Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 481: Never been so worried about a person!

Chapter 481 has never been so concerned about a person!

Muman彤 smiled at Lu Qingmei, the dimples on both sides of the white cheeks were deep, and the smile was particularly sweet, making people feel comfortable in their hearts.

Muman is not a fool. He arrived at Fujia Manor today and smelled an unusual taste...

Not to mention that Fu Tianci has never appeared, Fu Tianci’s door is still guarding two bodyguards.

She asked the servants who gave her meals to where Fu Tianci was, and the servants also said that they were in the house, and nothing else!

The last time Muman and Fu Tianci had seen it, the two people still had a chat, but Fu Tianci made it clear that there was no intention to get engaged with Muman, not because Muman’s legs and feet were inconvenient!

Fu Tianci said that it is because they have no emotional foundation, and they are not ancient marriages. How can they still meet one another?

Fu Tianshen said very straightforwardly, he is still young, and has not met a girl who has been heart-warming yet. He does not want to meet one day, but he is married to Muman彤!

He also knows what Fu Qingquan played. He didn't want to ruin his life's happiness in order to get a CapitaLand group.

He also said that Muman is older than him, even if they are now forced to get married, if one day he meets a girl he likes, he will definitely cancel the marriage with Muman, because he will not let himself like it. The girl is a little bit wronged!

So I thought about it and thought that if they were engaged, it would be unfair to Muman, so he didn't want to get engaged.

The honest Fu Tianci, Muman彤 feels particularly comfortable with getting along.

Over the years, Muman has not touched people outside, and he is not very close to men. She always feels inferior because she is sitting in a wheelchair.

Fu Tianci is one of the few men, or boys, that Muman has seen!

But Fu Tianci, the boy who came out of the comics, the overall temperament is so clean, so honest and sunny, so that Muman is longing for.

She doesn't know if she likes it...

However, when she heard from her father that Fu Tianci agreed to be engaged with her, she was excited!

She always remembers Fu Tianci's sentence, he will not let the girl he likes suffer a little bit of grievance!

Muman didn't know if he could have that chance, that honor... became the girl that Fu Tianci liked.

No matter what, Muman wants to try it...

This is the first time she has worked hard for one thing for so many years.

So Muman彤 promised to get engaged and came to Fujia Manor.

Although Lu Qingmei did not trust Fu Tianci and Muman to chat alone, fearing what to eat!

But today, Muman has seen enough of the same, Lu Qingmei can only nod and promise.

Before leaving, Lu Qingmei turned to Fu Tianci: "Remember to eat some snacks and drink some milk!"

The meaning of the words also implies the warning that Fu Tianci does not mean to talk indiscriminately.

Fu Tianci did not say anything, but turned his head.

The aunt who followed Muman’s body looked at Lu Qingmei’s back and vaguely guessed that the mother and son were probably awkward.

She hopes that it is not because Fu Tianci does not want to get engaged with Muman, she looks at Muman, who grew up with Muman and her own daughter, and said that she is a prostitute, she knows that Murman likes Fu. Godsend.

Lu Qingmei stood at the door and smiled at Muman and opened the door even more: "Advanced!"

Muman nodded, and the aunt of Mu’s family pushed Muman’s in.

"Well, you go out too, I talked with Tianci alone..."

Muman’s remarks were made to the aunts of Mu’s family and also to Lu Qingmei.

"Good! I am at the door, and when the lady finishes talking, call me!"

Aunt Mu Mu said with a smile on Lu Qingmei, and respectfully asked Lu Qingmei to come out first. She followed closely and closed the door for the two children.

In the room with the lights on, the mess was messy.

Muman was sitting in a wheelchair, clean and beautiful eyes swept over the potato chips on the ground... Looking at Fu Tianci, the lips evoked a big smile, and the two dimples looked particularly good.

Fu Tianci looked at the smiling Muman, his face was not so good-looking. He grabbed the pillow and hugged it in his arms. He held his cheek with one hand and leaned back on the bed: "What do you want to say?!"

Unlike the previous attitude towards Muman, this time Fu Tianci’s attitude is obviously worse than before.

Muman did not mind, nor did he try to turn the wheelchair close to Fu Tianci. She asked: "Are you unwilling to get engaged with me?!"

"What equipment is installed?! I didn't know enough about it last time?!" Fu Tianci sneered. "I have already told you anyway. If you have to be engaged with me, then I will fix it! Anyway, there are two bodyguards at the door." I can't run too!"

Fu Tianci’s nephew swept over Muman’s legs: “If I ran, I guess my mom would take me back and interrupt my pair, and my legs would force me to get engaged with you!”

They all say that they don’t beat their faces, and they don’t reveal them. Fu Tianci’s words are too embarrassing.

Muman’s face was white.

Her clean and beautiful little hand tightened the gauze and smiled hard. "I can't go... I can't control it. If you don't want to get engaged with me, then I can go and talk to our elders. But I hope you know, it’s not that my dead skin is not entangled with your engagement. It is your father and your mother who called me personally and said that you agreed to get engaged, so I agreed, until today I came to Fujia Manor and saw Someone looked at you, only to know... you didn't agree!"

This thing, Lu Qingmei can do it!

After smashing Muman, Fu Tianci had a little bit of uneasiness in his heart, but he did not show it. He still used the condescending gesture to look at Muman.

"Tianci..." Muman whispered Fu Tianci's name. "I don't know if you care about my legs. If you don't mind my legs, I think..."

Muman’s heartbeat was very fast. She was sweating in her palm and clutching her own skirt: “I want to try and see if I can be your favorite girl!”

Fu Tianci has a look, and the brain has some reactions.

For Muman, Fu Tianci is not annoying, and even with a bit of sympathy.

But this Muman 彤 suddenly blushes in front of him, which makes Fu Tianci feel helpless.

In these years, Fu Tianci was not confessed by the little girl, no matter who expressed his confession, Fu Tianci could refuse it.

But Muman is a girl who can't stand up. Fu Tianci, this child has always been soft, and those who are vicious can't say anything.

"This is the first time I have the courage to say this to a person!" Muman has no courage to look at Fu Tianci's eyes. She bowed her head and fingers clasped her own veil. "I have always been Very inferior, and never been so worried about a person!"

Baby, Happy National Day!

In addition: the benefits have already been released in October, and the monthly ticket has changed from October 1st to 7th. Therefore, I hope that the babies will support thousands of thousands of people, and try to vote for the old ticket from the first to the seventh! Thank you dear! After stealing the monthly ticket, you can go to the administrator to get the benefits! What are you babies!

(End of this chapter)

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