Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 493: Lin warmed to lose!

Chapter 493 Lin Wen admitted!

Lin warmed her heart. She took back the arm on the back of the sofa. She looked at the group and looked at it. She pretended not to see Fu Huai'an coming over. It seems that she was not the same as her deliberately revealing smile!

It’s just her red ear, she has already sold her mood at this time...

In the distance, Fu Qingquan, who met Fu Tianci to see people, looked at Fu Huai'an and walked toward Lin Wen's direction. His face was even worse!

Originally, Fu Qingquan expected Fu Huai'an to take Fu Tianci, but Fu Huai'an took Fu Tianci to a group of cooperative group directors. After introducing Fu Tianci, he smiled and said that he would take a long vacation tomorrow. My wife’s son went out to play for a few months!

Others are not idiots. After Fu Huai’s introduction of Fu Tianci, he suddenly came up with such a thing, clearly showing his face to Fu Qingquan.

Fu Qingquan guessed that Fu Huai'an came to this because of Lin Wen, or because Fu Tianci and Mu Jiaqianjin were engaged, so they deliberately did this.

Long vacation? ! Ah……

Suddenly I announced a long vacation, and I didn’t leave him with a little time to prepare. Fu Qingquan’s fists were close, and my heart was more inclined to think that Fu Huai’an saw that this was a marriage between Fu Tianci and Peng Chengmu.

Fu Huai'an picks up the child, he picks up the child and naturally someone comes up...

He Fu Qingquan still does not believe it. After leaving Fu Huai'an, the Kaide Group is still not working. !

Seeing Fu Huai'an sitting on the sofa with Lin Wen, Fu Qingquan exhaled a long breath, stretched his brows and stretched out, while introducing Fu Tianci to others to know, while he was thinking about the people he could use here. !

When Fu Huai'an left, he needs to arrange the people as soon as possible. When his people get started, Fu Huai'an wants to return to the Kaide Group to point the finger, but it will be difficult!

Fu Qingquan considered the opportunity to change the people of Fu Huai'an. The first one was the thorny head Lu Jinnan!

This Lu Jinnan is too busy, even if Fu Huai'an is not a long vacation, he has no way to feel at Fu Qingquan.

Uneasy Fu Qingquan and Song Secretary said, Song Secretary will know, no trace to take over Fu Qingquan's position with Fu Tianci to get to know people, Fu Qingquan went upstairs to ponder how to deal with this matter.

There are also a group of directors, Fu Qingquan also has to find a way to stabilize, they have a relationship with Fu Qingquan, but they also hope to make money. In the past few years, the Kaide Group has been in the hands of Fu Huai'an, and the price of their shares has turned over. I don't know how many times!

Now Fu Huai'an suddenly has to go on vacation in this stall, or a long vacation, it is inevitable that they are not feeling well, Fu Qingquan still needs to appease.

Fu Qingquan hurriedly went upstairs to the study room, and Lu Jinnan, who had been watching the lively mentality, was happy.

Lu Jinnan is holding a glass of wine and is in a good mood. Fu Qingquan, who has been pampered in these years, has such a devastating day...


Fu Huai'an sat down beside Lin Wen, and saw that the group was holding a cake plate, like a little hamster, and quickly pulled the cake into his mouth, for fear that Fu Huai'an would not let him eat.

Fu Huai'an: "..."

Looking at his son's bulging face, Fu Huai'an did not know what to say, so many things to chew? !

"round and round!"

Fu Huai'an screamed, and the group raised his head, next to the mouth that was about to be closed, and the round eyes looked at Fu Huai'an, his mouth was full of stuff, and his face looked innocent, and he took off a small hamster.

"Do you have so much stuff to chew?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

The group thought for a moment, afraid that Fu Huai'an would not let him eat, nod.

Fu Huai'an sighed, and the mellow voice was all the help of the old father: " Eat it!"

The group eyes squinted at Fu Huai'an, licking his face with a chubby hand and rubbing his face to make it difficult to chew.

Not far away, a group of little girls, a group of **** face, and whispered down.

"so cute!"

"It’s so cute! The heart has to be sprouted..."

Fu Huai'an eyes swept over the group that was chewing on the cake in his mouth. He whispered his head and whispered in Lin Wen's ear: "Let Lu Jinnan watch the group, let's go out! Let's talk about your smile!"

Deliberately depressing the magnetic sound line, mixed with hot air into the forest warm cochlea, Lin Lin could not help but start at the beginning, was Fu Huai'an breathing hot air smashed the right ear red slut.

"What's the good thing to talk about?!" Lin warmed and confused.

The group heard the dialogue between father and mother, turned their heads with their hands and looked at Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an. The black-eyed eyes of the grapes looked back and forth between the two people and chewed the cake.

After Fu Huai's one-handed support on the back of the Lin warm sofa, the action is like embracing the forest warm circle, and the body leans in the direction of the forest warm.

Lin warmed sideways to face the group, Yu Guang can see Fu Huai's big hand on the back of the sofa, and his tall figure on the carpet, the heat behind it, Lin speed heartbeat speed inexplicably faster.

I noticed that Fu Huai's shirt button did not seem to stick to her shoulder. I don't know if it is a psychological effect. She can even feel Fu Huai's strong and powerful heartbeat.

"Group, playing with Uncle Lu Jinnan for a while?" Fu Huai'an asked the group.

When the man spoke, the vibration of the chest was obvious, and Lin Wen tightened the paper ball that had just been given to the group to wipe the cream.

The group slid down the sofa with a small mouth and ran towards Lu Jinnan...

The cake in his mouth has not finished eating. He is afraid that his father will let him spit it out. The last time, he was not allowed to swallow it!

Lin warmed his head, his lips wiped Fu Huai'an's thin lips, a glimpse... moved backwards, his cheeks burned.

Although it is said that they are already married, Lin Lin is not a girl who is unconstrained in the end. He can’t kiss Fu Huai’an without any scruples in the public, and treat others as nothing.

"Isn't it a lot of courage?!" Fu Huai'an's nephews are all smiling, and the depth of the pool is so deep that people can't see it at all. The calmness and deepness make people feel that there are countless emotions in them. "The smile and the eyes... ”

Fu Huai'an wants to stop.

Lin warmly saw no one around, afraid that Fu Huai'an said something, the brow was a coveted, and the line of sight fell on the **** throat of Fu Huai'an up and down, the cheeks were hotter.

He pressed his voice and opened his mouth: "Special sorrow."

Lin warmed the heartbeat faster, her clean and clear eyes looked at Fu Huai'an, close to Fu Huai'an and asked: "Do you like it?!"

Fu Huai'an's big hand on the back of the sofa was not knocked at the moment. It was close to Lin Wen. The two men almost touched each other's forehead. They only listened to Fu Huai'an's slight nod, and they were open-minded: "Slightly one*, to pay tribute. ”

The heat seemed to blast from the warm cheeks of Lin, she straightened up and her back was stiff...

Lin warmed to lose!

First, the baby should ask for a more today! The baby who has a monthly pass on his hand remembers to vote for the old Fu! During the event... the monthly ticket has changed to two, and you can cast ten! After the monthly vote is over, don't forget to go to the monthly ticket box to draw the prize!

(End of this chapter)

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