Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 347: Lin warms to see Lu Jinnan sitting on the sofa

Chapter 347 Lin Wen sees Lu Jinnan sitting on the sofa

Liang Shu looked at the group and thought that other friends had grandchildren, and then could not help but swear a few words.

"This kind of thing is destined for the day, the fate is coming to the grandson... Don't worry about it!" Lin Jingquan could not help but say a word.

"Don't worry?! Listening to your son, this is not a matter of marriage, don't worry about when you can hold a little grandson's little granddaughter?!"

"You see this person, is this that you can worry about your grandchildren's daughter?"

Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan argued that the atmosphere in the living room was full of excitement, and Lin Biao’s lips and the rest of his heart were scattered... The eyes were quiet and could hear the wind.

There was less cigarettes at the fingertips, and Lin Biao’s heart was like something less.

In the face of the children and their parents, Lin Biao is not easy to ask. When the voice of the parents’ arguments is getting more and more fierce, Lin Biao said: "I am going out to smoke cigarettes..."

Looking at Lin Biao got up, Liang Shu thought that his son didn't like her to mention marriage, and looked at Lin Wen warmly, giving Lin warm eyes.

Lin Biao took the cigarette case and lighter in the pocket of his suit, stood under the eaves, shook a cigarette and bit it in the corner of his lips. He protected the swaying flame with one hand and lit the cigarette.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sky into a rust-colored color. Lin Biao stood in a single-handed pocket and said that the side face was also stained with a few heavy rust red colors. The deep eyes reflected the sky, like a burning group. Not a warm fire.

The breeze took the coolness and penetrated Lin Biao's thin shirt. He exhaled a mist and ordered some ash. Before he could return the cigarette to his mouth, he saw the forest warmed with a wet tissue.

She didn't wear a jacket, and she had a thick black V-neck T-shirt on her body. Lin Biao asked, "Not cold?!"

Lin Wenxiao: "Fortunately..."

Standing side by side with Lin Biao, Lin Wen hesitated for a moment to open to Lin Biao: "Brother, I and Fu Huai'an got married."

Lin Biao is not stupid. When he sees the group at home, he has vague conjectures.

He took a cigarette: "What do you mean by marrying Fu Huai'an?! For the sake of humanity... or really like it?!"

Lin warmed her hands and wiped her wet wipes. Her body temperature was hot. She smiled and said: "There are ingredients that are still human, and later... I really like it."

"What do you like him?!" Lin Biao smoked to see Lin warm, and the white fog rose to blur the unpredictable eyes of Lin Biao.

Lin Wen couldn't help but bend his lips: "I feel that I like him a lot, I can't say it..."

Lin Biao also licked his lips, squinting slightly, staring at the looming light of his fingertips, like enjoying the cigarette very much: "Is the wedding day fixed?!"

Lin warmed his lips and said, "I don't want a wedding, I think it's very good..."

Her mind was engraved with the words that Lu Jinnan said. She didn't want to turn Fu Huai'an into a high-class society.

Lin Wen always felt that she could do very little for Fu Huai'an, which is one of them.

If you are full of words, Lin Biao does not say a word...

A cigarette didn't burn out. He saw Lin Wenyi. He didn't go in. She didn't go in and waited for him to smoke. He could only surrender the cigarette and follow Lin's warmth into the house.

Liang Shulin had a big addiction. He should take a smack and then take a suit and go upstairs to change the home clothes, and tell Lin Wen to give him a cup of tea.


Next to the Lin family stairs, there is a small kitchen dedicated to tea.

Lin Wengang put the tea into the cup and turned to take the kettle. Lin Biao was the first to warm up and took the kettle.

Just now, Lin Biao gave Lin Wen the file bag and went upstairs. He said that he didn't sleep well in the morning, but Lin Lin looked at her like he didn't sleep.

Lin Biao grabbed the kettle with one hand and held her mug in one hand. She knew that she was going to pour water. Lin Wen put the Lin Biao tea cup on the flow table and let Lin Biao use it first.

In a small kitchen, the two are relatively speechless...

Lin Wen did not wait for Lin Biao, listening to the sound of hot water injected into the mug, she put the tea box away, put it into the cabinet, and then took the water into the electric kettle.

She stared at the faucet.

Lin Biao Lin warm did not know what to say, every time Lin Biao was a **** for tat, today Lin Biao smiled and talked with Lin Wen in front of Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan, so Lin Wen was somewhat uncomfortable.

I can't find out how to get along with Lin Biao, and I don't know what the mouth should say. Lin is simply silent.

