Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 409: Love and life

Chapter 409, love and life

The light of the wall lamp is so soft, but Lin Wen still feels that the light is sore and the pain is so bad...

She wanted to turn around, but she was pressed by Fu Huai'an and couldn't break free. She closed her eyes and didn't look at it.

Fu Huai'an wiped her tears, but she couldn't finish it.

"Small warm, Bai Xiaonian has not woken up yet, what is going on in the end, we haven't figured out, the police don't worry, we don't make a deal for the time being. At present, the first thing to take care of Bai Xiaonian, the second way to find out Living in Bai Xiaonian’s sick father, and then waiting for Bai Xiaonian to wake up, we respect Bai Xiaonian’s meaning, but we can’t make things big at the moment. You think that both Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan have special status. Once they are open... they must be full of storms! At that time, I can't hold up Bai Xiaonian's father. Do you think this is the case?!"

Both of them are calm and down, and they can listen to each other if they say something.

Lu Jinnan has already acknowledged the words of Bai Xiaonian, who is strong and violent, and Lin Wen is not able to say anything after all.

This is not to say that in this matter, Lin Wen made a step...

However, she felt that Fu Huai'an was right, the first to take care of Bai Xiaonian, the second... I couldn't let him know that he couldn't let him know how to live, Lin Wen had to think of a way.

Bai Xiaonian’s mother is unwilling to jump into the building. If Bai Xiaonian’s father knows that Bai Xiaonian is jumping for the same reason, how can he bear it? !

Lin warm did not say anything, but it was the default consent, she endured the pain of her eyes, and opened her throat and asked: "If that, Xiaonian wakes up, want to call the police?!"

Fu Huai'an thinks of what Lu Jinnan said today, if Bai Xiaonian wants his life to give him, ask him to go to jail to go.

"If this is the case, what should I do?" Fu Huaian added and added, "I don't intervene."

When I heard Fu Huai'an, Lin had a look at her eyes. She stared at Fu Huai'an for a long while, and finally the tears burst out.

The pair of clear and beautiful scorpions were foggy, and all of them were red blood, which made Fu Huai'an look distressed.


Lin Wen asked a little childish.

Lin Wenxin knows that Fu Huai'an has never been a man who has justice.

He used to be a lawyer. The lawyer was to take people's money for disaster relief. Before Lin Wen did not pay attention to it, he heard that Fu Huai'an took the high-priced lawyer's fee for the defendant to fight the lawsuit. He simply said black as white and forced the plaintiff to fight the whole family. Jumping to the building to commit suicide.

"Well... really!" Fu Huai'an nodded and hugged people. "One side is you, one side is Lu Jinnan, a little warm..."

Lin Wen did not wait for Fu Huai'an to finish, the whole person turned and went straight to Fu Huai'an Wai Liza: "I just need you not to intervene!"

Fu Huai'an kissed Lin's forehead, and the lips did not leave for a long time, so he held the man in his arms.

Lin Wen has never been an insatiable person. She knows how to score...

After considering Fu Huai'an's point of view, Lin Wen only made such a request. In fact, it was not too much, but Fu Huai'an could feel it... She was still grateful and hugged herself.

Lin Wen warmly cares about the feelings between them, Fu Huai'an can feel it.

This makes Fu Huai's irritating emotions give birth to a little sweetness...

Taking into account the warmth of Lin, Fu Huai'an did not act excessively, and finally just fell asleep with Lin Wen.


At three in the morning, Fu Huai'an phone vibrated.

Fu Huai'an has always been asleep, the mobile phone is aroused, he is afraid of affecting Lin warm sleep, reach out and pick up from the bedside table, press the screen.

Lin Wen slept unsteadily, moved a little, frowned and fell asleep.

Fu Huai'an took the phone and gently got up. Seeing Tang Yan's phone call, he went to the balcony and closed the sliding door to connect...

"What's wrong?!" Fu Huai'an looked through the glass door and looked at the lining of the dark wall lamp.

"Old Fu, I just heard from others in the night palace, I saw Lu Jinnan's woman jumping off the building?! Where did Lu Jinnan come from?! What happened to you?!" Tang Yin voice is a look "I can't get through the phone of Lu Jinnan."

Fu Huai'an heard the words of the dark-skinned nephew and suddenly became tight: "Who heard what?!"

When Bai Xiaonian fell from the building, Fu Huai'an had already sealed the news at the first time he knew it.

Moreover, whether it is the hospital's medical staff or their informed people, what they know... It is Lu Jinan's strong violent Bai Xiaonian, why shouldn't it be said that Lu Jinnan's woman jumped off the building so ridiculously.

Tang Yan stood at the door of the bathroom and took a sip of smoke. He looked around and noticed that there was no talent to open his mouth: "The young master of the West of the City..."

Fu Huai’s hand on the phone was tight, and there was a cool sigh in the low-pitched voice: “Please ask the young master of the family to sit in the private room, half an hour... I want to know how he knows that Lu Jinnan’s woman jumped. ""

so serious? !

"The young master of the Xicheng Wang family, that is..."

Tang Yan stopped talking and finally took a cigarette and pressed the cigarette **** into the ashtray at the top of the trash can: "I know..."

Hanging up the phone, Tang Yan put the phone into the pocket, loosened the tie, and put his hands out of the bathroom corridor.

A black-clothed security is talking about these things to the headset, but I can't see him in the distance.

Tang Zhen covered his lips with one hand and said a few words in the ear of the preservation. He nodded and said: "It is the boss, so let's do it!"


Fu Huai'an Yu Guang noticed that Lin Wen had turned over. He took a look and walked a few steps toward the distance. After a moment, he dialed the telephone number of the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

There was a strong sleepy voice on the other side of the phone: "Fu, this is a call, what can Fang have to do?!"

Fu Huai'an faintly opened: "Sorry, Secretary Fang disturbed your dreams at this time. Today, my assistant came out from the night palace. On the road, I found the son of the non-adult city west king who was beaten. Wang Gongzi was unconscious, and Wang Jiayi Baby, this grandson, recently, our CapitaLand and Wangjia are vying for the project of municipal reconstruction. If this is not clear, I can’t explain it to Wang Lao. I know that you have some personal relationships with Wang Lao, so this is for you. Calling, I want to ask you to check the municipal traffic monitoring to see where Wang Gongzi went today. Is there any clue?"

"Which is not eye-catching, playing Wang Jiaxiao Feng?!" The deputy director of the party was excited and awake for more than half.

The Wang family is such a single seedling, and Wang Lao’s son and daughter-in-law are no longer there. Wang Lao has kept such a grandson, love and life-like...

Seek for...see the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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