Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 370: Make you blush? !

Chapter 370 makes you blush? !

In the car, Lin Wen did not dare to open the gift of Xie Jingyu in the face of Fu Huai'an...

To be honest, although Lin Wen and Xie Jingyu know each other for two or three days, this Xie Jingyi **** jumps, who knows what to send.

It’s just that you open it alone. If you open it in front of Fu Huai’an, how bad is it? !

Lin warmly measured the size of this box is not particularly heavy, the feeling of faint feelings in the heart, just rushed to Xie Jingyi that eyebrows look like, Lin Wen has reason to suspect ... inside, either love is interesting, inside a dress, or a condom!

Even a small leather whip, a small handkerchief or something is possible!

It must be something related to both sexes!

Lin warmed his hand on the box and tapped his fingers...

Hesitate for a moment. Lin warmed and turned to put the box on the back seat.

"Xie Jingwei sent your gift, you don't open it?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Lin smiled and smiled and said: "When you go back..."

Fu Huai'an is not a troublesome person. In the end, Xie Jingwei gave Lin Wen a gift. As Xie Jingxi said, Fu Huai'an was not so interested in the things between girls. He nodded.

Lin warmed and pulled the seat belt, twisted to put the box sent by Xie Jingyu in the back seat, but the distance was too long to warm, she tried to throw the box into the leather seat, who knows the box One fell in the compartment and was broken.

Cat ears headband, black tulle skirt, and black triangle **** with a tail...


As Lin Wen expected, it really is a fun and an inside!

Fu Huai'an looked through the rearview mirror and saw only a dark piece of things falling on the black mat inside the car. He asked: "What, dark?!"

"It's nothing!"

Lin warmed red face red, quickly untied the seat belt on one knee and squatted on the co-pilot, bent over to pick things into the box, forcefully buckled, and rested on the rear seats...

Lin warmed back and fastened his seat belt. Yu Guangguang looked at the deep side of Fu Huai'an's silhouette. Seeing that Fu Huai'an had no abnormalities, he let go of his heart.

This Xie Jingwei, the gift is really...

Lin Wenke sighed with a long breath, the phone in the pocket vibrated, she tilted her body and took it out of her pocket.

WeChat from Xie Jingwei.

[Mrs. Fu, thank you! I wish you and Mr. Fu a blessing! 】

Lin warms his ears more red.

Fu Huai'an Yu Guang took Lin Wen's reaction into his eyes: "What did Xie Jingyi send you to make you blush?!"

Lin warmly locked his hand screen and looked at Fu Huai'an with a smile: "No...nothing!"


Before leaving Jincheng, Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen went to Fufu Fushu.

Fu Shu let the old artist give a few gift boxes of sweet-scented osmanthus rice cake, let Lin warm back to taste for friends.

Lin Wen looked at the pile of gift boxes. I didn't expect Fu Shu to prepare so much. She just wanted to bring two boxes back to let the people around me taste it.

Unwilling to marry Fu Shu’s kindness, Lin Wenquan accepted it all, and he said thankfulness and Fu Shu.

After returning to Haicheng, Lin Wen left a box of osmanthus glutinous rice cakes brought by Fu Shu to the group, and left a box for the small candy. A box was sent to Bai Xiaonian’s father, and a box was given to Lin’s family, giving miss. Xia Hai also had a box of Li Ayi, who took care of the group. The others got the radio and television building and distributed it to colleagues.

After eating this osmanthus glutinous rice cake in summer, Miss called Lin Wen to the office. She asked Lin Wen where she bought it. She said that she had eaten the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that her father brought back when she was a child. She knows that Lin Wen sent her authentic osmanthus flowers. Glutinous rice cake, she always remembers that taste.

Lin Wen honestly said that there is an old artist in Jinhua Guihuawu, the elders of the family to ask the old artists to do.

Miss Xiali asked if Lin Wen could ask the elders of the family to say the item. The producer of the program "Tracing" in Taichung listened to Miss Summer and talked about this sweet-scented osmanthus cake. I came to interview the old artist.

Lin warmed and thought about nodding: "Then I will go back and ask the elders of the family to ask the wishes of the elderly and see if the elderly are willing to be interviewed!"

"Good! You have to pay more attention to this matter!" Miss Xia Lin Lin warm.


Lin warmed into the crew for the first time. Although it was only a shot, it was also a thing that Lin Wen had never tried before. It was inevitable for Lin Wen.

Lin Wen, who has never had experience in acting, can be said to be even worse than group performance.

However, Lin Wen’s position in front of the camera is particularly eye-catching because of the experience of hosting.

The scene taken by Lin Wen is a virtual scene, in front of the green curtain... She is standing in the fighting crowd holding a long sword full of blood, knowing that her lover who is struggling to find is dead and desperate.

The director knows that Lin Wen has no experience, has not photographed more than a dozen, and still patiently guides...

Lin Wen felt very embarrassed and very sorry, and he continued to apologize to the film's staff and group.

Every time you come back again, all the group performances will be returned, and the props group will have to re-arrange the props to prevent them from being worn.

The director was very polite to Lin Wen, and chatted with Lin Wen before Lin Wen went to Iraq to find someone. He needed Lin Wen to keep the ethereal and ridiculous eyes in the photo.

It’s been a long time since Lin’s pursuit of warm ink has been deep, but at that time, Lin’s warm feelings are still unforgettable, but it’s difficult to replace Lin.

The director asked Lin Wen to think about it and felt that the mood was in place before starting.

Lin warmed his eyes and recalled the feeling of being in Iraq. Soon Sumanman’s phone came.

She calmed Lin Wen a few words, and Lin Wen said that when she first filmed, NG more than 130, known as NG days! It’s okay to let Lin warm up.

On the first day, there was no such thing as Lin Lin’s warmth. The director said that this shot was not in a hurry, and Lin Lin rested for three days to ponder and ponder. After that, Lin Wen left the crew.

Acting this thing, Lin warmly realizes that... I really don’t have it!


In the evening, Liu Mingchen’s program was broadcast before the film’s emperor.

After the program ended, Nobel Prize winners Liu Mingchen and "Sunday's Covenant" went to Weibo's hot search bar and won the first two positions. Even the movie about cancer patients who had been playing drugs in the previous period also rushed. Going to the fourth place on the list.

For a time, Abidovini became a hot topic for the whole people.

The group and Fu Huai'an sat together on the sofa to watch Lin's warm program, but Lin Wen was always staring at the photos she had taken when she was in Iraq, focusing on her eyes.

He was walking around in the restaurant again, and Sumanman sent a sincere consultation with WeChat.

It’s not that Lin Wen’s heart is on the act, but since he has promised Sumanman’s help, Lin Wen will do well.

Warm is a host! I don’t act, so I haven’t written it in detail...

(End of this chapter)

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