Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 364: More to understand the score

Chapter 364 is more important to understand the score

It was his wife who misunderstood, so she told her the secret that she should only know her loved ones.

At that moment, the female lawyer was fidgeting in the car and was embarrassed.

Lin Wen gently stunned Fu Huai'an and felt that Fu Huai'an's mouth was actually very poisonous.

Although it is not like the naked one of Tang Xi, it is barely naked, but listens to the same poison carefully...

Not far from the World Trade Day Street, Fu Huai'an soon parked his car in the parking area of ​​Shimao Tianjie. The female lawyer said awkwardly, went down from the car and left without heading back.

Fu Huai'an turned the turn signal, turned the steering wheel, and drove the car on the main road.

Lin Wen couldn't help but lick his lips: "I think your mouth is also very poisonous..."

"Then what do you want me to say to her?!" Fu Huai'an deep eyebrows smiled and looked at Lin Wen's eyes and asked, "Directly said to her, my wife is not happy that you and I are very familiar, you get off?!"

Lin warmed a glimpse, then smiled, turned his head and looked at the car outside the window, hiding the red face of the red face in the scarf: "That is still the euphemism."

She remembered that when she was eating with Ji Zibai, Tang Xi talked scornfully, Fu Huai'an said... Can't see her being wronged, Fu Huai'an really is more than just talking about it.

"Your partner feels like you very much, knowing that you are married, will it affect your work?!"

Lin warm suddenly thought of what turned to look at Fu Huai'an, asked.

"If she doesn't have any professional standards, I won't let her be a partner." Fu Huai'an answered the indifference.

In the warm pocket of the phone, the phone vibrates. She especially wants to tell Fu Huai'an that she should not underestimate the woman's heart, but she is not willing to see Fu Huai's partner too badly. She believes that Fu Huai'an looks at people's eyes.

Take out the phone that was put into your pocket not long ago, and the phone screen shows the words "Warm Aunt".

Warm ink deep mother? !

After the accident from Wenmo, Wen Moshen’s mother never contacted her. This time she suddenly called, and Lin Wen vaguely felt that it was related to Wen Moshen.

"Mother and gentle mother..."

Lin Wen stared at the phone screen and said, listening to the meaning is asking for Fu Huai'an's opinion, this phone is still not answered.

Lin Wen has left the circle of high society in Haicheng for many years. The mothers of Wen Moshen are not going to talk to Lin Lin for a tea chat. Their relationship is not as close as a mother and daughter.

Fu Huai'an also guessed that this phone call is intended to be warm and deep.

"Mrs. Wen has always been high, but anyone who is so tall can pull down his face and will persist if he can't get results."

This is why Lin Wen is not stupid to understand, Fu Huai'an is saying that Lin Wen does not pick up Mrs. Wen's willingness to fight.

Lin warmly hesitated, the phone has been hung up, a few seconds apart, Mrs. Wen’s phone has come over again, is about to prove Fu Huai'an sentence ... will not persist without the result.

"Warm ink is afraid of what happened!" Fu Huai'an opened his mouth, "I want to pick it up!"

For a moment, Lin Wen still connected and put the phone in his ear.

"Warm Aunt..." Lin warmed a call.

Because I was not planning to avoid Fu Huai'an, Lin warmed up and chose to open the public.

"Warm..." Wen Moshen’s mother cried as soon as she heard Lin’s voice. “Warm... Please save the ink! Ink is diagnosed with glioma, but he is unwilling to accept it. With the doctor to treat! Warm... I know that Mo Shen has always liked you, your words... He... He may listen to it! I beg you! Can you persuade Mo Shen! I am so easy to recover my son, I I don't want to lose him like this..."

Wen Moshen's mother's desperate and miserable voice is particularly desolate and desperate in the airtight compartment.

Lin Wen was wrong, his fingers slightly tightened his phone and he didn't speak for a while.

Before answering the phone, Lin Wen guessed that it was about Wen and Shen. She even guessed that Wen’s mother had called, perhaps to let her persuade Wen Moshen and Gu’s divorce, but she did not think that it was warm ink. Deeply ill.

The scarf was wrapped around the neck of Lin's warm, warm and warm, so that her back neck and neck pulled out the invisible sweat, her heart... It was not a hundred flavors.

It’s different from the disappearance of the plane that I knew when I was in the warm air. When I was... Lin Wen’s feeling is that the world is falling apart.

But now, after her heart is slightly stunned, in addition to grief, it is difficult to describe the accident. On the contrary, the mother-in-law of Wen Moshen’s mother makes her move more.

Lin Wen didn't know because his heart had become chilly after many years, or... after the person was no longer in her heart, he was regarded as ordinary and can no longer be ordinary friends, and his heart was only worried about his friends, nothing more. .

She took off her scarf and put it on her lap. She listened to the desperate cry from the phone of Wen Moshen’s mother. He whispered: "Warm Aunt... Ink God is already married. As a friend, I can persuade him. I don’t like it, it’s a past tense. If I say it, I won’t dare to go.”

Marriage is a siege, surrounded by two people, happy and unfortunate, but in other people's marriage, whether they like the one who does not belong to the wall, choose to marry, or choose themselves After choosing to get married, you must know how to avoid it.

Coincidentally, Lin Wen both take up, so it is necessary to understand the score.

"Warm... You have always been a kind girl, Auntie begged you! What is the smoke of the cow! We Wen Jia is definitely not going to recognize such a daughter-in-law! Aunt and your uncle have discussed, as long as You can persuade you to take a deep treatment, we will agree with you, let the ink deep and divorce with what the smoke is! We don't pick anything... as long as the ink can live! As long as he likes you!"

Fu Huai'an looked directly at the front of the scorpion, and it was said that it was like Shihlin's warmth, which made his mood extremely bad. As long as Wenmo deeply liked Lin Wen, wouldn't there be warm and deep in Lin Xin's heart? !

"Aunt, I am married."

Fu Huai'an didn't think that Lin Wen, who said that she wanted to hide her marriage, told her the second time today that she was married...

After the brief silence on the phone, Wen Moshen’s mother could not believe: “Warm, are you not talking?!”

"It's not a swear word, so in order to avoid suspicion, I will give a call to Mo Shenge to persuade him, but I don't know if my words will work."

This statement seems to be particularly ruthless, facing a sick patient, even if it is just an ordinary friend, Lin Wen went to see and persuade to persuade to receive treatment is appropriate, to Wenmo Shen here but refused to go.

"Warm, are you really so worried?! You obviously love the ink, you don't want to go to Iraq for him!" Wen Moshen's mother cried heavily.

Hey... Thousands of food words are three pounds! I came back tonight too late to wake up the child. After the child fell asleep, I thought about rushing to write for five minutes. As a result, I slept and the update was late... oh... Dear, Let's hang thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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