Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 516: Who has no means to see the light? !

Chapter 516 Who has no means to see the light? !

His eyes became far and deep, with a bit of smile, and he did not catch up. He didn't want to be a metamorphosis.

Probably, the first time you meet, you shouldn’t say such a heavy truth!

Li Muyang stood in the same place, watching the slender and graceful figure sitting in front of the table. By the window, the golden sun was scattered on her breakfast, sketching her delicate side profile and letting her whole person Brilliant, beautiful, let people take a look, then never want to look away...

Li Muyang’s bodyguard assistant, Azhan, lowered his voice and asked Li Muyang: “Boss, do you want to...”

Li Muyang's brows were tight, and he looked at Azhan sideways. A pair of scorpions were sharp.

Azhan lowered his head and stepped back, swallowing back to his mouth.

Li Muyang’s unspeakable expression is unpleasant: “A show, don’t speculate on what I mean in the future.”



Bai Xiaonian smiled and looked at Lin Wen, who was sitting next to him, biting a toast and said: "Someone is talking to you!"

Shaking his head, Lin Wen replied: "You have to use a coffee machine."

"Long is quite handsome!" Bai Xiaonian commented on Li Muyang. "It is not inferior to Lu Jinnan. It is too white... There is no blood on his face. It looks sick and there is no lethality of Lu Jinnan."

Lin warmed up the coffee and did not drink, was directly taken away by Bai Xiaonian: "Don't get up early in the morning to drink black coffee stomach?! You stomach this Lin family's mother spent a lot of thoughts to adjust over, so the scars forgot to hurt! ”

Putting down the coffee cup, Bai Xiaonian looked sullen and looked at Lin Wen: "I was still too late with your family, Fu Huai'an, and I needed a black coffee spirit?!"

"What do you say?" Lin warmed up Bai Xiaonian.

"I said?! You really don't know or don't know..." Bai Xiaonian opened the phone, switched the self-timer lens, and raised it to Lin Wen, let Lin Wen look at himself in the phone, "Look at yourself. Face, face if peach, double 眸 with spring, is equal to the words of my sexual life is very moist, engraved on the head, is personal to see you know how you are blessed!"

The warmth of Lin in the hand is like Bai Xiaonian said. A white, tender and tender face can be poured out of water, white and red, the whole skin is healthy and beautiful and very shiny. At first glance, it looks like a young woman. .

Lin Wen pushed Bai Xiaonian's mobile phone away and took a piece of croissant into the unforgiving mouth of Bai Xiaonian: "Eat your meal! You can't stop your mouth!"

"Oh... I was so angry that I was angry!" Bai Xiaonian took a bite of a croissant and pouted, but his heart was really happy for Lin.

Lin Wen finally climbed out of the deep and deep pit of the deep and deep bottom of Wenmo, and regained his spirit.


Inside the suite.

Lu Jinnan ordered a cigarette and looked at Fu Huai'an. "The progress in China is still smooth. The wife and mother-in-law of Mu Guangyu’s marriage have also exploded. I heard that Mu’s father was angry and asked Mu Guangyu. The wife of the wife went out of the house, and the great mother-in-law of Mu Guangzhen came to the front of Mujiamen. She suddenly disappeared for two days and came back with her daughter to leave Mu Guangyu’s home."

If there is already a certain position in the giants, who has no means to see the light? !

I don’t move at all, I just don’t think I can’t...

But some people who have their noses on their faces have been around for a long time, forgetting their fears and testing the bottom line of others again and again.

Mu Guangyu’s wife’s mother has a life, and Fu Huai’an has been surprised.

Generally speaking, in this case, Mu Guangyu’s mother-in-law should be “disappeared” forever.

"In addition, Chu Yu looked for Tang Yan and came over with Unnai." Lu Jinnan said that when he said this, his lips had a smile. "Chu Yu’s hand seems to hold the shares of the Kaide Group in their hands. I said that I want to give it to you personally! So Don Juan let you come with Unaina!"

The reason why Fu Huai'an let Younai come over is to let Younai come over to protect Lin Wen.

In the bodyguard industry, Younai is considered to be the best on the top, and the price is also very high. Even the men on many bodyguards are not the opponents of Younai.

Lin Wen needs such a person around him.

Fu Huai'an spoke, and Uninai did not say anything, and resigned from the well-paid bodyguards.

Before the salary of Unina, the salary in the industry has been high enough to be staggering. After all, it is hard to find a professional bodyguard.

Human feelings belong to human feelings, Fu Huai'an did not treat Younai, he said that regardless of the amount of salary before Younai, he paid three times, in addition to pay half a year in advance, and every holiday has a bonus.

And Chu Yu...

Fu Huai'an said that he was very clear when he stopped him and Lin Weng, and he was not buying or selling, but he was still coming!

However, this time, Chu Yu’s hard work is probably for Chu, not Fu Huai’an.

Fu Huai'an lips squinted with a cool smile. The former Chu Yu's father took advantage of the Kaide Group's shares and looked like a gold ingot. I don't know that this gold ingot has now become a hot potato.

"The business with the Middle East, do you want to stop Gu Qingcheng to stop?!" Lu Jinnan and Fu Huai'an tempted to discuss, "Or let Gu Qingcheng set aside some people, secretly follow you and Lin Wen still have a group?!"

"These things have not been touched by us all these years. They are all in Qingcheng. He has a lot of heart." Fu Huai'an's lips are dark and dark. "As for the others, don't use them for the time being..."

In these years, Fu Huai'an secretly saw the unsatisfactory business, which was taken care of by Gu Qingcheng. Fu Huai'an himself basically did not show up.

But whether it is the Middle East or the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, no one knows the name of Gu Qingcheng. Everyone knows that there is a mysterious big boss behind Gu Qingcheng.

As for who this boss is, no one knows...

In the past few years, Fu Huai'an only had to deal with Mr. Du, which was the business that Fu Huai was in the United States when he was in the early years. After that, he was handed over to Gu Qingcheng.

This time, Mr. Du missed some of the temperament in front of Nasser for the safety of Fu Huai'an. In addition, this time Qin Zhe's business Gu Qingcheng wanted to save people from it. Nashil has a smart person who has some conjectures. Going out, it is not surprising that someone followed Fu Huai'an.

But at least, Fu Huai'an can be sure that others will not dare to do anything to them.

"Otherwise, let the group and Lin warm back to the country?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

Fu Huai'an scorpion squatted for a while, taking a cigarette from the cigarette case and holding it in the corner of his lips. He was playing with a metal lighter in his hand and did not ignite the cigarette...

For a long time, Fu Huai'an dropped his throat, lit cigarettes, and the fire swayed. He lit cigarettes and his lips overflowed with white mist.

Three more, I am really sorry, dear!

(End of this chapter)

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