Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 554: Let me come by myself.

Chapter 554, let me come by myself.

It is no wonder that Lin Wen feels that he has no strength and has not eaten for two days. She is already hungry and has a chest back.

"Do you want to eat something?!" Li Muyang asked Lin Wen.

Seeing Lin warming his eyes hesitating, Li Muyang said again: "I just woke up and I should be very hungry. I have experienced it. So I know that a few hours ago, I asked the servant to give you porridge, hot in the kitchen, use a little. ?!"

Lin Wen did not reject Li Muyang's kindness and nodded: "Thank you..."

Li Muyang did not hide the warmth of the forest. She specifically let Li Muyang see his alertness to him. He hoped that Li Muyang would keep a distance from himself.

But she is willing to believe that Li Muyang told Fu Huai'an that he would not do anything to himself.

At the moment, Lin Wen must have to fill his stomach, and have the strength to speak later...

Even if Li Muyang really had any intentions, she was full and had the strength to run or even run away.

Li Muyang's heart is fine, Lin Lin has not entered the water for two days. He asked the servant to prepare the sweet rice red jujube porridge with a few light side dishes and steamed dumplings...

Lin Wen remembers that Xiaomi USA does not have it. Whether it is because Li Muyang has half Chinese ethnicity, so he has Chinese eating habits, or he deliberately asks for it, Lin Wen is very grateful.

The servant put a table in the bed and helped Lin Lin to sit on the bedside.

Seeing Lin’s hand holding the spoon was slightly trembling. Li Muyang sat on the edge of the bed and reached for the porridge bowl. He took the spoon from Lin Wen’s hand and took a spoonful of porridge and sent it to Lin’s mouth.

Li Muyang's eyes are full of laughter, gentle and overflowing in words: "You should have no strength in your body, I will feed you..."

Lin warmed and shook his head: "Too trouble you! I can!"

Four eyes are opposite, Li Muyang is deeply looking at the warmth of the forest to the pure darkness of the jade.

He took the spoon and took it back. He gently stirred the porridge in his hand: "Lin Wen, you don't have to guard against me. I really appreciate you, but I don't mean you are in my place, I will force you." What, let me say... I am physically able to force you anything?! I don’t know when, I may not be there anymore, I just want to take care of others as much as I can, instead of being taken care of by others!"

Said, Li Muyang handed the porridge spoon to the warmth of Lin's mouth, the eyes are full of laughter, deep and deep as if hiding innumerable stories and past.

The sun shines on the fingers of Li Muyang's pale white paper. If you don't know Li Muyang's life experience, Lin Wen believes that Li Muyang's weakness is weak.

No matter how Li Muyang shows weakness, as long as Lin Wen remembers that Fu Huai'an told her that Li Muyang had killed his own family, Lin warmed his back.

Not sure if Li Muyang really has a mental illness, Lin Wen is also afraid of angering Li Muyang, hesitating to gently lick a porridge that Li Muyang sent to his mouth, and said to Li Muyang with a smile: "Thank you!"

After Fu Huai’an’s phone call, Lin’s mood is much calmer...

She doesn't even know where she is, and Fu Huai'an is not around. She doesn't have that capital to swear on Li Muyang's face.

She can only pray that these ten hours will pass quickly, and Fu Huai'an can pick her up soon.

"How is the taste?!" Li Muyang raised his smile. I don't know if it was because the face was too pale. This smile was like a enchanting face with a little bit of evil.

In fact, Lin Wengang just woke up the whole mouth is bitter, the taste is the same as chewing wax, Lin Wen hesitated for a moment to open: "My mouth is still bitter, can not taste."

Li Muyang is a long-lost person. He is obviously not able to lie, but he will only let himself show his face.

Hearing Lin Wen said, Li Muyang’s smile on his lips was obviously deeper. He nodded and put the porridge bowl aside, called Victoria, and then smiled and said to Lin Wen: “I have syncope, every time I wake up. It’s also a bitter taste in the mouth...”

Victoria came in with a tray in his hand and a cup and a clam.

Behind Victoria is a little girl in her early twenties. Her hair is like a Victoria, and she is dressed in a formal dress with short hands and soup.

"First gargle..."

Li Muyang himself has a fainting problem, then he knows what it feels like to wake up. These are all prepared first but not taken in advance. What is Li Muyang trying to test Lin Wen? !

Is it a test of Lin Wen is not afraid of him? !

Lin warmed up in a strange environment, the dangerous signal in the brain has not been lifted, and faced with a man like Li Muyang, the tight nerves made her inevitably ponder the details.

The mouthwash is tea, and the bitter mouth has been passed over by the tea.

The girl in her twenties looked up at Lin Wen’s eyes and then lowered her head and stood at the side of Li Muyang with a tray bent over.

"Drink a few soups..." Li Muyang still sat by the bed, took the soup, and opened the lid. He took a spoonful of clear soup with a spoon and sent it to Lin Wenzui. "The temperature is just right for the entrance."

The little girl in her twenties showed a surprised expression. She probably never thought that one day, a high-ranking man like Li Muyang would personally give a woman a soup!

Even if it was once the time that Li Muyang loved it, there was no such treatment!

Lin warmly hides under the quilt and squats tightly, and a thin layer of thin sweat, a sip of the spoon sent by Li Muyang, very fragrant taste.

The pale face of a man is beautiful to almost enchanting, with a smile, like an elegant vampire in the fifteenth century.

Lin Wen gently approached the subtle movements of the soup, let the man smell the fragrance of Lin warm hair, his darker and deeper, and handed the spoon to the forest to warm the mouth, this time the spoon is far from the forest, Li Mu Yang wants Lin to take the initiative to approach him...

Lin Wen is not a fool. It is impossible to detect the man's movements. Her face is white and she can't bear it. Only one serious opening: "I will come by myself..."

The deep scorpion of the man did not bottom out. He put down the spoon and handed the soup to Lin Wen. He said, "Be careful."

Li Muyang sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Lin Wen’s soup and drinking the millet porridge. He asked: “Would you like to lie down on the bed, or do I take you to visit?!”

"I take a break and wait for my husband to pick me up!" Lin Wen tried his best to smile at Li Muyang. "Thank you for your kindness!"

"Afraid of me?!" Li Muyang asked with a smile.

Not waiting for Lin Wen to deny, Li Muyang smiled again: "I am still in the warmth of Lin, what do you think I can do to you?! Even though you are a woman, I am a man, but compared to me. It’s the one who has no strength in the hand, do you say it?!”

(End of this chapter)

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