those who are online at the beginning of the Han and Sumanman.

One has passed...

This is the person in the crew, the first time I saw Sumanman’s acting.

Sumanman’s little fox, who hasn’t found his true identity, is simply a little bit sloppy and casual, and it’s a fox’s look.

It is also at this time that many people know why, after the death of Jiang Mingzhu, the director Chen Wenhua has been on hold for no filming and can not find a suitable heroine.

There are a few people who can control the beauty of a character like Sumanman.

Clear eyes, clean and clear is like a person can see the bottom at a glance, but I don't know why, I feel that she has a fascinating charm.

It’s a beautiful woman!

Ren Shanze looked at the side, not to mention that when he was acting with Sumanman, he was watching. He couldn’t help but loose his loose collar.

This is the first time Ren Shanze used the word terrible to describe the acting of other actors.

Ren Shanze is not a trailer that has not seen Sumanman’s "Antiquity". The little fox in front of him and the Fengyi elder Feng Yi in "The Ancients" simply judged two people. This is the highest realm of an actor. what!

And, people think... she is that person, no one but her can not control this role.

It was summer that the shooting scene was too hot...

Sumanman watched everyone else eating ice cream, and Poor Baba took a piece of frozen ice in advance and put it in his mouth.

Sideways... I saw that not far away, when I was watching the script, I was like her, taking a piece of ice and putting it in my mouth.

These habits were all developed by Sumanman when he was forced to work with himself.

Unexpectedly, I still haven't changed this habit at the beginning of the cold.

Thinking of this, Sumanman decided not to be angry at the beginning of the cold...

When she was cold in the past few days, she was cold at the beginning of the cold, and she was not allowed to let her at all.

In the past, she was used to getting used to the cold, and her temper was inevitably a bit uncomfortable.

The little girl took a box of her own ice cubes and walked over to sit down at the beginning of the cold, and smoothly ran a piece of ice from the ice box at the beginning of the cold.

"Oh... or you will enjoy the mint-flavored ice cubes, why didn't I think of it?!" Sumanman asked sideways when he was cold.

At the beginning of the cold, he did not hold a shelf. His external people have always been gentle.

This mint-flavored ice cube was originally the method of giving Jiang Mingzhu phase to the beginning of the cold...

Only then, Jiang Mingzhu left.

However, Xiao Song remembered that these times, the ice-filled ice cubes were prepared for the early Han Dynasty.

"If you like it, let Xiao Song prepare for you next time."

"I have a better idea, I don't know if Xiao Song will do it!" Su Manman was interested in holding ice cubes and said to the beginning of the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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