Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 174: There are no collapsed tiles [177]

Chapter 174, the collapsed tiles are not left [177]

Warm ink was silent for a moment, and he wanted to open his mouth a few times, and finally pulled out a cartoon card from his pocket.

The lens gave the hairpin close-up, the Mickey Mouse head... it should be a little girl.

Warm ink and deep eyebrows are tight, coveted looking at the card, saying: "When I buried the body of the deceased, I found a mother and a daughter's body. The girl was three or four years old and hid in her mother's arms. The big, so clear and transparent, but not the slightest focal length, holding this card in his hand."

Under the stage, a unshaven man, holding a photo of his wife and daughter in his hand, wanted to come to the show to find the hope of the man, see the enlarged hairpin on the screen, suddenly burst out of control and burst into tears.

Knowing the news of his wife and daughter's death, he still can hold it, but when he saw this card issue, the fragile support points of the whole world, like the moment being broken, the collapsed tiles are not left.

Warm ink is looking up, very unexpected...

Although Lin Wen knows that this man, after the program group did a lot of investigations, he made a special trip to the show site, but he was still red-eyed.

Even Lin Wen felt that the program group was cruel in order to achieve the viewing effect.

Even if you inform Wen Moshen or the father in advance!

However, if informed in advance, Wen Mo is afraid that he will not come up with this card issue, and the father will not come to the scene.

Wenmo deeply glanced at the guide standing behind the camera, got up and walked to the father, handed the card to the father, hugged him, and whispered in the father’s ear: "I put the child And her mother was buried together, they have been rested."

The father hugged the warm and deep, crying hysteria, thank you that the two words have long been out of tune, his voice and his eyes... is the desperation of the world being shattered.

All said that no news is the best news...

The news that came out was desperate, and it was better to stay in the dark.

After the guide arranger sent the father away, the show had to continue.

In the audience questioning session, there was no accident. A little girl stood up with a microphone and asked a question about Gu Fei’s fidget.

She asked: "Mr. Wen, your girlfriend, Miss Gu, has had such a **** scandal. Why are you willing to choose to forgive her and join her in this place?! There are so many good girls in the world, we all think that you are suitable. Better girl! Why do you have to love such a slutty woman?!"

In addition to the T-324 in addition to the warm and deep, there are no survivors, this problem ... probably the netizens are most concerned about.

Wen Moshen knows that there is a questioning session for the audience. He is ready to answer this question when he comes.

Gu Hanyan was restless, his brows were wrinkled, and although he was psychologically prepared, the answer to Wen Moshen’s answer was probably the one he had said with himself. He could be asked by such a large audience, and she was still very flustered.

The audience was quiet and waited for the answer from Wen Moshen.

After a long silence, Wen Mo looked up and slowly said: "There is a better girl, but the better girl, but will not wait for me."

Wen Moshen’s answer, even Lin Wen’s accident.

The girl who asked Wenmo deeply asked immediately: "Do you mean Mr. Wen?"

Warm ink and deep lips show a smile, that kind of relief seems to have passed, and he is bearish, and it is impossible to talk about it.

Ok, the fourth, the baby is updated! PK is too much to see you! If you successfully advance to the next round of PK thousands of times a day, five more!

(End of this chapter)

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