Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 366: Huai'an's craft is good.

Chapter 366 Huai'an's craft is good.

Fu Huai'an has a deep scorpion and looks at the bluestone road where the **** is obvious. The shadows on the buildings on both sides are different.

The shadows sometimes enveloped Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen, and sometimes exposed Fu Huai'an's shoulders to the sun. Even Fu Huai'an's pair of black scorpions became flickering, making people look down on his eyes.

"I was planning to take care of my grandmother's later life! But my grandmother passed away when I used to perform the task!" Fu Huai'an hooked his lips. "Later, I found the grandmother's nephew and heard the grandmother's graveyard." Probably because the heart is owed and wants to compensate, I often come to the two couples here, one to two... but whenever you come to Jincheng, you will come over!"

Fu Huai'an said simple.

Lin Wen clenched Fu Huai'an's big hand, did not speak, and tried to pass on the warmth of his palm.

Because it is not the season when the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms, the small yards of the single-family houses are closed, and the ivy on the wall of the door has gradually become yellow, so there is no style.

Fu Huai'an took Lin Wen standing at the door of a small yard and raised his hand to buckle the lock ring on the door.

Lin warmed up and looked at the big blue-flowered tree sticking out from the wall. Although it had already passed the flowering period, it still made people imagine the beautiful appearance when the blossoming blooms.

"I'm coming……"

Hearing a gentle voice from the yard, Lin warmed his head and looked at Fu Huai'an, gently grasping Fu Huai'an's hand.

To open the door is a middle-aged woman who looks very gentle. She has a low ponytail in her long hair. Although she is old enough, her skin can be well maintained. Even if the years have left traces on her cheeks, let She seems to have more gentle charm that this age woman should have.

She was still surrounded by an apron. When she opened the door and saw Fu Huai'an holding Lin Wen standing outside, she smiled and said: "Huai is here! This is a little warm! Come here... Come in!"

"This is a blessing!" Fu Huai'an licked Lin Bing's little hand and introduced her.

Lin warmed out of courtesy, raised his hand and pulled his scarf down, revealing his nose and small face, and smiled sweetly and said hello to the welfare: "Good fortune!"

"Well! I know that Huai'an wants to bring you over. I didn't sleep with you and my uncle." Fuxi rubbed the water-stained hand on the apron and stretched it. tiny hand.

The well-being hand was very warm, and took a slap in the warm, slender hand of Lin, and took Lin to go inside.

Fu Huai'an loosened the hand holding Lin Wen, looked at the well-being, and asked Lin to warm up, and bowed his head from the high door, and closed the door with ease, a look of easy-going.

When Lin Wengang entered the yard, he saw a big golden hair shaking his tail and rushing out of the house. The golden figure swept the forest warmth and the happiness went straight to Fu Huai'an. Lin Wen was shocked...

Fuxi stopped and looked back at the big golden hair that rushed out. He watched Dajinmao lift his front paws and squatted on Fu Huai'an. He swayed his tail and smiled at the mother. "Smelly Fuzi is happy when he sees Huai'an!"

Fu Huai'an did not dislike it. He raised his hand and stroked the head of Jin Mao. The golden hair swayed his tail more vigorously, and only people could see the afterimage of its tail.

"Fu Fu?!" Fu Huai'an smiled and asked.

"You Fu Fu wants to let the little warm taste the authentic sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice cake here. Go to the East Grandpa's house and ask Dong Grandpa to use the sweet-scented osmanthus stored this year to make the sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice cake. It's almost time to come back..."

The home of Fuxi and Fu Shu is a small courtyard, but Fufu is very clean and beautiful.

On the side of the yard, the wall is raised with several rows of chrysanthemums, placed on the shelf... high and low, the chrysanthemums that have just been watered in the sun are blooming, beautiful and messy.

There is a wind chime hanging under the eaves. The wind is over... It makes a crisp sound, mixed with the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is very good.

Lin Wen saw that the wind chime was adorned with a small gourd, which seemed to contain osmanthus sesame oil.

Peaceful, gentle and calm...

This is Lin Wen’s impression of this sweet-scented dock, which is very comfortable and relaxing.

There is antique furniture in the house, it is very quiet, the sound of the self-sounding bells swaying in this quiet room, the sun shines through the window, the golden light is covered with half of the living room, the window The carved anti-theft net is portrayed on the floor, and the entire room has a hint of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Welfare took the sweater that was half-woven on the sofa and put it in the woolen cage. Please sit warm.

"Wai'an, you will watch TV with you, I will go to the kitchen to work, let's have a meal in a while..."

Lin, who just took off his coat and put it on the back of the sofa, took off his scarf and opened his mouth. "Well, I will help you!"

"You don't have to use it! You and Huai'an watch TV for a while!" Fushun put the wool cage aside and walked toward the kitchen.

Lin warmed up his sleeves and lowered his voice to Fu Huai'an: "I am going to help the welfare!"

Fu Huai'an smiled and nodded, like sitting down in his own home. The big golden hair of Fuzi jumped onto the sofa, and the master's posture sat down beside Fu Huai'an. Fu Huai'an head was stroking the golden hair's head and using the remote control. Turn on the TV and shake the phone in your pocket.

He took out his eyes and got up and answered the phone at the door.


Lin warmed into the kitchen, see Fuxi is washing the vegetables in the sink, and see the pot opened, busy rubbing his hands on the apron, turned his head to untie the lid.

"Fox, I will help you with the dishes!"

Lin Wen has rolled up his sleeves, did not wait for the blessings to refuse, his hands have been immersed in the water, carefully washing the carrots.

When Fuxi refused, he swallowed it back to his mouth and looked at the delicate and delicate side of Lin Wen. He couldn’t help but curl up and praised Lin Wen’s warmth: “Now the girls rarely enter the kitchen, they have soot. Instead, the boys went into the kitchen a lot..."

Lin warmed his lips and smiled: "Well, Huai'an's craft is good."

"Wai'an was suffering when he was a child..." Fuxi said that there was some distress here, and poured the chopped broccoli into the pot and passed the water.

Lin warmed up and looked out from the kitchen window. Just seeing Fu Huai'an standing at the door to answer the phone, the golden hair was sitting in front of Fu Huai'an, opening his mouth and tongue, and looking at Fu Huai'an with his big eyes like a child.

Probably because of the habit, Fu Huai'an subconsciously wanted to smoke cigarettes from his pocket, and the left and right pockets touched and realized that he was going to stop smoking, so he put his right hand in his pocket.

Chatting with the welfare, Lin Wen occasionally knows some things about Fu Huai'an when he was a child. It is very interesting.

Well-being said that these are also what she heard from Aunt Fu.

"I have no children in your life, so I have regarded Huai'an as my son for so many years. You Fu said that he wants to bring his newlywed wife back and cried. He thinks that Huai'an is his son..." Said that the eyes are a little red.

After the completion of the three, I started to update the six thousand words every day. I hope the baby will support the old Fu! Love you guys! Already on the 21st! A baby who has not voted for a monthly ticket will take the time to vote for the moon! When we were on the shelves for the first month, thousands of hearts were not sinking, and it was good to rush into the top ten of the monthly ticket list...

(End of this chapter)

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