Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1364: Is it not worth the loss? !

Chapter 1364 is not worth the loss? !

The cause of Jiang Mingzhu’s death, like a mine buried in the heart of Du Lingyang...

Now Sumanman’s provocative provocation is unspeakable in front of others, and the thunder of Du Lingyang’s heart is blown up.

Du Lingyang, who has already panicked, now only wants to get the manuscript...

I just want to kill Sumanman and maintain my reputation and dignity.

Sumanman has already prepared for it. Thanks to Du Lingyang, she still knows about this person.

Once Du Lingyang moved the mind, the action was the next thing...

Du Lingyang has never been a drag-and-drop person.

However, Sumanman is now in the filming period. If he lives in the drama group hotel, Du Lingyang certainly has no chance to start.

Sumanman guessed that Du Lingyang’s action time was either a quick knife and a mess in Sumanman’s get the Jiang Yishi manuscript, or just wait until Sumanman came out from the crew!

But Sumanman thinks Du Lingyang will be more inclined to act now.

So tonight, Sumanman can't move to the national color, I am afraid that when I am tired, I will be cold.

Originally, this is to revenge for myself. When she owed her last life, she was so many at the beginning of the cold, and she never wanted to be tired again in this life.

Sumanman sent a Weibo, saying that he was staying at home today and also made his own selfie.

Sumanman returned home, re-arranged the security personnel around him, hid more people in the dark, minimized, or even withdrew, paving the way for Du Lingyang's next move.

Sumanman regrets a bit. How did he go to lose weight and beauty, and did not learn any means of self-defense.

However, she can't bear the fact that the child can't set a wolf. As long as she makes arrangements, the problem should be small.

After taking a shower, Sumanman sat in front of the TV with a mask on his face, but he couldn't stand it with a script in his hand.

Originally, Sumanman was planning to wait until the end of the scene of director Chen Wenhua, and then proceeded to deal with it.

Who knows that Du Lingyang has hit it like this, Sumanman is not so polite...

So things must be ahead of time, just... In case of injury, it is impossible to explain to Chen Wenhua.

Sumanman can only be extremely careful to avoid getting hurt.

Du Lingyang really did not disappoint Sumanman. When Sumanman sent to monitor Du Lingyang, he called Sumanman at 12:30 in the morning and said that Du Lingyang was dressed up and drove away. It seems to be going to the country. When the color is fragrant, Sumanman has no sleep.

She is ready, copying the manuscript and monitoring everything in place, then turn off the lights and lie in bed and wait for Du Lingyang.

Already ready, Sumanman is still a little nervous...

On the left and right sides of her current home, there are upstairs and downstairs, all of whom are protecting Sumanman.

Once again, Sumanman was very reluctant.

So even if she is completely prepared, she is afraid of that...

Sumanman, who was unsettled, heard the sound of Du Lingyang opening the door and his muscles were tight.

She gritted her teeth and took out her 100% acting skills. She opened the bedroom door and held the remote control switch of the house light.

At the moment when the door was opened from the bedroom, Sumanman opened the whole house light.

Du Lingyang, who had come in from the outside to take off his mask and hat, looked at the line and finally fell on Sumanman.

Sumanman wore pajamas and pants, and it looked like he was already asleep.

Du Lingyang clenched his teeth and went straight to the subject: "Hand over the things you took today from the mother of Pearl!"

"Hey... Jiang Mingzhu’s father Jiang Yishi’s manuscript is so important to you?!” Sumanman’s lips are smiling, not rushing to the sofa, legs sitting lazily and slouching There, "I can understand that you are afraid... I published the manuscript of the music godfather Jiang Yishi, so that everyone knows... Did you steal the manuscript from Jiang Mingzhu?!"

Du Lingyang clenched the strap of the black satchel, and inside... are all tools that can be used for Sumanman’s life.

"Let me guess. You stole the manuscript of Jiang Mingzhu's father Jiang Yishi from Jiang Mingzhu. I want to publish it as my own song, but I am afraid that Jiang Mingzhu will poke you, so I will simply give Jiang Mingzhu a medicine to make ginger. The illusion of a car accident in Pearl, who knows that Jiang Mingzhu did not die later!"

Du Lingyang's face is getting darker and darker.

Sumanman is still self-satisfied: "The attending doctor is just your mother, so... you ask your mother not to heal Jiang Mingzhu, let her die, is it?!"

Du Lingyang's eyes are all murderous.

"Just I am very curious, don't you love Jiang Mingzhu very much?! Why kill Jiang Mingzhu, you and she discuss these manuscripts... She won't see you," Sumanman said.

Probably because in the heart of Du Lingyang, Sumanman is already a dead person, so Du Lingyang is not squatting...

"And Jiang Mingzhu?? Will she give it?! She knows that I am a singer, if she wants to give it to me..."

Du Lingyang stood still and kept his heavy black satchel in his hand.

"She changed the song and sent it to me... I expressed my wish to use the albums created by her father to make an album! These tracks... Each capital can be called a classic! She is already It’s famous... but I don’t want to be my boyfriend at all!”

"You are also interesting to this person. It is the song of the father of the family. It is also a family to release the album. Are you not happy?!" Sumanman fingers casually put the tassels on the sofa cushion. "You are because of this." Killing Jiang Mingzhu?! Don't you love her?!"

"I love her! But I love my status and reputation in the music world now!" Du Lingyang took the bag in his hand and went to the sofa to sit down.

Du Lingyang’s mentality has become fearless. Today, he will kill Sumanman. It’s nothing to say to her.

"Since you know Jiang Mingzhu, you should know what kind of person Jiang Mingzhu is! She is gentle on the surface, but the actual temper is very hard. If I want my father's songs and want to take them as their own, Do you think she will promise?! With her personality... won't break up with me, won't you announce this to the public?!"

Du Lingyang raised his brow bones: "I am going to have two people in the air, isn't it worth the loss?! I will be so stupid..."

"So you kill and kill?!" Sumanman snorted. "I don't understand a bit. Why did you choose to give Jiang Mingzhu medicine and then design a car accident? You know how Jiang Mingzhu's father died. The thing she hates most is poisoning this thing, since you said that killing her is forced to help..."

(End of this chapter)

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