Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 559: Is it still a long time? !

Is Chapter 559 still taking a long time? !

A show's tone to Lin Wen is pleading.

Lin Wen looked at the exhibition, the twilight was clear and clean, and the people who looked straight at the eyes would feel as if they would see the dirty inside!

A show ear is a bit hot, subconsciously hangs his eyes, whispering, as if to say to yourself: "our boss, really ... very poor."

A show remembers that since the boss's entire family has died, since the death of Han Mei, their boss has not laughed.

Although Li Muyang got everything he had wanted, but the body became that look, the eyes were always empty, as if in this bustling world, lost the heart and soul, the whole person only left The next body only.

Since the encounter with Lin Wen, their boss's eyes have gradually had the ambiguous color of the previous arrogance. Azhan is eager to see the former boss, young and proud. At that time, Li Muyang was at the height of the supreme king who controlled everything.

He thought, if Lin Wen has been with their bosses, probably... the wounds in their bosses will recover, and the body will gradually recover!

"Azhan, there are more poor people in the world. For example, your boss is the king standing at the top of the food chain. He enjoys the power that ordinary people can't enjoy, and he has to suffer more pain than others. This is normal! It is his choice of life..."

Lin Wen is unclear about the infighting of Li Muyang's family.

However, if Li Muyang is not a yearning for power, not wanting to be the upper class of the family struggle, how can it be that the body is collapsed and the lover is lost? !

This is his choice and the bitter fruit he should bear.

The sweetness and bitterness of the world, the scenery and the wolverines are all complementary. Lin Wen has always been clear!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Wen hopes to live with Fu Huai'an the most ordinary and ordinary life.

She is a woman with a very small heart. She has no big desires. She does not ask for the right to money. She only seeks peace in the world, and she is safe and peaceful.

Like the top stars like the early Han Dynasty, people only see his people in front of the scenery, but who can really understand the desperation that he could not stand up for the filming of the waist, who knows that he insists on After the health is up, it will not be afflicted by the old wounds in the rainy days...

These are the programs that Lin Wen did, and talked privately and at the beginning of the cold!

Originally, these problems were all on the show. At the beginning of the cold, they shook their heads. He said... The audience and fans want to see a legendary time. The legend should not be tortured by despair and illness.

Later, every time I filmed, I always leave such new scars at the beginning of the cold!

At the beginning of the cold, he said that if he let her choose again, he would rather choose to be obscured than to be sick.

A look forward to Lin Wen, but also want to say anything, but found that he seems to be convinced by Lin Wen, I think Lin Wen said very reasonable.

Looking at Lin's pale face, because of the two corners of the pear nest, the green leaves in this lush green color, it is almost the brightest color, A show some panic, bowed his head and snorted.

Lin Wen stood in the same place, watching the flamingo in the squatting water in the station, waiting for Li Muyang to let Azhan take her to see Gu Qingcheng.

After a long time, I didn’t see Li Muyang’s notice that Azhan had warmed up in the past. Lin Wen couldn’t help but ask Azhan: “Is it still a long time?!”

"Our boss and Mr. Gu have other things to talk about. It may take some time. If Miss Lin is tired, I can take you to the bench in front. I will let the servant give you some refreshments." Open the forest.

There is still something to talk about, that is, I don’t know when it will be...

Lin warmed nodded: "Trouble you!"

A show with Lin Wen came to the best position for viewing, the bench was padded with a cushion, and there was a blanket next to it. It seems that Li Muyang often comes here to sit.

He also asked the servant to warm the jujube tea to Lin, and put on a few soft snacks that were not sweet and not greasy, and then stood on the side without a word.

Birds and flowing water are the easiest to calm down.

Lin warmed a piece of paper towel and took it under the small hand of the snack. The small mouth was small and delicate, and he was eating snacks. The words in his mind were just those that Li Muyang said.

Lin Wen, who was caught in deep thought, looked slightly sluggish.

She holds the snacks and lifts the wrists to be slender and white, thin and boneless. It is not the same as the common European and American women in Azhan. It is full of mysterious and beautiful oriental colors. There is no blood color on the cheeks, and the skin is like white jade.

Despite the plains, the Lin Wen facial features are exquisite to impeccable perfection, like poppies, and the more you look at the eyes, the more attractive you are.

A exhibition hangs down the scorpion, such a woman is clever and not smart, don't say it first, it is such a cosmetic skin, no wonder Mr. tempted.

Azhan followed Li Muyang for many years. He once thought that Li Muyang was very loved when he was cold. When Han Hanmei was not confident, he always said that he wanted to get Li Muyang’s heart.

But later...

He found that Li Muyang looked at Lin Wen's eyes with the shackles that he had never seen when he was cold. He realized that the first thing that attracted Li Muyang might be Lin Wen's voice!

But then, Lin Wen was easily obtained when Han Hanmei had made a madness and did not get it... Li Muyang’s heart!

Azhan began to feel heartbroken for Li Muyang.

So good Li Muyang, why did Lin Yong meet after Fu Huai'an, if it was before...

Maybe everyone will have a different ending? !

As time went by, there was no one to bring Lin Wen to see Gu Qingcheng. Lin Wen did not seem to be worried, but his eyes turned old and quiet.

The worst result, but Li Muyang does not let go.

Although I don't know Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng and Fu Huai'an are so good friends, they will not leave themselves here.

As long as Gu Qingcheng is also there, Lin Wenxin is not so afraid.

She believes that as long as Fu Huai'an comes, Li Muyang will have to let go when he does not let people go.

Lin Wen is more worried about how much Fu Huaian’s arms business is doing. She looks up at the colorful birds flying in the air, and her eyes are moving.

When his name of Mr. Morality is exposed, is it necessary to live a life of hiding and hiding? !

This is contrary to the ordinary life that Lin Wen wants.

The last piece of snack bites in the mouth, the taste is the same as chewing wax.

However, these are just the words of Li Muyang. Lin Wen still went back and asked Fu Huai'an to say that Fu Huaian is Lin Hu's husband. She unconditionally believes in every word of Fu Huai'an.

Lin warmed down the bite of the snack in his hand, took the teacup, and sighed in the cup with a scorpion.

Baby at the end of the month! You can use the monthly ticket for welfare! Everyone has changed it! Did not change and quickly vote for the monthly ticket for welfare!

(End of this chapter)

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