Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 279: It’s the rest of the life! 【273】

Chapter 279 is the rest of the life! 【273】

Even if Lin Wen’s life experience is not checked, Haicheng is still well known. Lin Wen does not mind...

Seeing Lin Wen is only shallow, the lips are not sounding, the delicate eyebrows are calm, and Chu Yu is also pressing his own emotions to calm down, and he will not be able to stand still in front of a young girl who is younger than her. gas!

She put the cigarette in her hand in the ashtray, unscrewed the juice bottle and took a sip, and said: "Lin Wen, I am not afraid to say something to you, I love Fu Huai'an, you can't imagine love..."

When Chu said this, there was a fragility in the eyes.

"Fu Huai'an is my savior..."

Lin Wen was a little surprised. She didn't think that her relationship with Chu Yu could be talked about in the heart.

Lin warmed the juice in the handle of Chu Chu on the coffee table, opening: "Director..."

Chu Yu raised his hand to stop Lin Wen, and continued: "Let me finish!"

Lin warmed his lips and sat quietly, nodding.

"I chased a clue before and chased Iraq. I happened to meet Iraq and I was fighting. It was Fu Huai'an who saved me!" Chu said that the scorpion is red. "You have not fallen into the despair of face-to-face with death, you will not understand... ...I am so attached to the man who appears in front of me, so I love him! Love!"

Chu Yu’s words reminded Lin Wen that Iraq’s Fu Huai’an stood up in front of himself...

She dropped her throat and looked at her white fingers. She remembered that she had no interest in her legs and was picked up by Fu Huai'an. His powerful hands were full of strength.

Chu Yuyin said: "After experiencing life and death, every day that I live is the rest of my life! So I don't want to miss the man I love!"

Hidden in the heart of Chu, there is a little secret...

About the group!

In June 2014, Iraq, which was chased by the culprit of human trafficking, was trapped in war and war, and several safe places were occupied by Iraq’s anti-government and armed ISI!

Later, I contacted the embassy and said that I was able to rush to Samarra, where there was a heavy machinery construction company built by Jiang, where helicopter evacuation would be arranged...

On the evening of the 22nd, Chu Yu and his party met Jiang Mingan, who was waiting for the helicopter at the designated place. With the hope of returning to China, they had been waiting until late at night.

The helicopter didn't come. Jiang Ming'an left a few people waiting there, letting others go back to rest. Before leaving, Jiang Mingan asked them if they would like to go back to Jiang's heavy machinery construction company, where there are guns, ammunition and food. They can let them have a full meal, and... there are still many overseas Chinese who have taken refuge.

Chu Yu looked at the people who had been born and died in Iraq. They were already hungry, so they nodded and chose to follow Jiang Ming'an first to return to the factory, let her assistants have a full meal and rest.

On the 23rd, a day, Chu Yu stayed in the factory and took pictures with his camera. He felt that this was an excellent news material. When the helicopter arrived today, it was a sensational headline when it was published in the newspaper.

However, on the evening of the 23rd, I still couldn’t wait for the helicopter...

Chu Yu’s heart has been raised again!

In the early morning of the 24th, Lu Xiangsi gave birth to a group...

Early in the morning, Jiang Ming'an, who hadn't slept all night, decided to let everyone transfer. Jiang Ming'an took the first batch of people to start, saying that he was going to find a safe road!

Regarding Chu Yu, before the thousands of things in Iraq were buried, the interested baby can look back at Chapter 156, and again notice that the shelf time is 14!

(End of this chapter)

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