Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 188: I am also the mother of the group! 【191】

Chapter 188 I am also the mother of the group! 【191】

The group didn't have time to loosen the buttonhole of Lin's warm jacket. The whole person was slammed into the arms of Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an held the child with one hand, and the strong arm caught Lin Wen warm, and the whole person was as stable as Mount Tai.

Lin warmed his face flushed, and her hands held Fu Huai'an's arm. The breath was all familiar with the mature taste of Fu Huai'an.

She didn't say anything, so she calmed down the small hand in the buttonhole of her clothes and rescued it. She retired from Fu Huai'an's arms and shoved her broken pieces to her ears, enduring her own disorganized breathing.

"Mom..." The group is like a child who is doing something wrong, and carefully calls Lin Wen.

The group with a crying voice did not know why Lin warmed red eyes, she hesitated for a moment, asked Fu Huai'an: "I have a visit to Sumanman in the afternoon, I can accompany the group after the end..."

After Fu Huai'an listened to Lin Wen's words, he opened the rear door and put the group into it.

"Mom!" The group cried out and stretched out the small hand to warm the forest.

"I am also the mother of the group!" Lin Wen said this sentence, "You said it!"

Fu Huai'an said that Lin Wen is the reborn mother of the group.

Fu Huai'an did not want to go straight with the group. He calmly put the group into the back seat, then turned his head and held the door with one hand.

His expression is calm, faint and open, and his tone is calm: "Today is not good. The elderly have a dinner party at night. The group has to stay in the old man. If you have time, you can call Xiaolu tomorrow. He will send a group to come."

After listening to Fu Huai'an, Fu Huai's assistant Xiao Lu immediately went forward and handed his business card to Lin Wen.

Lin Wen knows that he wants more, and the ear is hot.

Fu Huai'an is a mature man in his thirties. He experienced much more than Lin Wen. Lin Wen believes that he does not care about the extent of tearing his face with a woman, but she does not consciously think that his vision was innocent yesterday...

The group held the door with both hands and was trying to step on the ground to prepare to step on the ground. She looked at the group: "You have heard it, today is the birthday of the elders. The group is going to celebrate the birthday. After returning... I will accompany you well. ?!"

The group tried to get off the action of the car, and the small hand held the car door and looked up at the neck to look at Lin Wen. He couldn’t help but keep his eyes red.

"Look!" Lin Wen extended his hand to the group.

The group resisted tears and looked at Lin's warm, slender and white fingers, sucking his nose, and sticking out the chubby hands and Lin Wen's hook.

Fu Huai'an hand was buckled on the top of the group and gently licked.

This is the way to loosen Lin’s fingers and sit back in the car.

Standing at the entrance of the radio and television building, and watching the car carrying the group and Fu Huaian left, Lin Wen received the news, Lin Jingquan was expected to be taken to investigate.

Although it is expected, I can still feel flustered if I listen to it.

Called in the past to ask Lin Biao, but Lin Biao called no one to answer, Lin Wen's heart is even more embarrassing.


Into the radio and television building, brushed the work permit, Lin Wen came in from the gate, suddenly someone called her behind.

"Lin warm!"

Lin warmed back and saw Wang Quan, who was arrogant at the wine table yesterday. She did not hesitate to go back to the elevator and did not want to take care of it.

"Lin warm!"

Wang Quan is fast, not catching up with Lin Wen, blocking the warmth of Lin Bing in front of Lin Wen, saying: "Lin warm, don't misunderstand, I am coming to apologize to you, I drank too much yesterday..."

I hope that more baby bubbling support will also make thousands of eyes familiar with you! Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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