Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 572: Is there anything delicious about Mr. Fu? !

Chapter 572 What is delicious for Mr. Fu? !

Lu Qingmei broke her nails that had been left for a long time.

Lu Qingmei and Fucheng stand there, a comparison, don't say that Fucheng has made achievements for the Kaide Group!

As far as the light is concerned, Fu Cheng’s appearance has a stable appearance that can defeat all difficulties. He is a man. Fu Qing, who has experienced the workplace, does not know that men have a stronger advantage than women in their work. I believe that Fucheng is better than believing in Lu Qingmei.

After leaving Fu Huai'an, I came to Fucheng. Lu Qingmei is very uncertain about whether the future Kaide Group can reach the hands of their mother and son.

She can now deal with Fucheng, only Fu Qingquan’s doubts about Fucheng, and Lu Qingmei’s understanding of Fu Qingquan. Only Fu Qingquan has doubts about Fucheng’s attempt, and will let Lu Qingmei stay in the Kaide Group. city.


Genting Apartment.

Lin warmed the medicine and went back to the bedroom to rest. Fu Huai'an received a call from Gu Qingcheng and went to the living room to answer the phone.

Because this time Lin Wen was taken away, Fu Huai'an was not at ease. He felt that only one Yunai was not enough. Gu Qingcheng took out a group and protected Lin Bing around Lin Wen.

The cost of cultivating a group is unimaginable to ordinary people. Gu Qingcheng has no complaints about Fu Huai'an's transfer of a group to protect Lin Wen, but he feels that a group protects Lin Wen from being overkill.

Fu Huai'an smiled and Gu Qingcheng said that when Gu Qingcheng met the woman who was his weakness, he would feel that even if all the groups were transferred to protect a woman, they would not feel overkill.

In order not to let Lin Wen feel the danger in the country, the group that helped Lin Wen before could not be used, and had to change a strange face.

"Old Fu, about "Mr. Morality" has been suspected on your head, I am not planning to make a substitute for the time being, too stunned! This is an urgent matter, there is no temptation on your side! But in order to After the peace, you still have to endure!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is low and hoarse.

Fu Huai'an at the phone was silent. He went to the window and put his pocket in one hand...

Whether it is Gu Qingcheng or Tang Yin, or Lu Jinnan, it is because Fu Huai'an desires for money and rights to follow Fu Huai'an.

But now, Gu Qingcheng is still in the whirlpool to protect their lives.

Fu Huaian said: "If you want to leave that circle..."

"When I first chose this road, I didn't plan to quit!" Lu Qingcheng said without waiting for Fu Huai'an.

At the end of the phone, Gu Qingcheng pressed the lighter. He opened his mouth: "I am different from you, I am not tied!"

Fu Huai'an was silent and understood the sorrow of Gu Qingcheng's words.

Gu Qingcheng’s phone was just hanging, and Lu Jinnan’s phone came in.

Lu Jinnan said that Fucheng held a press conference today and complained: "I see that the father and the old man are really old. Actually, Fucheng personally went to the press conference. Is the company's public relations department available?" In this way, he let Fu Cheng return to people's sights in such a way, what good is it for his son who wants to play music?!"

It is rare that Lu Jinnan said that Fu Qingquan was so calm.

Fu Huai'an walked to the floor bed and pulled the floor-to-ceiling windows. The lips gnawed a cigarette, ignited, took a deep breath, and took the cigarette lighter's hand and removed the cigarette without any snoring.

"However, Fucheng’s press release is to make the stock market gradually stable..."

"No hurry." Fu Huai'an had plans in his heart. He raised his hand with a cigarette and pressed his thumb. He asked, "The government's new energy project, except for the other companies of the Jiahe Group. Are they already in our hands?!"

"Yes! It’s already here!"

"With that information tomorrow, go with me to Jincheng!"

Years of tacit understanding, let Fu Huai'an say that Lu Jinnan knows what Fu Huai'an wants to do, and the lips evoke: "Well, I will talk about Tang Xi for a while, see if he wants to come out to sit tomorrow, but with Tang Xi's personality, he should It’s a bad time for the Kaide Group to be bad, it will definitely come!"

Fu Huai'an smiled low: "Well."


Probably because of the sleeping ingredients in the medicine, Lin Wen quickly fell asleep and fell asleep, and when he woke up, he was already hungry.

She simply used her five fingers to organize her hair, and her mental state was obviously better than when she was abroad. I don't know if it was because of the return of the national heart.

Washed and put his face out of the bathroom, Lin warmed up the cold water of the bed, opened the bedroom door to find Fu Huai'an.

Just smelled the smell of rice, and heard the sound of the range hood from the kitchen. Lin warmed off the bedroom door and walked to the open kitchen counter with a water cup. Seeing Fu Huai'an is bending over and hitting the fire...

Fu Huai'an was wearing a black drape, and under the warm light of the kitchen, the outline of the shoulder ridge was perfectly outlined, and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, and the back was sexy.

Lin warmed the hand of the ceramic cup wall slightly tightened, the white fingers are particularly beautiful under the white ceramic background, the nails are healthy red powder luster.

Putting the ceramic cup on the flow table, Lin Wen whispered: "I am hungry, is there anything delicious for Mr. Fu?!"

Fu Huaian turned around...

On the gas stove, sit in a soup pot and casserole material.

He warmed his lips to Lin: "You can eat! Soup night drink... Aunt Li said it takes a few hours!"

Lin nodded warmly and looked at the plate that was buckled at the table and asked, "Do you do it yourself?!"

Fu Huai'an bent down and washed his hands in the sink. He asked, "Dare you eat?!"

"It sounds like the situation is not so good..." Lin warmed his eyebrows.

Fu Huai'an only smiled, until Lin Wen tasted the dishes made by Fu Huai'an, and his eyes were bright.

In fact, she knew that Fu Huai'an was very good at cooking, but she didn't think that every dish was so good.

Fu Huai'an has not cooked like this for many years.

The TV is on, they are sitting in the restaurant for dinner...

Entertainment news broadcasts Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen's photos taken by people traveling to Venice. The entertainment anchor ridiculed that Lin Wen has become a topical queen with a few shots of a movie!

"Fang said, if you can, I hope that I will miss her summer and miss her. I will determine the location of the studio." Lin Wen bite the head of the chopsticks and asks Fu Huai'an. "You are on vacation now, do it tomorrow." what?!"

Lin Wen’s heart was a bit apologetic, and she insisted on coming back from abroad to disrupt Fu Huai’s original plan and rhythm for the Kaide Group.

Now I have to leave Fu Huai'an to work hard, I always feel that I can't live Fu Huai'an.

Baby, ask for a monthly ticket! At the beginning of the month! Investing in the monthly ticket can be found in the group administrator to exchange November benefits, November welfare is expected to come out before 11.05 ~!

(End of this chapter)

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