Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 465: No one is better than him to me.

Chapter 465 No one is better than him to me.

In this deep and silent night, Wen Mou enjoyed the time when he stood up with Lin Wen, and felt that he had never been peaceful and stable...

When I was warm, I looked back at the light and warmth of the facial features. The throat was slightly swaying. Although I knew that I should not ask for the exit, I still asked: "Fu Huai'an, how are you?"

When Lin warmed back to the scorpion of warm ink, the corner of his lips naturally bent, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to be embedded in the world's most embarrassing stars.

The cool breeze hit, Lin warmed his hand and put the fine hair behind his ear, smiled and nodded: "Well! No one is better than him to me..."

Although my heart is still awkward with Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen is not willing to speak with conscience. Fu Huai'an's good for her is not only for others to see.

When I warmed my ink, I nodded, and I was happy in the depths of my heart, and my heart was inevitably uncomfortable like a fine needle.

He turned and leaned against the stair railings of the balcony, looking at Lin Wen: "I don't know if you heard that there is no, the only child of Pengcheng Mujia is engaged with the illegitimate child of Mr. Fu Jiafu, and the days are set in the day after tomorrow. Mr. is ready to do it. Even our Wen family has received invitations. I heard that many companies that have not been named in Haicheng have also received it. You said that Mr. Fu is not making up his mind and your husband... ..."

When you warm the ink, you can stop talking.

Lin Wen looked surprised. For the news that Fu Tianci wanted to get engaged, she had vaguely heard about it, but thought that Fu Tianci’s personality would not succeed, and there would be no top of it. Didn’t she think it was true? !

Fu Tianci is still so small, engaged? ! Is Fu Tianci willing? !

Seeing Lin Wen’s face unexpectedly, Wen Mo also opened the topic: “That... tomorrow’s grandma’s birthday party, you won’t attend, right?!”

Lin Wen hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I will appear again, it is unfair to Lin Biao, and it will inevitably be pulled out and compared with Lin Biao, it is boring."

When I was warm and indifferent, I nodded, I was about to say something, the phone rang, his eyebrows wrinkled and looked out, and the eyebrows wrinkled more tightly.

"You go to work first, I am here to breathe into the private room!" Lin warmed up and looked at Wenmo.

When I was warm, I didn’t want to go. I was very annoyed, but I had to fight to face it. He didn’t want to show a fragile side in front of Lin Wen’s face. He nodded to Lin Wen’s warmth: “It’s cold outside, don’t stay too long!”

When I finished the warm ink, I didn’t have time to go. I heard someone’s voice coming: “Hey... Wen Shao is hiding here and will be beautiful!”

When Lin warmed and warmed the ink, the two men turned their heads to look at the sound source. They came from a man who was less than 30 years old and less than 40 years old.

When warm ink, his face changed quickly and accompanied his smile to welcome him: "Mu Shaoye, I am sorry to come out for so long! Let's go... I will let the manager find you some beautiful girls to accompany you for a few drinks!"

"I still look for a beautiful girl, this is not a ready-made one!" The man pushed the warm ink to help his arm, and his eyes were naked and looked like Lin Wen warmly, and there was a tendency to warm up to Lin.

When warming the ink, he stopped the man with his body. Lin Wen was still recognized by the man: "Hey! This is not the host of "Today's Covenant" Lin Wen! Now it is a famous figure!"

Lin warms his brows and wrinkles. The man has not smelled an unpleasant smell of wine before he is close to Lin Wen. She is not willing to pay more and more to correct whether it is "Sunday's Covenant" or "Today's Covenant". There is no buzz.

"Mu Shaoye! Master Mu!" Wen Mo used his body to stop the tall man. "Lin Wen is my friend, and you know that Lin Wen is already Mrs. Fu, and married Fu Huai'an, the president of CapitaLand. It is not appropriate to accompany you to drink. The day after tomorrow, your cousin and Fu Jiaxiaozi are engaged. When it is so happy, you can be considered a family, and you can have a drink!"

"A family, don't tease, Fu Huai'an is a thing to say and we are a family?! Wait until Fu Jiaxiaozi and my cousin get married, the entire Capita Group and his Fu Huai'an half-money relationship, I Will you be afraid of him?! I am sleeping today, his wife, he dare not put one! You give me away!"

When Lin Wen heard it, he was on fire. Just relying on the garbage in front of him, he dared to say what Fu Huai'an is!

The young master of the Mu family drank too much, and when he pushed the warm ink, he reached out and asked for warmth.

When Wenmo struggled to stop, Lin Wen knew that it was the site of the night palace, and there was monitoring. The people in the night palace were absolutely impossible for the guests to have an accident on their site. She thought that she was more courageous and her fists were close to her. Before, raise your hand...

The slap had not hit the disgusting face, and the young master of the Mu family suddenly fell backwards.

Lin warmed his eyes, actually a sullen Fu Huai'an, he single-handedly looked at the man's back neck collar of Gao Mada, and forced back, the man fell to the ground.

"I **** you..."

Fu Huai'an was on the lower side and looked at the young master of the Mu family. The last word of the master of the Mu family was not exported.

Fu Huai'an has a handsome and calm face. It is not like anger. The mature facial features will be unpredictable and people will not see the anger. But the body is killing and slashing in the mall, and it is strongly pressing people. The spine is cool and the momentum is horrible.

When I was warming my ink, my heartbeat was very fast. I looked at Fu Huai'an with a gasp. He hadn't had time to breathe. He saw Fu Huai's polished leather shoes stepping on the shackles of the young master of the Mu family. ...

The screams of heartbreaking almost rang through the night palace.

When I was warm, I looked at Fu Huai'an with a big look. The face was incredible, and all of them were terrified.

Lin Wen’s heart was also raised, but Lin Wen’s hateful itch when he thought of the younger brother’s wife, Fu Huai’an.

I don’t know when I was warming ink. For Fu Huai’an, killing an individual is something that can be blinded by eyes, let alone a person’s life.

Fu Huai'an is not a person whose moral outlook is in line with Yang Zhengqi's harmonious rhythm.

When I was warm, I looked at the young master of the Mu family who had been sorely stunned and sneaked in the urine. I was shocked by Fu Huai'an's simple and rude technique.

When I was warm, I didn't know the relationship between Fu Huai'an and the night palace. But when I saw the staff of the night palace, I quickly dealt with the young master of the Mu family. Even people who came to see the excitement did not see the young master of the Mu family.

This is the first time I met Fu Huai'an with Wen Mo...

In terms of age, when it is warm, it is younger, and it is not as mature as Fu Huai'an.

On the gas field, when warm ink is not able to compare with Fu Huai'an, who has rich experience in life, even if Fu Huai'an just stands there and does not speak, the shocking and strong sense of oppression will squeak the nerves of the human brain quietly.

First, the babies are eating moon cakes. There is no one to dare to eat, and the heat is called a high!

(End of this chapter)

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