Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 137: There is a little white face to dig your corner! 【135】

Chapter 137 has a little white face to dig your corner! 【135】


When the door knocked, Lin Jingquan looked up and looked in the direction of the door.

Liang Shuming was also saddened by Lin Jingquan, wiped his tears, turned his head, and it was the look of a dignified and elegant, saying: "Please come in."

I saw Liu Mingchen coming in from the door, his lips with a clear smile. He held the car keys with both hands and used a smile to cover up the slight tension: "I have to go to the lab in the afternoon, thinking that I can send the warmth back... ”

This reason is a bit crappy, Liu Mingchen does not know where Lin Lin lives, what is the way to talk? !

For Lin Wen, it is Liu Mingchen’s timely appearance that saved her. She could not tell Lin Jingquan that she chose Liu Mingchen, and she was more convinced to choose her brother Lin Biao.

Where is the emotional choice of two choices? !

Lin warms his own handbag: "Dad, Mom, if you go back and think about it, give you the answer."


From the Fenglin Garden, Liu Mingchen suddenly stopped at the roadside and said to Lin Wendao: "Can you help me get the information in the trunk to the front?! I am going to buy a bottle of water..."

She nodded, put the shoulder bag on the co-pilot, pushed the door open, and got off the car toward the rear of the car.

Unlocking, the trunk lid is open, and the forest is warm.

In the trunk, where is the information, there is a large bouquet of roses, and the center of the rose is a large piece of colored corrugated sugar.

Liu Mingchen has come down from the driver's seat and her cheeks are red. This kind of chasing girl is the first time in her life, very nervous.

He secretly observed the reaction of Lin Wen, bent over and took the big bouquet of flowers out of the trunk: "The little girl in the flower shop said that sending 365 flowers means 365 days... I miss you every day."

See Lin Wen’s clean and clear scorpion look at him, and there is no blushing surprise in the florist’s little girl.

"Actually... I want to send you a bunch of corrugated sugar, because the first gift you gave me was the wave of sugar! I didn't chase the girl. Before I came to eat, I was very nervous. I went to ask a friend and said, He said that if you ask for love, girls like roses." Liu Mingchen handed the flowers in his arms to Lin Wen. "I don't know if you like it or not."

Tang Hao, who had just started driving from the Fenglin Garden, saw Lin Wen’s confession as soon as he came out, his eyes widened, a sudden brake, and the car behind him almost caught up, and the horn continued.

Under the sun, the body is long and slender, warm, standing in the tail of a silver Mercedes-Benz, looking up at the face of the flushing white net son, in front of the ponytail, the delicate features of the five features are not applied, wearing **** pink The bat sleeves big V shirt and black feet pants, stepping on a pair of small white shoes, so clean that can not be so clean, so that people look at the heart missed a shot, people are more beautiful.

Tang Hao was busy grabbing the phone and took a picture of Lin Wen and Liu Mingchen. The wind and fire gave Fu Huai'an a past, followed by a voice...

"Old Fu! There is a little white face to dig your corner! I am going to give you back to grab someone, it is to make up for last night!"

After that, Tang Yan did not care whether his car was blocked at the entrance of the people's parking lot, took off his mobile phone, closed the door, and walked toward Lin Wen.

Lin Wen saw that the heart of such a large bouquet of flowers also jumped a few times, not Lin warm and cheesy, but when a woman who was sent flowers by others, there is no expansion of vanity? !

Three more, the baby is good night! Happy holiday! Remember to eat dumplings! For thousands of votes, the comment area should always be bubbling! Such a thousand talents will be full of energy!

(End of this chapter)

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