Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 353: How can I be willing to let go?

Chapter 353, how are you willing to let go?

She thought that Lin Wen will stand at the highest point of morality, pointing to why she killed Lu Xiangsi, why did the group not have a mother!

But Lin Wen said in such a calm and calm tone... It’s all gone, and then unscrupulously tears open the gleaming gauze in her heart.

In the guise of swearing, is it really wanting to be with a man? !

Chu Yu remembered that night, she was flustered and naked in front of Fu Huai'an, a mess in her head, said those words...

She closed her eyes and thought, in those words, there was no such thing as a group!

Yes, she is just a sly scorpion and wants to be with Fu Huai'an!

If it is really because of the group, she will definitely say it that night.

Chu Yu’s heart is actually so conscious.

The group...just an excuse for her shameless search.

Lin Wen is so transparent that she actually uses her reason to lie to her own behavior to be ashamed of her behavior.

It’s too ugly to be poked out like this...

Chu Yu's tears can't be controlled more and more, Lin Wen's soft whispers, it is better to give her a slap in the face, she is a fox, licking her shameless face in front of Fu Huai'an, so that Chu Yu feels comfortable.

Lin Wen did not give her physical insults, but simply torely opened her fig leaf!

I think that Lin Wen said that he was a land lover, and he stated the facts instead of adding fuel and vinegar to make himself more embarrassed and more self-confident...

Chu Hao suddenly chuckled and asked Lin Wen: "You are always such a Madonna?! For one is still so beautiful to me?! You should not say more about Lu Xiangsi at this time, let me have no face in the future. See Fu Huai'an to see the group, see you! After all, I went to your house that day, and took off in front of your husband..."

Lin Wen’s voice interrupted Chu’s words: “As Fu Huai’an’s wife, what happened to you in the villa that day made me very disgusted and angry! But I believe Fu Huai’an, even if I am not there, you went... Fu Huai’an I still won't touch you! I trust Fu Huai'an at this point, otherwise I won't marry him! You do it, and finally you are humiliating yourself."

Chu Yu looked at Lin Qing’s clear and clear scorpion, and the ash that had burned a fingertip fell, and it was wet and dirty.

She has to admit that Lin Wen is right!

In either case, Fu Huai'an will not touch her!

It’s good to say that these four words are insulted!

"Iraq's things, I am only stating the things of the year, out of respect for the sisters, the fear of life, not for you, you and I are not familiar! As Fu Huai'an wife, I do not have that measure and position to comfort You! But I hope that you know that I and Fu Huai'an are already married. If Chu Taichang is involved in the situation, if it is forcibly involved, it is the character of Chu Taichang!"

Lin warmed the soy sauce bottle, one word at a time, said seriously.

In Chu Xin’s heart, I imagined that Lin Wen knew the various states of this matter, but did not think that Lin Wenhui would be this attitude.

Far away, Chu Yu saw a figure...

Holding an umbrella, coming in the rain.

The man under the umbrella, the handsome facial expression, the thin lips and tight, a black home service, with one hand in the pocket, under this gloomy sky, the picture... actually like an ink painting!

See Lin Wen holding only a bottle of soy sauce in his hand, no umbrella, Chu Yu knows that Fu Huai'an came to pick up Lin.

She extinguished the cigarette in her hand, wiped away the tears, and breathed deeply to adjust her mood.

Taking care of Fu Huai'an has not yet arrived, Chu Yu opened his mouth: "Lin Wen, I especially love Fu Huai'an! Really special love, whether it is because of the group or because of Fu Huai'an, I really think about your position!"

Lin warms to look at Chu, his eyes are clear, and he is not blind.

"Although you and Fu Huai'an are married, I don't have no chance at all. I won't take Fu Huai'an from your side with despicable means, but Lin Wen... I am coming to Japan. If I have the right chance to get Fu Huai'an, I won't hesitate! I hope that you have the ability to let Fu Huai'an always love you!"

After Chu Yu finished, he took advantage of what he bought from the convenience store and rushed into the rain curtain.

After that night, if Chu Yushang still had a trace of courage to face Fu Huai'an, but when Fu Huaian introduced Lin Wen as his wife in the face of so many people, Chu Hao had lost all courage.

In the words of Lin Wen’s words, Chu is not a joke...

Life is so short, it is so hard to love someone!

Chu Hao is so easy to fall in love, how can I be willing to let go? !

She can't face Fu Huai'an now, but one day she will face it bravely, she needs time!

And Fu Huai'an with the umbrella rubbed his shoulders, Chu Yan's footsteps had a moment of smashing, she ran over Fu Huai'an, stopped, and turned back...

I hope that I can see Fu Huai'an looking back at her.

Can Fu Huaian, the footsteps have not stopped...

The rain curtain in the distance blurs the smile of Lin Biao's eyebrows, which makes Lin Wen's whole person unreal.

Probably in the place where Lin is warm, Fu Huai'an can't see other people!

Can Fu Huai'an be because... When Lu Xiangsi entrusted the group to Lin Wen's sake, is it really the reason for Lin Lin's warmth? !

Chu Yu is now confused. The fate of Lu Xiang, who has already died, is in the heart of Fu Huai'an.

Is it important enough, because Lu Xiangsi valued Lin Wen to entrust the child to Lin Wen, so he will fall in love with Lin Wen? !

Chu Yu’s heart was sore and uncomfortable. It was not clear whether the face was tears or rain, and turned back... ran to the community.


Fu Huaian stood in front of Lin Wen with an umbrella: "Aunt Li waited for your bottle of soy sauce, and the pots were dry..."

Dropping the drops of water from the eaves, the sly Fu Huai'an umbrella creaked.

Lin warmed tightly in the hands of the soy sauce bottle, see Fu Huai'an pants and shoes are already wet, and my heart is not touched.

She hooked her lips and smiled into the umbrella of Fu Huai'an. The natural relatives of the action took Fu Huai'an's arm holding the umbrella: "The rain is too big. When I react, the umbrella in the convenience store has been sold out!"

Lin Qing’s clear voice was almost annihilated in the loud rain.

Fu Huai'an took the soy sauce in Lin Wen's hand and smiled at the bottom of his eyes: "Go home!"

Lin warmed nodded: "Well! Go home..."

The wind blew from the heavy rain, and the big branches and leaves swayed so badly that the raindrops on the leaves slammed into the umbrella face, and the sound was scary...

Lin warm pants are wet, cold stickers on the legs, the wind blows ... especially cold, goose bumps can not help but come out.

She held Fu Huai's warm arms tighter and took warmth.

Fu Huai'an changed his hand and held an umbrella. His left arm grabbed Lin's shoulder and tried to protect her under the umbrella and avoid the wind and rain for her.

There is one more... Today's eight thousand words are over!

(End of this chapter)

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