Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 526: My enthusiasm is enough for Mrs. Fu alone!

Chapter 526 My enthusiasm is enough for Mrs. Fu alone!

People like Lin Wen, who have ideals and who want to act, must bear the heavy burden that others cannot bear, because the safety of such people is not guaranteed, they become social conscience, justice...

But justice cannot protect their personal safety.

The dialect has seen a lot of people just coming out of school, and the blood is boiling. The heart is full of news ideals and chivalrous hearts, but in the end these people are not killed by reality, or the ideals are exhausted by reality.

They expose the darkness with a narrow heart. Not only are the personal safety of themselves and their families threatened, but... even if they are killed for justice, they will be forgotten after being mourned for a few years!

Those who have suffered a certain life and safety because of their interests, even if they were dealt with at that time, continued to rise to the fortune a few years later.

For example, the person in charge of the original vaccination vaccine became the director of the Food and Drug Administration a few years later. What is the biggest irony? !

The dialect makes Lin Wen think about it well. If she really wants to go this way, the dialect supports it! Dialects will use their professional skills to protect Lin Wen with the greatest ability!

All she can do is to let Lin warm up and let Lin Wen become a household name! Let Lin Wen be exposed to the public almost every day!

When Lin Wen warmly one day, he really wants to start doing what he wants to do. Those who want to warm the forest always have to look at it. They dare not.

Seeing Lin Wen’s thoughts seem to drift away, Sumanman’s lips are awkward, and the voices are all fixed: “You have a plan for your future... should you already have it?!”

Lin warmed back to see Sumanman, and did not swear: "Well, probably with a prototype, but there is no specific plan."

About the studio, Lin Wen has not said to Sumanman, there is no accurate finale, Lin Wen never said it.

"If you are interested in polytropic development, or ... turn around as an actor, I can introduce you resources. I have a lot of resources here!" Su Manman smiled at Lin Wen. "I have never said this." Others have said that because you are a family member, I said so."

Seeing Fu Huai'an hanging up the phone, Sumanman looked up and looked at Fu Huai'an and said, "Give you something about flying the sky!"

Sumanman looked like a gloating sorrow: "The last time I told you that someone was going to explode Fu Tianci is an illegitimate child. Did you tell the grandfather, even though the grandfather handled it, but the grandfather thought it was you looking for it. People are exposed, but also deliberately want to sell to others, you say that this is not sitting in Venice, the pot comes from heaven!"

Lin Wen: "..."

Is Sumanman so happy? !

But think about it, Sumanman did not say anything wrong, it’s really a flying pot...

Fu Huai'an gave Fu Qingquan a woke up for Fu Tianci. I didn't expect Fu Qingquan to actually put the pot on Fu Huai'an.

For Fu Huai'an, this has nothing to do. Is it difficult for him to expect Fu Qingquan to be grateful to him through this incident? !

Sumanman just finished talking, the phone in the pocket vibrates.


"Momman sister! I am looking for you to save my life this time!" The person on the other side of the phone almost cried. "Our crew rented a big cruise ship, but the actor who played with the movie theater today fell into the sea and is now taken to the hospital. It’s all about renting a cruise ship! I heard that you are in Venice. Can you help me?! It’s not difficult to play a tango with the Emperor on the deck!”

Sumanman heard the head saying so, the lips suddenly raised, deliberately took the shelf: "You know, I am not the protagonist!"

"Momman! I am asking for help! It is really a life-saving!"

Sumanman's slender fingers wrap around his hair and slap his lips: "I am here to relax!"

The assistant director at the other end of the phone turned his eyes. Who didn’t know when Sumanman liked the movie? ! He bet a hundred packs of spicy Samanman for the first time!

"Momman sister! Please!" The deputy director almost cried. "This role is more important. After contacting you, I have to go to a guest to find a man and a woman to take a back shot!"

Sumanman listened to his eyes and looked at Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an. This is the way: "One man and one woman! I am just with Lin Wen and her husband..."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Wen and Lin warmed her husband, and their eyes were bright: "Really?! Manman! I am asking if you can help me to take a shot together. If it is the husband of Lin Wen and Lin Wen, we must Give a close-up shot! It’s the movie star who looks at the cruise ship and thinks about the picture when the parents boarded the cruise when they were young. You can rest assured that the 100% big close-up shot!”

"You are beautiful!" Su Manman took the accent. "Who doesn't know that the first notice of "The Devil's Biography" has been sent, Lin Wen's stunning performance makes more people want to see more works by Lin Wen, and then Lin Wen Husband jumped out, Lin Wen and Lin warm husband took up the popularity of Weibo! It is still on the leaderboard! You want to borrow Dongfeng! It is like you gave a favor..."

"Momman sister! I will leave you for you!" The deputy director gnawed his teeth. "I will give you the card of the early Han Dynasty!"

Sumanman stirred up his white hair and raised his eyebrows. "Good! I can help you, but... Lin Wen couple, I don't guarantee!"

The deputy director almost cried and thanked Sumanman.

Hanging up the phone, Sumanman said that the deputy director wanted to ask Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an to take a shot.

Fu Huai'an said nothing to Lin Wendao: "The hotel is back..."

Sumanman: "..."

Is there such a brother? ! Goodbye by hand!

Lin warmly apologized to Sumanman: "We are coming to vacation, I really don't want to shoot, I am sorry, Manman!"

Sumanman understood that after taking a mask and a cap, he called the assistant director to pick her up.

Lin Wen and Fu Huaian sent Sumanman to the car before they were ready to go...

The deputy director looked at Lin Huai and Lin Huai'an with his hands in his pocket. Lin Wen had been politely smiling at the assistant director, but kept his distance.

And Fu Huai'an around Lin Wen, originally had a sense of power, and now he put his hands in his pockets and stretched a handsome facial actor with a cold masculine, obviously a look of awkward, and the thin assistant director did not dare to say anything. Busy on the car with Sumanman to shoot the scene.

"Go, go back to the hotel..." Fu Huai'an grabbed Lin Wen's little hand and took her back along the coast.

Lin warmed another hand and hugged Fu Huai'an's arm. He whispered: "I think you are very cold to Sumanman's sister!"

When Fu Huai'an heard this, the lips and corners swelled, and the pair of deep and dark scorpions on the side gaze deeply at Lin Wen, the thin lips are closed, and the mature and steady voice with a smile: "My enthusiasm gives Mrs. Fu a person. enough!"

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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