Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 535: The expression is deep and people can’t see through

Chapter 535, the expression is deep and people can't see through

Chu Yu cooperated with nod and looked at Fu Huai'an.

"In the past few years, you have worked hard to make the Kaide Group have today. You have to bear with your own efforts for so many years?! I don't believe you will not feel bad?!" Mrs. Fu was full of pain, "Huai'an, Let's go back!"

The Kaide Group not only has the painstaking efforts of Fu Huai'an, but also the painstaking efforts of Mrs. Fu's wife. It is almost the life of Mrs. Fu.

To say that Fu Huai'an is distressed, Mrs. Fu will only be more distressed than Fu Huai'an...

Fu Huai'an took Lin Wenyi into the ward, and Chu and Mrs. Fu and the old two cooperated with each other. A bunch of words seemed to be facing the Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, and they were better than the rehearsal.

Fu Huai'an handsome and straight-faced facial features were indifferent, and he did not answer the words. He forced the small hand of Yulin to loosen.

He walked slowly to Mrs. Fu’s bed and asked only Mrs. Fu’s sentence: “How is it now?!”

Lin Wen stood at the door, somewhere outside of Chu Yu, not snoring.

Before and with Mrs. Fu, she was somewhat unpleasant. Lin Wen couldn’t do anything without heart and comfort, and simply stood at the door and waited for Fu Huai’an.

Fu Huai'an's concern is also cool. Mrs. Fu's heart is a little uncomfortable, but she still smiles and accepts: "Much better, thanks to Chu Wei! Chu Yu is a good boy... I know that I will come to Venice and come to see me immediately. If it is not for the timely arrival of Chu, I am afraid that this old life will be accounted for here."

Chu Hao smiled at the side: "I am a good friend with Huai, see you should be!"

"Is Chu Yu told you that I am in Venice?!" Fu Huai'an's difficult voice with a smile, but dark and unclear.

Looking at Chu's face turned white, Mrs. Fu did not dare to rush to answer, she licked her lips: "I can't contact you, I am very anxious, afraid that you only care about vacation, do not pay attention to the news of the domestic Kaide Group, or put Kai The German group handed over to Lu Qingmei, the mother and son, or the Kaide Group..."

The latter result is that Mrs. Fu does not want to see it, so she can't say it.

"The Kaide Group is a father. He is willing to give Fu Tianshou no help. Before that, I was stubborn. I think that I have paid a lot for the CapitaLand and I am reluctant to let go. I have been the CEO of the CapitaLand Group these years. With the salary given by the father, this is all right! There should be nothing to be reconciled."

Mrs. Fu and Chu’s face are all changed.

Mrs. Fu’s wife couldn’t help but adjust her sitting position and let herself sit more straight and look at Fu Huai’an. The unsightly eyes showed a little panic: “Huai’an, can’t say that! The CapitaLand should have been 绾绾Oh, it should be yours!"

"But Godsend is Mr. Fu's own flesh and blood, even if it is an illegitimate child, it is the same as the spouse's first heir!" Fu Huai'an said carelessly, "I am the president hired by CapitaLand, I have not taken vacations for so many years, long vacation. Resting together, it should be justified!"

"You are on vacation, the Capita Group is finished!" Mrs. Fu's eyes are red, and her tone is almost pleading. "Huai'an, don't be... don't let your grandfather get angry! You will make a decision. understandable!"

The Kaide Group is the life of Mrs. Fu, and Mrs. Fu really has no way to look down on the Kaide Group, which has become a towering tree.

Mrs. Fu was originally planning not to divorce, and she died of Fu Qingquan. After this, the Kaide Group was her, and she certainly would not leave Lu Qingmei’s mother and son a dime.

But now, Mrs. Fu’s body is going down every day, and she is worried that she will not be long.

Once she dies, it must be the combination of Fu Qingquan and Lu Qingmei's mother and child, so before that, she must help Fu Huai'an to get the Kaide Group!

Fu Huai'an smiled lightly: "Do you believe this?!"

Mrs. Fu’s throat was awkward and her heart was uncomfortable.

Letter? !

If Fu Qingquan really wants to understand, he will not hand over the power of the CapitaLand Group to Lu Qingmei.

Can Mrs. Fu’s so savvy old lady not understand? !

Fu Qingquan did not give power to Song Secretary who followed him for so many years, but gave Lu Qingmei, because Lu Qingmei was Fu Tianci’s mother. Fu Qingquan believed that Lu Qingmei would not do anything that would harm Fu Tianci and would not get it. After power, he will not give Fu Tianci.

Every step of Fu Qingquan has made plans for Fu Tianci to inherit the Kaide Group in the future!

Chu Yu saw it, hesitated for a moment to caress the old lady's ups and downs, and made a shawl for Mrs. Fu, and said to Fu Huai'an: "Huai, the doctor just said that Grandma can't be angry, let alone These make my grandmother angry?!"

Lin warmly stood there and looked at Chu Yu and Mrs. Fu, who did not say a word.

It happened that the doctor came in to explain the precautions. Lin Wen moved to the side. The doctor came in and asked the patient to rest well. He told Mrs. Fu to stay in the hospital and observe that one night, he would be discharged and leave.

Fu Huai'an still stood at the end of the bed, but it was like Chu's grandparents and daughters. When he sent the doctor to the doctor, he carefully asked what should be paid attention to in the diet.

"After leaving the hospital tomorrow, you will return to the country without any other things!" Fu Huai'an thin lips and a little thin and thin, "If something goes wrong in the country, you are in Venice, it is also beyond the reach."

"Huai'an!" Mrs. Fu's heart was in a mess. In order to conceal her inner anxiety, she subconsciously wrapped her shawl with her right hand infusion. "The grandmother's time is running out. This life has given Fu Qingquan and CapitaLand. Grandma didn't want to watch the CapitaLand fall down, and didn't want to watch the Kade Group fall into the woman's hand!"

Mrs. Fu’s voice was as calm as possible, but she could carry the back of her right hand with her shawl and start to return blood because of excessive force.

"You said, you will get the CapitaLand! Grandma believes in you, so I have not interfered with you in these years!" Mrs. Fu's nephew is red.

"Fu Grandma!" Chu Yu saw the blood of Mrs. Fu's back on his back and was shocked. He was busy stretching Mrs. Fu's palm.

"Huai'an! Just for your mother!" Mrs. Fu's tears suddenly fell. "I am such a daughter, your mother! The CapitaLand was originally your mother!"

Fu Huai'an is as quiet as the ink of the ink, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, and the expression is deep and invisible.

For a long while, Fu Huai'an said: "Is there not Fucheng!"

Fu Cheng, Fu Lao's wife and Fu Qingquan's adopted son.

That year Fucheng accident Fu Laotai and Fu Qingquan asked Fu Huai'an to take over the Kaide Group. Later, Fu Cheng woke up with his wife and children to go abroad, in order to avoid suspicion never returned.

I am afraid that some babies can't see the order, and then publish it again. You can add 818324296 to find the owner Snow Snow to be welfare!

(End of this chapter)

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