Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 568: I really want to beat people!

Chapter 568 is good to beat people!

Younai: "..."

Do you want to be so evil, just think of Tang Yan, Tang Yan is coming!

Tang Yan walked over to Unnai and looked into the ward. Seeing Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an foreheads, Tang Yan did not go in and bother, and the lips twitched and looked at Younai, handing a cup of coffee to her.

Unnay frowned and made a serious look and refused: "Sorry, sir, I am at work, can't accept your coffee!"

Tang Hao nodded, not reluctantly, a pair of slings, sitting on the opposite side of Younai with two cups of coffee, put two cups of coffee on the side, legs overlapping, a pair ready to sit The posture that does not go here.

Younai: "..."

Tang Yan looked out of the phone and took out the cigarette case from his suit pocket, shaking out a cigarette and biting it in the corner of his lips.

I have never seen Tang Hao so arrogant, here is the hospital, or the ward corridor, he is so blatant to smoke.

When Don Juan was holding a lighter in his hand and preparing to light a cigarette, Unane finally couldn’t help but say: "This is a hospital! Are you smoking a ethics here?!"

The line of sight was removed from the phone, and Tang Yan looked at Younai. The lip of the cigarette holder seemed to have a smile.

He was a provocative appearance, and the black scorpion smiled and stared at Unnay. Under the gaze of Unnai, he pressed the lighter...

Younai: "..."

She thinks that Tang Hao is owing a lot!

What if I want to beat someone? !

In the swaying of the fire, Tang Yan’s face was stunned by the flames.

To ignite the cigarette, Tang Yan took a deep breath, stretched a long leg, and smashed the lighter into his trouser pocket. This took the lip-staple cigarette away and blew a mist in the direction of Younai.

Uniner has tried her best.

She clenched her fists tightly, letting herself see everything, and treating Tang Yan as the air.

The little nurse who had just come out from the opposite side of Lin Wen’s ward and had a debridement drug saw Tang’s hand holding a white cigarette, and couldn’t help but frown: “This gentleman...”

The little nurse’s tone was a bit rushing, and Tang’s turn turned...

As soon as the little nurse saw Tang Yan’s handsome facial features, the tone softened in an instant, his hands clasped to the edge of the tray, his ears were reddish, his throat cleared, and he said softly: "This gentleman, This is a hospital, it is not allowed to smoke!"

Younai’s eyes widened and he looked at the nurse girl who talked softly and softly with Tang Yan, and then looked at the face of the nurse’s little girl’s cheeks, and looked helpless...

The little girl said that she took out a candy from her pocket and handed it to Tang Yan: "If the cigarette addiction is committed, you really want to smoke. It is better to eat candy!"

Younai: "..."

Oh, another little girl who was cheated by Tang Yan’s skin!

Tang Yan also smiled at the little nurse, reached out and took the candy from the little nurse's palm. The slender fingers accidentally swept the little nurse's palm, making the little nurse busy retracting his hand and blushing.

"Then... Is there a place for this cigarette to die?!" asked Tang.

The little nurse was busy: "Give me it! I will help you out!"

Tang Dagger, the smiling gentleman and polite: "Thank you!"

The little nurse took the newly lit cigarette from Tang Yan’s hand, listened to Tang Yan’s carelessly hot, and the ear became more red, almost one step back and three.

Younai turned a blank eye and watched Don Juan pull the candy out, put it in his mouth, and then smothered Uninai.

What can I do if I can’t help but beat people? !

Uniner did her best to refrain from seeing Tang Yan, and inadvertently, the four eyes were opposite, and Tang Yan opened the door to Younai, making Unnay unable to stand.

At the beginning, I didn’t directly smash this cockroach into a three-level disability, let him lie in the hospital ward and the nurse’s little sister’s eyebrows, don’t look at the eyes!

"Well..." Don Juanzi was a scorpion, "Litchi-flavored candy!"

Upon hearing this, Unnai’s ears were almost red.

She stared at Tang Yin and saw that the man stood up and walked over to Unina...

This distance is not safe, too intimate and frivolous, but there is a wall behind Younai, and there is no way to go back!

Younai’s muscles were tight and he whispered to Tang Yan: “You’re close to me and beat you into a three-level disability. Believe it or not!”

This Tang Yan really believes!

He has heard the sound of Younai’s fist joints whispering...

Tang Yan’s alert took a step back. Younai’s man said that he would fight and fight, and he did not read the old feelings.

Tang Hao has already suffered a loss, definitely do not want to eat a second time!

Being beaten into the hospital by Uninai, Tang Yan has been laughed at by Lu Jinnan countless times. This time, he was beaten again. In this life, Don Juan will not raise his head in front of Lu Jinnan.

"Younai, you said, after eating lychee-flavored candy, I will remember... and your first time!"

"You shut me up!" Younai lowered his voice and threatened Tang Yan.

Tang Yan, who ate a candy, stood in front of Unnay, almost forcing Unnein to appreciate his eating candy.

The taste of lychee-flavored candy is looming between Don’s breath, and Uninai can almost smell it.

The speed of the heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and Unina has been unable to restrain the power of the wild in her body, so I want to beat people!

The door of the ward was suddenly opened, and Tang Yan, who was eating sugar and eating, saw Fu Huai'an coming out, and almost swallowed the candy that had not been eaten.

Fu Huai'an looked at Tang Yan, and looked at the blush to the explosion of Younai. "You don't have to keep the Lin warm, I can't keep up and work. It's enough for 24 hours. It's too tired!" ”

What Yunai also wants to say, can't say a word to the deep and unpredictable darkness of Fu Huai'an, and the inner heart has been trained to obey, so that Yunai can't say anything about resistance.

For the last time I lost Lin Wen, Younai was still worried and uneasy...

Even if Fu Huai'an said, let Younai go back, Younai still does not care to stay at the door of the ward.

Unnai nodded.

"Lu Jinnan just called and said that after sending Bai Xiaonian back, there is something to say..." Tang Yan opened the topic, and he looked at the watch. "At this point, Lu Jinnan should be on the road!"

After nodding, Fu Huai'an said: "You and Younai go first!"

"Okay! Then I will take her away!" Tang Yan said, he went to Launenai's wrist.

Younai asked: "That tomorrow..."

"It's not too early tomorrow, come to Yunding Apartment at 10 o'clock to pick up the warmth back to Tianfu Bay!" Fu Huaian handed a car key to Younai, "Open this car!"

Unnai took the key and nodded: "Good! I will be on time tomorrow!"

Lin warm arrived at the hospital this morning, there is nothing in the hospital to take, you can go after losing the liquid.

The last day! The monthly vote is cast!

(End of this chapter)

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