Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 512: Anyway, I am definitely not going to eat back.

Chapter 512 Anyway, I am definitely not going to eat the grass.

In the life of the enemy, Chu Yan, to discuss life, Lin Wen is not so unrelenting.

"What kind of investor is behind Weng Lin?" Can you say that you can change it if you change it?! She doesn't want to think about it, if this program doesn't have you..." Bai Xiaonian’s voice paused, thinking Both Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan are not there. When they talk to Lin Wen, they break up. "If there wasn't you and Wen Moshen, there was still a cigarette in the air and it was pulled out as a gossip. Can you have a show on Sunday?"

Bai Xiaonian thought about the more angry, but thought of the microblog that was sent by the early Emperor of the movie. When I thought about it, I was looking at the face of Lin Wen before going to the show!

The panic in her heart was close to Lin Wen’s, an ambitious look: “Otherwise, you let your husband also invest in you! Isn’t it money?! Your husband has a private jet, it’s not bad. That little money! Let your husband give you money to invest in money, and regain the "Sunday's Covenant" program!"

In the heart of Bai Xiaonian, Lin Wen is equal to the "home from the Sunday" program, "Sunday has a covenant" and Lin Wen, in her view is one.

The dialect said to Lin Wen, Lin Wen did not reveal a word to Bai Xiaonian, afraid that Bai Xiaonian will follow Haicheng TV station once.

Now that Bai Xiaonian’s TV development in Haicheng is still good, Lin Wen thinks that no matter what, Chu Yu will not be connected with Bai Xiaonian.

Lin warmed and shook his head: "It’s so interesting to grab the show back!"

I don't want Bai Xiaonian to hold on to this matter again. Lin warmed the topic: "Do you really want to be with Lu Jinnan?!"

"I am like a fake?!" Bai Xiaonian took a bite of an apple and smiled and asked Lin.

"That... Uncle Bai knows?! I see that Uncle Bai likes Lu Jinbei."

Lin Wen thought that Lu Jinnan’s father called Lu Jinbei in front of her and Bai Xiaonian’s father, and let Lu Jinbei take care of Bai Xiaonian.

Lin Wen could see that Bai Xiaonian’s father had a smile at the bottom.

"My dad likes it, then he is married to Lu Jinbei! Anyway, I will never eat back, especially the kind of scum male who derailed..." Bai Xiaonian put down half of the apples and picked up the table. The potato chip bag, stuffed a piece of potato chips into the mouth, shrugged.

Lin Wen: "..."

Let your father marry Lu Jinbei, and Bai Xiaonian can tell it!

Bai Xiaonian took a potato chip and looked back at the door of the leisure room. It was confirmed that Lu Jinnan and Fu Huai'an would not come over suddenly. This was mysteriously close to Lin Wen, and put the index finger and thumb in his mouth and smashed it. : "Warm... I ask you, are you and your family Fu Huai'an singing songs every night?!"

Lin Wen looked at Bai Xiaonian with a look of gossip, resisting the redness of his ears, his brows tight, and deliberately stretched his face: "Which eyes do you see us singing at night?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s line of sight pointed to the Lin warm neck and glanced at him.

After picking up the clothes of his neckline, Lin Wen took a pillow and hugged it in his arms, pretending to look at the movie seriously, and ignored Bai Xiaonian.

"Don't admit it! You see that your face is a bit tired and it looks like it's too moist to be tossed and tossed too!"

There are no men here, and Bai Xiaonian’s speech is inevitable and he will not say anything.

Lin Wen: "..."

"You said that Lu Jinnan, the **** and Fu Huai'an two people are obviously good friends, why are they so different, that bastard..." Bai Xiaonian mentioned Lu Jinnan's eyebrows, "There is no skill at all, but also like to use brute force." The most important thing is not to listen to what others say! I always feel that Laozi is the best in the world, and Laozi is invincible!"

Lin Wen: "..."

If you can choose, Lin Wen does not want to listen to the things between friends and her boyfriend.

"Warm, can you let Fu Huai'an teach Lu Jinnan that bastard!"

Lin Wengang just started the entrance of the longan red jujube tea almost sprayed out, she looked at the monster-like expression and looked at Bai Xiaonian: "Bai Xiaonian, you can really say anything! How can a good friend interfere with other people's life... interfere with others Going to bed?!"

"Where is this interference? This is to make our future life more happy and harmonious!" Bai Xiaonian pointed to Lin Wen, "still not a good friend?!"

"Not a good friend! Don't send it slowly..." Lin Wen answered a serious question.

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

Lin Wen holding the longan red jujube tea and watching the TV screen does not take care of Bai Xiaonian.

"I know that some friends can suffer and can't be together! The moisturity of their own little days is like a rose that has been poured out with care, and seeing that their friends are slowly withering and not willing to help!"

Bai Xiaonian put his own plastered legs on the coffee table, and a pitiful expression stroking his legs...

"It’s a pity that you don’t go to the acting in Bai Xiaonian. If you go to the acting, it’s not a problem after you take the film!” Lin Wen couldn’t help but stabbed Bai Xiaonian.

"I am really sad. I didn't expect our friendship flower to fade like this..."

"You are not sour?!" Lin warmed and glanced at Bai Xiaonian, and he was almost bitten by Bai Xiaonian.

"You really can't help!" Bai Xiaonian's little face bulged. "If you don't help me, I will see you by hand! Since then, friends have done it!"

"You asked me and Fu Huai'an to talk about your bed with Lu Jinnan! Fu Huai'an said that I care about Lu Jinnan's housework and can block me! If I say that you ask me to let Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan say, who can guarantee Fu Huai'an? Lu Jinnan said?! Where do you let Lu Jinnan face?!"

Lin Wen thinks that Bai Xiaonian is a smart person who is really clever and fox-like. Stupid is really stupid!

"Like me and you, if Lu Jinan let Fu Huai'an come to me and tell me, I will definitely tell you, to yourself, Bai Xiaonian, you said that Lu Jinnan knows that you still want to have a good relationship with Lu Jinnan?! ”

Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian’s tone of speech was anxious and fast. Bai Xiaonian apparently listened to it. He was dissatisfied and looked at Lin Wen: “You have reason to be so fierce!”

When I thought of myself and Lu Jinnan's sexual life, Bai Xiaonian blocked a mass of cotton.

Obviously she is a king with rich theoretical experience, and the innate moisturizing of men and women in that aspect of life is right! But why is it that Lu Jinnan is so cool every time, she will be so embarrassed? !

The day before yesterday, Lu Jinnan the bastard, did not listen to the command! Barbaric let Bai Xiaonian want to kill him!

The first is more... ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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