Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1366: But never absent!

Chapter 1366 but never absent!

Tu Jie was emotionally unable to control. He was red-eyed and very difficult to calm his emotions. He said: "Sumanman asked me to tell her media people and the public that justice will not be late, but it will never be Absent! Thank you all..."

Tu Jie is a very, very good agent. At this time, I know that this is a Sumanman circle!

To know that Jiang Mingzhu's fan base is very strong, although Jiang Mingzhu has been dead for two years now, but her fan group... is still a very large mountain.

It is said that Jiang Mingzhu protects Sumanman in the spirit of heaven, which will give Jiang Mingzhu fans a hint... let them also turn to protect Sumanman.

After all, people will be seriously injured in hospitalization in order to apply for your idol.

Tu Jie said that he turned and asked the assistant to distribute the photocopied Jiang Yishi manuscript to the media...

This night, when many people are still sleeping in their sleep, they don’t know that there has been a big event in the entertainment industry.

At the beginning of the cold, I took a baseball cap and black-rimmed glasses, locked the door, and went to the hospital from a remote place. I wanted to see how Sumanman was.

However, when people just came down from the car, they were recognized.

When the movie was born, the media people immediately swarmed over...

At the beginning of the cold, his face was dignified. He came alone, without assistants and bodyguards. Tu Jie saw that when he was in the past, he was walking in the cold.

"When are you looking at Sumanman?!"

"Time God, you are so anxious to wear pajamas slippers, is it the same as outside, you and Sumanman are a relationship?!"

Tu Jie squeezed the reporter and walked over to protect him at the beginning of the cold: "Let's go!"

"As the only friend of Jiang Mingzhu's external recognition, the cause of death after Jiang Mingzhu's shadow is clear. The murderer is a boyfriend after Jiang Mingzhu. What do you want to say?!"

At the beginning of the cold, he stepped down and stared at the reporter. "As Sumanman said, justice may be late, but definitely not absent! I am very grateful to Sumanman... with blood, in exchange for the pearl It’s snow, she’s never...not a bad quality idol, she never touches drugs!”

After that, Shi Hanchu entered the hospital under the protection of Tu Jie and Bao Quan.

At the door of the VIP ward, Sumanman’s parents and grandparents are all here!

The captain with blood on his body had not had time to replace the captain of the security captain and bowed his head to accept the duties of the Sumanman family.

Sumanman’s grandmother couldn’t cry, sitting in the seat...

Sumanman’s mother has been giving Sumanman’s grandmother a good breath.

"My little sister! If there is a three-length and two short, how can my grandmother live?! What is that called... Du Lingyang, even the daughter of our Fu family dares to move! I want him to be sentenced to death! Manman Dad! You are going to give me a contact... this kills a knife! I want him to live!"

Sumanman’s father irritated the suit button and walked back and forth in the hallway, breathing heavily: “Mom! Dare to move my daughter!”

These years, this is the first time Sumanman’s father has swearing.

Sumanman is loved by the whole family. In addition to the fact that Sumanman suffered from school violence in school, the family did not know. In the year, who in Haicheng dared to move Sumanman a finger? !

Sumanman’s father was so angry that his fingers were shaking. He turned to his assistant and said, “What is it called...? Is Du Lingyang?! You...go to call Mr. Liu, take care of this Du. In Lingyang, take three shots a day, don't make a life, but let him live the kind of death! Immediately!"

"But..." Sumanman’s assistant whispered, "But it’s already three in the morning?! Or tomorrow morning..."

"Go now! When is it your turn to direct me! Don't want to do it now!" Sumanman's father has already lost his head.

When he was still in the early hours of the cold, he had already recognized Sumanman’s father...

After all, Sumanman was found at the beginning of the cold, knowing that Sumanman is the daughter of Fu's family and has seen the photos of Sumanman's father!

Furthermore, Sumanman's father is also frequently on the financial magazine, and is now a visiting professor at the Department of Finance at Haicheng University.

At the beginning of the cold, I didn’t go anymore. Now, at the door of the Sumanman ward, they are all Fu family members. When I was cold, I felt that I was not suitable now.

He turned to the doctor's office and asked about the situation of Sumanman...

Sumanman has already done an examination. The wound on the top of the head is a skin injury. There is no big problem with the suture.

However, in view of Sumanman's coma for a while, although he did not show intracranial hemorrhage after examination, he still needs to stay in the hospital for a period of time.

When I heard the doctor at the beginning of the cold, I let go of my heart.

At the beginning of the cold, Tu Jie sat in the rest area, raising his hand and pinching the shoulders of the early cold...

"The death of Pearl, the truth is finally white, this thing thanks to Manman!" Tu Jie said.

Of course, when the early Han Dynasty knows...

Now that Sumanman was injured, he only figured out at the beginning of the cold. Why did Sumanman take the manuscript today!

She is afraid that the manuscript will be in the hands of the early Han Dynasty, and Du Lingyang will go to the beginning of the cold.

When I closed my eyes at the beginning of the cold, I felt some subtle and different feelings for Sumanman.

But she really... just to let her put down the death of Jiang Mingzhu, to get to know her? !

Is it really worthwhile to make a joke about your life safety? !

At the beginning of the cold, his throat was swaying. He actually said to Sumanman... He was responsible for the safety of Sumanman!

But he took Sumanman to the hospital.

Soon, the director Chen Wenhua who knew the cause of Sumanman’s injury also came to the hospital!

In the middle of the night, Director Chen Wenhua couldn’t sleep, and the new heroine was injured. This is one of them...

Second, her half disciple Jiang Mingzhu sinks into the snow, she did not touch drugs!

She was murdered!

Director Chen Wenhua heard the news and couldn’t help but shed tears in the massage chair sent by Jiang Mingzhu.

This time, Jiang Mingzhu sinks into the snow because of the heroine of his new drama!

Director Chen Wenhua couldn't do this without asking. He calmed his emotions at home, changed his suit, left a message strip to his sleeping wife, and then set off for the hospital.

Director Chen Wenhua and Shi Hanchu, Tu Jie, they all waited until dawn, met Sumanman!

Director Chen Wenhua smiled and comforted Sumanman with a smile on his face, so that Sumanman could heal his injuries. It doesn't matter...

You can shoot other people's plays first, even if it doesn't work, let the whole crew stop and wait for her, don't worry!

Sumanman saw that when he was wearing a coat outside the pajamas at the beginning of the cold, he was very moved...

Especially when I saw the green **** on the chin at the beginning of the cold, she knew that it might have come last night!

(End of this chapter)

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