Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 551: Who are these running dogs?

Chapter 551 Who are these running dogs?

The voice on the phone just fell, and Chu Yu heard someone screaming.

Chu Yu turned back...

Just in the coffee shop just now, a few fierce and sturdy tall and strong men picked up a single woman with dark hair and yellow skin, scared the woman to wow, the woman who came into the cafe to order something, came out with a lame The English asked them what to do and kept their girlfriend behind.

Chu Yu swallowed a saliva, and my heart was in a mess, and I went back and walked forward.

Thanks, Chu Yu is shaking all over the body.

Venice is afraid that it can no longer stay, it will be dangerous!

Lin Wen was robbed? !

Chu Yu guessed that it was probably robbed by Fu Huai'an!

She could not help but be disappointed. She hated why Lin Wen’s life was so good. In Iraq, she was thrown out by terrorists and used her guns to reach her forehead. She was now killed in Venice and still not dead! Also saved by Fu Huai'an...

This time Lin Wen was kidnapped because Fu Huai'an was kidnapped, and Fu Huai'an would be more pitiful to Lin Wen. It would be even harder to let Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen separate!

Although I know that my thoughts are vicious, I still hope that Lin Wen will be taken away, even here!


The next day, the whole city of Venice was raining heavily.

At the port where the goods entered and exited, the searcher swept through the container, and the screams of screams and the sound of **** were almost annihilated by the sound of huge rain and waves.

Xiao Lu held an umbrella for Fu Huai'an, standing behind Fu Huai'an, and bowed his head and dared not to see the **** scene.

Six earthen fighting dogs have already killed three, and the flesh and blood is blurred and quickly smashed by this downpour, leaving a crimson...

Lu Jinnan single-handedly held an umbrella, ordered a cigarette, and irritated, seemingly common to such a picture.

I chased the airport yesterday and they went late.

For the first time, Fu Huai'an ordered Gu Qingcheng with such a strong attitude! Do not care about the identity exposure, let Gu Qingcheng force their military officials to cooperate in Italy! Hard to search for fugitives, all the planes delayed the take-off, and the entire airport searched with the assistance of the Italian military, but did not find Lin Wen’s figure.

Lu Jinnan feels that Fu Huai'an is crazy!

In these years, Fu Huai'an gradually withdrew from this line. "Mr. Morality" also faded out of people's attention, but he jumped out now!

When Fu Huai’an met Lin Wen’s things, he forgot his own plan to gradually withdraw!

Lu Jinnan frowned and suddenly regretted...

I knew that when Fu Huai'an wanted to take Lin Wen to Dubai, he should stop playing!

If you don't go to Dubai, you won't encounter Qin Zhe. If you don't meet the identity of Qin Zhe and don't save Qin Zhefu Huai'an, you won't be suspected!

If Fu Huai'an's identity is not suspected, Lin Wen will not be taken away today...

At the beginning, Gu Qingcheng was the one who had squandered his life for the rest of his life. He was accompanied by danger all day, only to exchange Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan for a safe and peaceful life in the normal world.

Gu Qingcheng has been in front of people for many years. If this time, if Fu Huai'an's identity is dug up, then Lu Qingcheng's efforts and efforts in these years will be wasted!

Lu Jinnan took a deep breath and frowned.

If Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen have been in China, perhaps they can really stay away from the dark side of the world and live forever in a world that is not dangerous... although it is mediocre and safe.

Lu Jinnan even worried that even if Lin was saved, would Lin Wen accept the other side of Fu Huai'an? !

That was once in the strange and dangerous world of Lin Wen... Fu Huai'an.

"Sir! Mr. It’s really not that we caught your wife! We just watched you with Mr. Targus’s order! We didn’t do anything! Don’t believe you call Mr. Targus! Mr. Targus I just want to cooperate with you!" The man was in the heavy rain, watching the fierce appearance of the blood flowing down the sharp teeth, looking at Fu Huai'an with horror.

Fu Huai'an was a pair of black and cold, and the whole body was cold and cold. The five senses stood under the umbrella, and the whole popularity was like the hell.

Lu Jinan’s concern, Fu Huai’an is not unaware of...

Fu Huai'an also wants a stable life in the world, gives the group, gives Lin warm, and gives them the children of the future!

Therefore, he withdrew and promised Gu Qingcheng to do the dangerous things for him, and to appoint snakes among politicians.

It’s not that Fu Huai’an doesn’t want to quit, and he’s in this line, either to do it all the time and to be stronger to protect himself and the people around him, or to be dying!

Former Fu Huai'an, too much money! Too much power!

After doing undercover, Fu Huai'an is too aware of this.

Even if I saw too much and later regretted that I wanted to quit, the whole family could not end up in the end, but he still did...

For a long time, Fu Huai'an has no retreat!

Either powerful to others can not find you, or ... can not protect the people around, let everyone around you accompany you to die without a place to die.

To do is to have enough money to protect the people around you.

Have to do it, or to protect the people around you!

Fu Huai'an never had a choice. Gu Qingcheng, who was born and died with Fu Huai'an, did not have a choice.

Fu Huai'an is very fortunate, fortunately they have already done this step today, so he is at least sure that Lin Wen is still not in danger!

The worst result is to use Fu Huai'an to change the forest warm!

No matter what, Fu Huai'an gives! As long as Lin is warm and peaceful...

"Since you are monitoring our husband, it is natural to know who is leaving us and give you the last chance. Who is it?!" A long, c-group leader asked, the voice was hoarse, "again Ask the last time, who?!"

Calm to the indifferent Fu Huai'an, unbuttoned the two buttons on the neckline, took out the cigarette case from the pocket, pulled out one, biting the cigarette, the movement was so sloppy, and looking up at the group of wolves that were unbearable and ugly, but through The bitter coldness is a deadly danger.

Fu Huai'an was indifferent to Lu Jinnan's hand to the lighter: "I don't want to say that, needless to say, people who caught me, naturally contact me, pay a little price!"

Fu Huai'an took the lighter handed by Lu Jinnan, turned and left, and Xiaolu quickly followed.

Lu Jinnan removed the corner cigarettes: "These are the running dogs, send the head back to the master!"

Group C leader nodded.


The sound of heavy rain hitting the umbrella face became more and more fierce, and Fu Huai'an's heart became more and more calm, calming down to the bottom of his heart.

"It is the man of Mr. Mudan in the Golden Triangle!"

Finally, someone couldn’t help but shouted out...

"Sir! It is Mr. Mudan who caught your wife! It is Mr. Mudan's person!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Others..." Lu Jinnan made a movement to wipe the neck.

(End of this chapter)

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