Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1369: You are with you

Chapter 1369, you are with you

She didn't even know that what she liked at the beginning of the cold was the appearance of Jiang Mingzhu, or her!

If it is her, then she is such a big person standing in front of the cold, why does he feel that he is not tempted? !

At the beginning of the cold, there was no expression, so I sat there and looked directly at Sumanman.

Sumanman nodded inexplicably and smiled softly: "I know, you can go."

At the beginning of the cold, the brow was slightly tight, and Sumanman, who felt a smile, was in a bad mood.

"I am leaving tonight..." At the beginning of the cold, the attitude was firm.

"Okay!" Sumanman licked his head, his face was a light, cool smile, like a light smoke. "But we are all public figures, if others take it... I can’t figure it out. It’s okay to humiliate your identity as a movie actor."

At the beginning of the cold, the lips are licking.

When I was not waiting for the beginning of the cold, Sumanman’s white feet kicked the kick when he was kicking: “Let’s let the patient rest!”

Sitting on the coffee table at the beginning of the cold, the long legs almost occupied the gap between the whole coffee table and the single sofa, and the Sumanman ring was in the middle, and the posture was awkward.

When the cold came to the beginning, let go of the position and watch Sumanman climb to the hospital bed...

The trumpet patient wears some sloshing on her body, which makes Sumanman thin and powerful.

Sumanman sits on the bed, opens the mobile game, and does not know how many games.

For a long time, when I saw off the coat at the beginning of the cold and prepared to lie on the sofa for a night, she said: "Hey, when the cold is..."

When I first turned back, I saw Sumanman put down his mobile phone and smiled and made it: "You are... Jiang Mingzhu's best friend, so you are here to guard me, I am afraid that Jiang Mingzhu is upset, is it?!"

At the beginning of the cold, I shook my coat: "Yes..."

"For her to apply for snow, let her die so eye-catching, such a great grace... Light can't do it yet?!" Sumanman said.

When I was cold, I put down my coat and sat on the sofa and asked Sumanman: "So how do you still?"

"Get married! You can help yourself..." Sumanman whispered his lips and smiled. "I don't want to force you and me to happen. We are very busy, for two years! In the year I will avoid having to kiss the handsome men introduced at home..."

At the beginning of the cold, I stared at Sumanman. After a while, I said: "This can't be done, sleep... Think about what you want, meet me as much as possible!"

When I saw the beginning of the cold, I was lying down, covered with a coat...

At the beginning of the hour, the sofa was obviously not long enough for him.

Sumanman next to the phone, smiled and said: "How... Jiang Mingzhu is dead, when the early Han Dynasty is really planning to keep her for a lifetime?!"

At the beginning of the cold, there was no buzzing. Sumanman was just calm and indifferent when he looked at the cold, and finally turned off the lights and lay down.

The curtains were not pulled, and Sumanman lay down at an angle to see the moonlight tonight.

The condensed white light, and Sumanman’s mood at this time is generally the same.

Early the next morning, when Sumanman woke up, the early hours of the cold had already left.

Under the insulated bucket on the coffee table, pressed a piece of paper...

Handwriting, Sumanman knows, it is the beginning of the cold!

Like iron painting silver hooks, the writing is very powerful.

At the beginning of the cold, this is the breakfast of Sumanman, and the medicated soup in Sumanman must be drunk.

Sumanman sat on the sofa, smashing the paper group into a group, and looking at the cooler, he didn’t say anything...

It was not until Mrs. Fu’s wife came, let the servant at home give her breakfast to visit, and found that there was a heat preservation bucket on the coffee table.

"What is this?! Who will send you breakfast?!" asked Mrs. Fu.

"No..." Sumanman smiled and got up, grabbed his grandmother's shoulder and looked at the table. "Wow, so much... I can't taste it, Grandma, you won't let me do it." Eat a bit more! I am a person who wants to control my weight..."

"Know it! I know you! I know you love beauty, hurry up! This is all the pickled vegetables." When Mrs. Fu spoke, her eyes were full of love for her granddaughter.

While Mrs. Fu gave Sumanman a dish, he said, "You only know what it is to love beauty and beauty, and don't talk about boyfriends, let me go to the old man all day long!"

"That grandma, you have arranged for me a handsome man who can make me look good!" Sumanman smiled and looked up at his grandmother. "Look at you, I introduced it to me a few months ago. Yes, it’s too long to be ugly..."

"Walking around and walking... What are you talking about! How can it be ugly! The two boys of the Du family have a correct attitude. At first glance, an honest child does not have so much instinct! Grandma is not very demanding for your husband, as long as it is against you. Ok, it’s fine! Don’t ask too much for your appearance!” Mrs. Fu’s wife persuaded her.

"How can I ask for it? You look at how beautiful our grandmother is... I have made my life so beautiful, then my next generation must be more beautiful! If you find an ugly one, give birth to a son like a mother. Well, if you have a daughter, grandma, think about it... If it’s like the Du family, it’s ugly! Hey... think about it’s goose bumps!”

Said, Sumanman took a porridge bowl and took a sip.

Mrs. Fu really thought about Sumanman’s words. If a little girl grows into a Du family, it’s really... shuddering.

Sumanman picked up the small silver chopsticks and put a piece of pickled radish in his mouth. The brow was tight: "Grandma... This is killing the salt! It's so salty!"

Sumanman quickly reached for the water to drink the mouth...

"Salty?!" Mrs. Fu also picked up a piece of pickled radish and tasted it. The brow wrinkled together, and she took a paper towel and spit it out. "How so salty!"

Just preparing to throw a lady with a pickled radish paper towel: "Manman... What did you say?! Salty?!"

"Salty!" Sumanman frowned.

"Manman... Can you taste it?!" Mrs. Fu’s eyes are bright.

Sumanman took out his own post-shadow acting: "It seems like... it seems to be awkward!"

"Doctor! Go to the doctor!" Mrs. Fu was busy turning back and shouting at the maid.

After a while, the doctors came to Wuhuan and knew that Sumanman’s taste was restored. The doctors also breathed a sigh of relief...

They smiled and said congratulations to Mrs. Fu, saying that the short-term failure of Sumanman’s taste should be related to the impact of the brain. It’s okay to recover now. If Mrs. Fu wants to take people home to cultivate, it’s not true. can!

Mrs. Fu said that Sumanman was living in the hospital, for fear that one would not pay attention to Sumanman and had no taste...

(End of this chapter)

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