Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 299: Chu Yu showed a smile on Fu Huai'an [292]

Chapter 299 Chu Yu smiled at Fu Huai'an [292]

"Is there anything for me to see?!" Lin Wen touched the group and felt a super good face.

The group nodded, and this carefully took out the picture hidden behind the scene, handed it to Lin Wen, looked up at her, and looked forward to praise...

Although the style of the group is very strange, Lin Wen sees a darker group than the morning, and the arms and legs of the stream of consciousness, Lin Wen guessed.

After she carefully watched the paintings of the group, she said: "Well... it’s good to draw my father!"

I got the praise in anticipation, the group laughed more happily, and the small mouth was quickly opened to the ear!

The group feels that her mother is beautiful and gentle, unlike the mother of small candy, although it is also very beautiful...but no mother is beautiful! Still so cruel, picking up the little candy.


Dinner is still rich, but the road is not as good as Aunt Li!

I can still have a bowl of rice for my face.

At 8:00 pm on Sunday, Haicheng TV station Lin Wen’s program is playing.

Fu Huai'an put down the work at hand, and accompanied the group to accompany Lin Wen to watch the show.

The group didn't take a nap in the afternoon. At this moment, it leaned softly on the side of Lin Wen. With a feeling of drowsiness, the body squatted on Fu Huai'an's leg, and the little face was resting on Fu Huai'an's leg. The eyes tried hard to get bigger, but they closed up...

Can be aware of the attachment of Fu Huai'an to the group. After all, Fu Huai'an has been a big band from a young age.

Across the two people between the two groups, Fu Huai'an hand caressed the back of the group and opened his mouth: "Your house is about to expire, and things are packed and moved to the house!"

Lin warmed nodded: "Well, wait for this time to be busy..."

Fu Huai'an here is very complete for Lin Wen's preparations, from home clothes pajamas to coats, clothes, pants, shoes, everything, even skin care underwear such as things, are also prepared!

Even if Lin Wen does not toss and move, there is no shortage of things to use here, and it is only a form that cannot be moved.

"Some friends will gather together tomorrow night, I want to bring you to know..."

Regarding the marriage, Fu Huai'an has not said to Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan that he wants to bring Lin to warm the past and introduce it to his friends as a wife.

She nodded: "Good! I won't record the show tomorrow, and it will be fine in the morning."

Lin warmed the white hand on the leg of the group and was caught. Looking back at Fu Huai'an's deep eyes, she looked at her: "After watching the show, I will return to the room. If you want to take a bath, you can go first..."

Fu Huai'an's words are normal, but it means Lin Wen listened.

The energy of this man is really...

Her ears were hot and the atmosphere in the living room became awkward.


The pink atmosphere that is heating up is interrupted by a sudden doorbell.

Lin warmed his head and looked at the door. He knew that there were guests coming to fear the quarrel. He took his hand from Fu Huai'an palm and endured the red ear equator: "I will go upstairs first!"

Fu Huaian nodded.

The door opened, standing on the outside with his head down and preparing to call Fu Huai'an, Chu Qi looked up, the light on the screen of the mobile phone reflected her beautiful face, and the facial features became more refined and straight.

Locked the phone screen, Chu Wei smiled at Fu Huai'an: "I am ready to call you!"

So nervous tomorrow, it’s going to be on the shelves! Baby remember to come to support thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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