Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 350: Where can I not buy? !

Where can I buy Chapter 350? !

As for the gift of the group, Lin Wenxin already has a plan in his heart, just waiting for Fu Huai'an time to empty.

The phone was shaken, and Lin Wen took it out of the bag, Fu Huai'an.

She closed the window with a crack in the back seat of the taxi and connected: "Wai'an..."

"Little warm, I have to go to Jincheng this evening to see a very important friend. If you don't have to record the show tomorrow, go with me."

Fu Huai's magnetic voice came from the phone and made Lin warm his ears slightly itchy.

The word "small warm" makes Lin Wen's heart involuntarily jump.

She never knew that some people would say "small warm" so well...

When I couldn't see each other on the phone, Lin Wen didn't cover her blush. She turned her phone down, listened to the phone with her right ear, touched her hot left ear, and asked, "What about the regiment?!"

"The group has aunt Li to take care of..."

In the past, when there was no forest warmth, Fu Huai'an was on a business trip. The group was either left at home and taken care of by Aunt Li, or was taken back by Mrs. Fu to the old house.

"If there is a good arrangement here, I have no problem!" Lin warmed and shredded his hair behind his ear.

"Well, you are busy going home to pack your luggage, no more... two or three days! I will pick you up when I am here!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin warmed his ears hot, she rubbed her ears, put the window down, the cool breeze was poured into the compartment, and the heat of Lin Wen’s ears was faintly relieved.


Tianfuwan, Li Ayi has received a call from Fu Huai'an, knowing that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an are going to Jincheng, and they will be handed over to them for two or three days.

Looking for the suitcase, Lin warmed to clean her and Fu Huaian's change of clothes.

Lin Wen had almost no chance of traveling on the radio and television station before, so it was not good to pack the business baggage.

After hesitating for a moment, she took a photo of her suitcase and sent it to Fu Huai'an. The editor asked him what else he needed to bring.

However, in a few seconds, the text message came over, Lin warmed, only two words: inside a pair of pants.

Lin Wen: "..."

Such a big inner pants Fu Huai'an did not see it? ! Or is Fu Huai'an two words to confuse himself? !

Lin Wen is thinking, there is another text message coming in.

Click to open.

Still Fu Huai'an, or two words: Okamoto.

Lin warmed his face and blew it up. She was next to her mobile phone and she was red.

Isn't it good to bring Lin Wen to see his very important friend, how can I bring Okamoto? !

Lin warmed up on the suitcase, but before he rushed to put the box at the end of the bed, he heard Fu Huai'an's low voice: "Okamoto hasn't put it yet, what box is it urgent?!"

Turning around, I saw Fu Huai'an wearing cotton slippers coming in. He untied the suit button, pulled off the tie on the neckline of the shirt, and smiled... walking towards the bed.

"How come you came back so early?!" Lin Wen asked Fu Huai'an who entered the door.

"I don't come back and look at it. You didn't install it for me!" Fu Huai'an took off his suit jacket and threw it on the bed with his tie. He bent over and opened the suitcase on the bed.

After a cursory inspection, Fu Huai'an took out a few things and turned around and turned to Lin Wendao: "Okamoto is in the study drawer, take it..."

Lin warmed up and down the chest, reacted to Fu Huai'an. This is the intention to see her shy child, the temperature on his face is hotter: "What do you do?! Where can't you buy?!"

Because there are babies who say that it is too expensive to put thousands of words together, and that thousands of them are developed. One thousand words or two thousand words one chapter... Today is thousands of trapped dogs, and it’s no night. I will give birth tomorrow morning, thousands of years old... The explosion of 50,000 words instantly hurts the vitality, it takes a few days to slow down, and thousands will adjust as soon as possible, sorry for the babies!

(End of this chapter)

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