Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 153: When I first saw you [156]

Chapter 153 When I first saw you [156]

The lighter was in the hands of Fu Huai'an, but he did not light the cigarette for a long time. For a long time, he removed the cigarette from the corner...

"You can't do anything, stop me all the words!" Fu Huai'an removed the lit cigarette from the corner of his lips and pointed the ashes into the ashtray. "Lin warms your mouth and said it is good, saying that you admire me, but Everything in the words and phrases in your words is very specific. It is very clear that I am excluded from your mate selection conditions. Every sentence of yours rejects me accurately."

Fu Huai'an raised his deep eyebrows, his eyes were deep and his eyes were calm and watery, but he seemed to penetrate the hearts of the people.

"You used to be the daughter of Lin's family. I have lived through the food and clothing of Jinyiyu. I also lived alone from the Lin family. So I can't blame your thoughts. I said that you are just fresh, but in your imagination. The days are not long."

"You don't admit that it feels good to me. I still have a way to let you admit that I feel like I can go, but you just say that you admire me, and then put a bunch of rules for me to reject me. Outside the door."

Fu Huai'an is still the look of self-confidence, and can't hear any emotion in his tone, but the contours of his face are more and more chilly.

The atmosphere in the apartment became cold because of the change of Fu Huai'an.

Lin warmed up the water cup, took a sip, did not know what to say, Fu Huai'an said yes, her every sentence is against Fu Huai'an refused.

After a long silence, Fu Huai’an put the lighter on the table and poured a glass of water slowly and reopened: “When I first saw you, it was in June 2014, in Iraq.”

Fu Huai'an's black and double eyes looked at Lin Wen, and his eyes were deep.

Lin warmed down the action of the water cup, looking at Fu Huai'an, the heart beats faster...

In June 2014, Lin Wen was looking for a deep trace of warm ink along the route that Wen Mo Shen took.

Since the Iraqi anti-government and armed ISIL, after the occupation of several provincial capitals in Iraq in January 2014, many planes that have passed through these places have lost or lost, and more or less will be transmitted to terrorist organizations.

On the flight that Wen Moshen took, it was said that the terrorist organization destroyed the plane, and even some people uploaded blurred photos on the Internet, saying that more than a dozen survivors were sent to Tikrit, the capital of Salahuddin Province. Treatment.

Lin warmed with a glimmer of hope and rushed to the city of Tikrit. It was only when he arrived that the city of Tikrit had been occupied by the anti-government.

After the government troops checked Lin’s passport, they could not help but rudely send the injured woman to the bus to Samarra.

The government army said that a domestic heavy machinery construction company built by Jiang was in Samarra, where a large number of domestically dispatched more than 500 employees and their families were waiting for the helicopter to evacuate, which is safer for Lin Wen.

Lin Wen asked them about the crash of the T-324 flight, but no one knew.

In the early morning of the 22nd, Lin Wen and his party arrived in Samarra, the wife of the head of the Iraqi branch of Jiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.... Lu Xiangsi, who received her from the belly.

I heard that Lin Wen was inquiring about the crash of the T-324 flight. She knew that there must be someone who was very important to Lin Wen on the plane. She admired the little girl and did not give up the courage to look for people here. Warm this little sister to take care of.

On the morning of the 22nd, Lu Xiangsi’s husband, Jiang Ming’an, took a dozen people and went to the designated place to wait for them to go to the safe camp helicopter.

This is the little father's mom and mother Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an! Regarding the story of Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an, the babies who have seen "Mingmen 1" must know it. If you haven't seen the baby, you can look at the "Famous Door 1" from the beginning of the 866 chapter, which is the appearance of Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an.

(End of this chapter)

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