Lin Biao put the hot water on the side and leaned against the counter with the mug. It seemed to appreciate the warm and flowing movement of Lin. The Lin warmer was here longer than her life. Everything here is more familiar than Lin Biao. .

She did not know where Lin Biao’s tea was placed, and Lin Biao never let Lin Biao help him make tea.

Compared with Lin Wen, Lin Biao feels that he is the outsider of this family.

The phone in the trouser pocket vibrates, Lin warm put the kettle on the power supply, press the switch, see the call is Fu Huai'an, she is connected...

Lin warmed and looked at Lin Biao, who was still in the kitchen, and pressed the voice down: "Hey..."

"In the Lin family?!" Fu Huaian's voice is moving.


"There is still something to do in the company. I will go back as soon as possible in the evening. If I have time to pick you up and the group, I will let the driver go..."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, you are busy with you! Don't worry about me and the group!"

After the grass was finished, Lin warmed up the phone and went to get the kettle. Lin Biao slowly blew his breath into the cup, holding the flow table with one hand, not salty and not light: "No water..."

Seeing that Lin Biao didn't want to go, Lin Wen asked: "Do you have something to say?!"

"I don't mean, I won't be involved with Lin's family in the future?! How come again?!" Lin Yiyin couldn't hear the anger.

"Sorry!" Lin warmed his lips. "Mom call me today, I..."

Lin Wenxin’s heart was awkward for Lin Biao. This is something she is wrong with, and she is like a villain who is capricious. If she explains it, she did not say it.

She didn't want to find an excuse to say that she couldn't give up her feelings with Liang Shulin Jing Jing for more than 20 years. She couldn't give up, and she was extremely hurtful to Lin Biao.

"I will give you those properties, can you not come later, away from my dad and my mother?!" Lin Biao smiled shallowly, without the anger of the past and the insults of the words.

Lin Wen’s hand on the side of her body tightened. She knew that right or wrong was one thing, and letting go of it was another matter.

"Don't say what you don't want, you don't take me, don't worry, who knows what you are trying to do in our house!" Lin Biao smiled lightly.

The kitchen was quiet and only heard the sound of the kettle.

Lin Biao looked at Lin Wen: "Lin Wen, do you know what it feels like now?! If you describe it with a metaphor that you can understand, you should say that in essence, you and Xiaosan are no different! You know what you do inside. The third is not right, but it is still entangled in the family man again and again, even if you have promised the original, will be far from her husband!"

Lin Wenling's roots are hot, she can't refute.

Lin Biao’s words are correct.

Even if the exchange of identity between the two people was not decided by Lin Wen, even Lin Wen was the victim. Even if the parents who raised her for more than 20 years suddenly became others, she could not accept it emotionally and psychologically!

In essence, her behavior does not really differ from Xiaosan.

"Parents want me to live in peace with you, treat you as a sister, do you say this is ridiculous?! Just like the original and Xiaosan are friends... it’s unheard of!" When Lin Biao said this, the smile had sunk. Come down, "Lin Wen, every time you appear in my parents' house, I put a knife in my heart! You think... What can I do with your sister?!"

Lin Biao put the mug on the counter, and hugged his arms with both hands: "You talk and laugh downstairs. I am upstairs alone. It seems that I am the outsider of this family! This feeling... only you come I only have it! When you don't come to my house, whether your parents or big brother are good to me, I hate you coming to my house! Do you understand?!"

Lin nodded warmly.

"I and you tore your face, and the torn things are torn apart even if they are going back. I can't sit with you without a must, and you have never lived a life I have lived. You don't Understand the hate in my heart!"

This is probably the first time Lin Biao calms and Lin Wen said the truth, Lin Wen listened seriously.

"The big brother said nothing wrong, you are innocent, I am also raised by your parents, I understand everything, hate is hate, I will not fake this person..."


Lin Biao first came out of the small kitchen and sat in the living room to make a group.

Introverted, not to talk, stretched a cute little face, sitting there looking towards the kitchen.

The water is boiled and the irrigation is good, and the forest warms to the forest to make a good tea. Lin Biao has already gone downstairs.

Some of the group wanted Dad, and they grinded them to the side of Lin’s warm legs, and the small hands licked Lin Wen’s sleeves.

Lin warmed, only listening to the group whispered in the ear to ask when to go home.

Lin warmly chuckled, licking the small head of the group, the eyes were reddish: "I want to go home?!"

"Well!" The group nodded.

Hearing the meaning of Lin Wen’s going, Liang Shu frowns: “What anxious?! Dinner will be fine soon... Do you have a few dishes that you love to eat!”

