Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 540: Is he long scary? !

Chapter 540 is he very scary? !

Azhan nodded to Fu Huai'an Lin warmly: "Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu! Our husband has been waiting for a long time, two of them please..."

Uninai and Xiao Lu nodded to Azhan, followed by Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen, but they were stopped at the entrance and carried out a simple search, and then released.

The entire hotel restaurant was cleaned and re-flowered, with a round table in the middle of the palatial hall illuminated by crystal lamps.

This posture was originally thought to be solemn, but there were all kinds of flowers around, and the whole restaurant was full of romantic atmosphere, which can reduce people's nervousness.

Li Muyang, who was standing in front of the window and admiring the night view of Venice, heard the sound of opening the door and turned his head. At a glance, he saw the warmth of the forest wearing a black dress, and the depth of the twilight was deep.

See Lin Wen holding Fu Huai'an's arm, a pair of straight white legs slender, the swan neck slender curve is soft and white, the beauty is as delicate as painting, at first glance, people can't move their eyes, the whole person is under the light, it seems to be plated The gentle gentleness of the layer... The people can't help but sway the flames they want to possess, and want to leave their own hickey on her beautiful neck curve.

Li Muyang had a faint light in his eyes, and he was immediately pressed to the deep bottom of the city.

He hooked his lips and lifted his feet toward Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen...

Fu Huai'an is also dressed in a suit, the facial features are deep, the posture is straight, the suit button is open, the white shirt is not tied, the neckline button is open, and the long legs are stretched. The strong momentum of the walker is strong and mature. The gas field is compelling.

Followed by Fu Huai'an and Xiao Lu and Younai, they also put on the dress.

Uninai was close to Lin Wen’s side, and she knew that her task was to protect Lin Wen.

She can be faintly aware that there are more and more people staring at them now...

Younai’s eyes are very fierce. Li Muyang’s identity is unclear and he’s not clear about the intention of the meal, so Unnei pays special attention to the restaurant and is alert.

Li Muyang was wearing a suit, but because the body was too thin, some could not afford a suit.

Lin Wensheng's white enamel, the black silhouette against the whole person looks more clean and temperament, the small palm face is reflected in the light, the facial features are amazing and beautiful, especially a pair of eyes, black and bright like being washed general.

Li Muyang had a smile on his eyes. He lifted his foot and walked toward Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen. He tied the button of the suit and formally and calmly reached out: "Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu..."

Li Muyang nodded to Lin and extended his hand to Fu Huai'an.

He looked like a smile, and let Lin warm his heart. She frowned and frowned without a trace. She nodded to Li Muyang and politely said: "Mr. Li..."

Fu Huai'an took Li Hanyang's slender and slender hand.

Since Matt De Niro invited Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen with the name Li Muyang, Fu Huai'an called Mr. Matt De Niro Li there is nothing wrong with it.

"When I was in the United States, Mr. Fu’s name was already a slap in the face. Today, I have to see that Li is a good fortune!" Li Muyang said with a sigh of relief, and said that the smiling pair of eyes looked at Lin Wen.

After loosening Fu Huai'an's hand, Li Muyang apologized, a gentleman's polite posture: "Sorry, I was scared of Mrs. Fu in the restaurant that morning. I didn't have a malicious society. Mrs. Fu's voice and my dead lover, really... ...much like, so I just want to talk to Mrs. Fu and don't want Mrs. Fu to misunderstand! Today is the intention to apologize to Mrs. Fu!"

Said, Li Muyang made a gesture of asking, sideways to let Lin warm and Fu Huai'an seated.

Fu Huai'an's eyebrows are deeper and deeper, and the smile of the lips and corners reveals the city's government. Standing with people like Li Muyang, the gas field is still pressing, and there is even a feeling of faintly pressing Li Muyang.

Li Muyang was so polite, Lin Wen was not good to take Joe. She took a small hand in Fu Huai'an's arms and gently grabbed Fu Huai'an's sleeves, revealing a smile: "Mr. Li is polite."

Fu Huai's deep and deep smiles and Li Muyang's confrontation...

"Mr. Fu please!" Li Muyang made a request for Fu Huai'an.

At the dining table, Li Muyang diligently opened the dining chair for Lin Wen, and the hoarse voice of the husky, such as the low cello, sounded softly: "If Mrs. Fu is not seen, can you call me Muyang?!"

This statement is very abrupt, Lin warm sideways on the face of Li Muyang, the eyes of Li Muyang's excessively burning eyes.

Fu Huai'an slowly pulled the chair open, and the deep eyebrows couldn't tell the unclear calm and quiet. The mature voice did not waver: "I heard that Mr. Li's voice is very similar to that of my wife. Mr. Li's request is inevitable. miss you……"

Lin warmed his predecessor and thanked Li Muyang. The man sat down on the chair opened by Fu Huai'an and opened the distance between her and Li Muyang. "I am sorry, Mr. Li, although my voice is similar to your lover. But I am not your lover, so it is not appropriate for you."

Being misunderstood as the idea of ​​finding a shadow of a lover in Lin Wen, Li Muyang did not feel embarrassed, and even had a pleasant smile at the bottom of his eyes. It seems that Lin Wen is quite loyal to Fu Huai'an.

Li Muyang pushed the heavy chair back and apologized: "Sorry, it is my abruptness."

Fu Huaian sat down and opened the napkin to Lin Bing on the legs, and the movement was casual...

Li Muyang Yu Guang saw this movement, and the smile on his lips was meaningful.

Fu Huai'an heard that Matt De Niro's lover is a carer who cares for Matt De Niro's mother. He is four years older than Matt De Niro and has the same nationality as Matt De Niro's mother. The love of Matt De Niro's mother.

Later, when Matt De Niro’s mother died, Matt De Niro took people to his side.

Uninai and Xiaolu and Azhan stood not far away, probably because Younai was a girl. Azhan saw Younai wearing high heels, and then lowered his voice and asked: "Do you need to sit down and rest for a while?! ”

Younai looked at Azhan on alert and changed his position with Xiaolu. He stayed away from Azhan and was not willing to talk to him.

A exhibition: "..."

Is he long scary? !


On the dining table, Lin warmed down and ate the food in front of him, and did not intend to speak with Li Muyang again.

Li Muyang has been looking for a topic, but he has been picked up by Fu Huai'an without looking for traces.

It’s not boring to say that Fu Huai’an is not bored. When she went to Li Muyang, she talked with Fu Huai’an very much. Lin Wen sat there and quietly ate a meal.

There is no Lin Wen’s imagination on the table, and I’m coming to the sword. Most of the time, Li Muyang is saying that Fu Huai’an is listening...

(End of this chapter)

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