Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 556: Will only make her feel chilling

Chapter 556 will only make her feel chilling

Some gardeners took care of this giant garden downstairs. When they saw Li Muyang coming in with the guests, they stopped their work and respected Li Muyang. Then they said that they left the garden first.

On the right hand side is the escalator, Li Muyang smiled at Lin Wen: "Would you like to go down and see?!"

Lin warmed nodded.

Li Muyang extended his hand to Lin Wen: "I will help you!"

She smiled and avoided Li Muyang's cold hand and held the handrail of the escalator. She showed a pale smile on Li Muyang: "I am not so delicate."

Looking at Lin Bing's big white face, pale with a smile, the little bit of disappointment in the heart was dissipated, Li Muyang did not reluctantly, stepped on the escalator after Lin warmed up...

The back of Lin Wen looks very thin. I don't know if it is because of the special identity that I want to be beautiful on the mirror, or because of the bitterness of these years.

Li Muyang couldn't help but walk down a step, and Lin Wen was even closer. He did not avoid gazing at Lin Wen's cool and delicate side...

He was in this position these years, not that no one gave him a woman.

Li Muyang, who is even more beautiful than Lin Lin, has seen it, but she has never met a girl like Lin Wen. Her temperament is cold, and she can face Fu Huai’s smile with a hot girl!

That kind of fiery, Li Muyang also wants to have...

It seems that only such fiery can warm the heart of his already cool.

Li Muyang’s nose seems to have the fragrance of her body, which can be faintly smelled...

Looking at the white shawl neck under the long hair of Lin Wen shawl, delicate white enamel, in the shade of black hair, the more white and transparent, as if the whole person is clean and bright, people can not help but can not help Want to be close to Lin Wen, close again!

The deeper eyebrows of men are getting deeper...

Even if Li Muyang knew that his body was afraid of no way to rejoice with a woman, he still wanted to die and try this woman.

Lin Weng felt the burning gaze behind Li Muyang. Her hands holding the handrails of the escalator kept tightening, and the nails clasped the rubber armrests. However, people did not know what the wind and the light were, and they looked down.

Just as Li Muyang wanted to get close to Lin Wen’s impulse to boil in the body, when it was about to reach an extreme, the elevator arrived...

Lin warmed down the elevator one step at a time, and there was already a thin layer of thin sweat behind him.

Cobblestone paved trails, Lin warm feet stepped on and felt steady, probably a stranger entered, the group of flamingos standing in the pool looked up and looked in the direction of Lin Wen, if nothing happened, walked inside step……

I didn't think it was upstairs. Now that the elevator came in, Lin Wen felt that the glass garden in Li Muyang's mouth was terrible. People stood like a tropical rain forest.

"Follow me, be careful to get lost..." Li Muyang calmed the desire for heartbeat and tumbling, and said to Lin Wen.

Lin nodded warmly, followed by Li Muyang.

The sun shines through the dome glass, penetrating the layers of large leaves, and the golden light spots are mottled on the cobblestone road, like a lot of golden satin interspersed in this quiet passage...

Li Muyang and Lin Wen walked side by side on this path, listening to the sound of water and birds singing, and the mood was exceptionally comfortable.

"Actually, after I saved you, I deliberately brought you to the United States before I informed your husband!" Li Muyang suddenly opened his mouth to Lin, with a smile in his throat.

Lin warmed his feet at the foot of the meal, see Li Muyang sideways smiled at her and then walked forward, Lin warm and strange Li Muyang's confession.

"I just... want more time with you!"

Li Muyang’s deep scorpion seemed to open the clouds. Although he was laughing, the smile appeared on Li Muyang’s face. It only made people feel enchanting. If it wasn’t for Li Muyang’s clear and honest, Lin Wen probably had already removed his sight. I would like to talk more with Li Muyang.

"Mr. Li..."

"I feel that I am despicable?!" Li Muyang raised an eyebrow and asked Lin Wen, it seems that he did not agree.

"Thank you for saving me!" Lin warm stood still, and the butterflies were flying around.

She looked at Li Muyang, who had a more smile on her eyes. She said quietly: "Frankly, if you are just an ordinary person who saved me, I am far away from being friends with you! But your status is far away for me. It’s like someone in another world. I am afraid of you from the bottom of my heart, but I also want to keep a distance from people in another world."

Li Muyang’s nephew sank slightly, his lips and his lips did not change. He listened quietly to Lin Wen’s words in this bird’s language and said that he refused to be in a thousand miles, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"Mr. Li has already investigated me. I am a very simple person. The most extraordinary thing I have done in this life is to set foot on Iraq to find people. Because I have experienced it, I am most reluctant to do things with dangerous people. I don't want to do things like dealing with people from different worlds in different classes..."

She hooked her lips to Li Muyang.

"Mr. Li, I really said that there is no conscience. After all, you saved me, but I am sorry, please understand that I have only experienced a dull heart after life and death! You save my kindness, what can be materially The way I repay, my husband and I are willing to pay, I hope that after my husband comes to pick me up, we have nothing to do with each other!"

Lin Wen’s voice is cool and round, and although it’s not close to human feelings, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Yes, Lin Wen did not lie...

The world of Li Muyang is too strange for Lin Wen!

Such a luxurious glass garden, such as his castle-like home, such as his identity, and the industry he is engaged in.

In Haicheng, Lin Wen is a big parent in Lin, and he has been in contact with people from the upper class.

The top richest, the top giants, and the family that dominated the financial sector, Lin Wen was in contact with Lin.

But Li Muyang, the person, the family, all the careers they are engaged in are all unfamiliar to Lin Wen. Even before they saw it in the movie, they only thought it was fictional, and they couldn’t even think about it!

The characters that appear in the movie suddenly appear in the warmth of Lin, and will not make Lin Wen feel the excitement, only to make her feel chilling.

She has always been a small and timid little woman. Even if she is watching a movie and reading a novel, she can't imagine that she is the one who interacts with the underworld.

Not to mention, it is Matt De Niro, a man standing at the top of the dark forces.

If other men, Lin Wenda can say a lot, we can still be friends...

The baby has a monthly pass at the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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