Lin Biao sat on the sofa with his arms, this time no noisy, no noise.

She is no longer emotional, because the heart is getting cold, her parents are much better for Lin Wen, and her heart is a bit colder.

"I just received a call from Huai'an. I have to go back and pick up the important documents for Huai'an!" Lin Wen lied.

Lin Biao and Lin Wen came out from the kitchen one after the other, and Liang Shu looked down to Lin Biao.

Lin Biao was quiet, the hands wrapped around his chest tightened, and the knuckles were white.

"Jun Lin warmed up and took a call..." Lin Biao said.

Sending documents like this is not a good delay. The Lin family knows the documents that are important to the company... Only the most trusted people can be assured.

"I am sending you..." Lin Biao went upstairs to change clothes.

"No need! I just called the car with the software, I will arrive right away, say to the guard, let the taxi come in!"

Although Liang Shu is not willing, it has not been excessively blocked.

At the entrance, Lin warmed his body and wore a kindergarten uniform for the group. The group stood there, letting Lin Wen buckle him and then carrying a small bag.

Lin warmed up straight and the taxi had stopped at the door.

She put the cap on her, took her coat and put it in her hand, carrying a shoulder bag and smiling: "I am leaving!"

I didn’t call my father and mother in the face of Lin Biao.

Lin Biao took the information bag in his hand and handed it to Lin Wen: "Hold it..."

Lin warmed up and looked at Lin Biao, did not pick up: "I will not take this, it is not convenient!"

Picking up the group, Lin Wen looked at Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan standing in the doorway, looking at Lin Biao, who stood in the back of his hands, his eyes were shocked by sour.

She solemnly bid farewell to Lin and Lin.

Fear of being seen in her emotional changes, Lin Weng embraced the group and turned around, without a word on the train.

Closing the door, Lin warmed the group in his arms, did not look sideways, the eyelashes were shattered and wet.


There was no document to be sent to Fu Huai'an, but Lin Wen said in front of the group, and did not want the group to feel that he was lying.

She thought about it and said to the group: "Was the mother go to the company to find my father?!"

The group nodded hard and he thought of Dad!

Lin Wen is not the kind of person who is good at making surprises. The honest Pakistani sent a message to Fu Huai'an, saying that he lied in front of the child and said that he would send him a document and ask him not to let her take the child with him.

Soon, Fu Huai'an returned the information, very convenient.

The three words made Lin Wengang’s gloomy mood clear, and the corners of his lips swelled.

Lin warmly remembered that this point Fu Huai'an did not eat, let the driver drive the car to the Wangjiang Tower to pack the food, and planned to go to the company to accompany Fu Huai'an to eat a little.

Fu Huaian let the assistant Xiao Lu wait for Lin Wen and the group at the door of the company.

When the taxi came over, Xiaolu guessed that Lin was warm, and the gentleman opened the rear door. He first put the packaged food on the side of Lin Bing out: "Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu asked me to pick you up and round and round."

When Lin Wenyi heard the name of someone calling her, she was still not used to it. She nodded with a smile: "Trouble!"

Holding the group and assistant Xiaolu to go to the Kaide Group building, some people were curious to look at the forest warmth and reunion, see Xiaolu attitude respectful, guessing the identity of Lin Wen.

On the wall of the elevator mirror, the small land standing in the back half of the forest warm, seeing that he only wore a shirt... The cuffs rolled up and pushed the elbows, and the work cards were hung on the neck. It was not as meticulous as usual, Lin Wen guessed whether it was They are very busy today.

Lin warm could not help but ask Xiaolu: "Are you very busy today?!"

Xiaolu looked up and smiled: "Well... today is a very busy day, the board suddenly wants to check the accounts, and the urgent need is urgent. Minger will pay in the morning, the company's finances are overtime, and the finance side is doing well. Our president's office has to look back."

At this point, there is no one in the finance department of the CapitaLand group. The president does not say that the account is OK. Even if it is idle, they can’t go...

"Is the account of Huai'an too eye-catching?!" Lin Wen asked.

"The accounts are always over the eyes!"

Lin warmed nodded and asked again.

Followed by Xiaolu into the office, Lin warmed to see Lu Jinnan sitting on the sofa, with a pile of files in front of the coffee table, even the laptop was not placed, and was placed on top of the pile of documents.

Eight thousand words have been updated! Thank you for your support when you are on the shelves! Thanks to the babies for sending the house car coffee flowers... Thousands are all seen in the background! I feel it in my heart! Love you guys! After reading the baby, remember to vote for the recommended ticket and the monthly ticket! Love you... Thousands to go to sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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