Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 574: He is definitely not going to be under the people

Chapter 574, he is definitely not going to be under the people.

Just like... Ji Yun’s face is in front of a mist, she can only see a silhouette vaguely!

Ji Yun should be the most familiar talent of Lin Biao...

"Well! I took my mother out with Huai'an." Lin Wen did not deliberately emphasize the mother who Ji Yun is like Lin Biao.

She said: "The environment in the hospital is not very good. Mom can't get good care. I and Huai'an arranged the mother in the suburban villa. The mountain air and scenery are very suitable for recuperation, and there are also special people to take care of the mother!"

Lin Wen couldn't hear Lin Biao's answer. He smiled and said: "If you want to see Mom, we will choose a place to meet tomorrow morning. I will take you there! I have to go to a show in the afternoon. I may have no time to see tomorrow. Is your time convenient?!"

Lin Biao hangs his throat, nodding his head and realizing that Lin Wen can't see it, clearing his throat, she replied: "Good! Then tomorrow! Just the day after tomorrow, I have something, we will see you at Century Square!"

And Lin Biao said, hanging up the phone, Lin warm lips do not consciously evoke.

Ji Yun will be very happy to see Lin Biao!

Lin Wen does not know if there will be a miracle in the mental illness of Ji Yun, and I don’t know if Lin Yun will see it tomorrow.

Ke Lin is willing to see Ji Yun, at least... Lin Biao put aside more on his previous things!


In the afternoon, the group was picked up by Li Ayi and Hu Shu from the kindergarten. When they saw the warmth of the forest in the kitchen, they put down their schoolbags and ran over and hugged Lin’s legs, leaning their heads, and a pair of black grape-like eyes sparkling. Looking at Lin Wen: "Mom! Mom!"

Lin warms hands are flour, do not want to touch the dirty school uniforms, smiled and bent down with the back of the small face and nose tip of the group: "Do you want to mother?!"

The group was embarrassed with red ears, thick and dense eyelashes, nodded, and the small claws of the meat licked the small face that had been touched by Lin Wen, and lifted the wet scorpion. Shining crystal looking at Lin Wen, a serious answer: "Think!"

When Aunt Li took off his jacket and saw him coming in, he saw Lin warm in the face and was busy with sleeves: "Oh! How can you let me do this kind of thing? Come to me!"

Today, when Aunt Li went to the delegation, he said that he had to do a handful of noon in the afternoon. I didn’t expect this to come back to Lin Wen and above.

"Aunt Li, the group has come back, you rest, I am going to prepare dinner!" Lin warm stood up and opened.

Seeing Lin Wenxing is very good, Li Ayi can't bear to be disappointed, nodding his head, and don't worry: "Would you have a hand?" Have you done it before?!"

Lin Wen recalled the damp and dark old house that once lived in Ji Yun. It is not difficult for Ji Yun to look at her hand...

Asked by Aunt Li, Lin Wen was a little embarrassed: "Should be... not difficult!"

Aunt Li saw Lin’s uncomfortable expression, and he smiled happily: “I’m coming to see you! This is a skillful job, my wife is afraid of it!”

Lin warmed nodded: "Good!"

Before going to the show tomorrow to promote the "Devil's Biography", Lin Wen will take Lin Biao to visit a suburban villa to see his own biological mother, think of the hand-picked face that Ji Yun once prepared for her, and also want to prepare for Ji Yun. once.

"Mrs.?" Aunt Li called Lin warmly and saw Lin warming back. Li Ayi smiled and asked as he surrounded the apron. "What do you want?! What you think is fascinating?!"

"I am thinking about my mother!" Lin Wen did not hide her face looking at the pink and tender face of the group, "The first meal my mother gave me personally, is the hand-faced face!"

"Mrs. This is the taste of my mother who wants to cook. Let me give it to me!" Li Ayi rolled up his sleeves. "I looked at it and I had to wait a little longer, I can handle it. What do you want to eat?!"

"Is the tomato egg noodles good?!" Lin Wen asked.

The group nodded hard, stretched out the chubby fingers, and made a pair of scissors hands, using the cute little milk voice to open the mouth: "two bowls!"

I know that this group is saying that I have to eat two bowls, Lin Lin squats down, or does not use the hands full of flour to touch the group, only said: "That group is great! Group and mother to wash your hands?!"


The hand kneading dough group was very serious. This was the face of the mother personally. The teacher said that there was a mother's hard work and sweat. The group was not wasted. I ate two bowls of soup and the soup was clean and the belly was round.



Tang Xi’s legs overlap, lazy sitting in a comfortable chair, sitting across from Lu Jinnan, laughing and looking across Fu Huai’an who was calling outside, and falling on Lu Jinnan’s body: “You still really use me to write to you. Letter! This time, and Fu Huai'an made a special trip to Jincheng to drink tea with me. Are you really planning to come to our Golden Harvest Group, or is it really trying to push the CapitaLand into a disaster?!"

Lu Jinnan licked the teapot and filled himself with tea. He laughed: "Why, Mr. Tang’s sincere invitation is actually a fake! It’s really sad that I and the old Fu are coming."

Tang Xi looked at Lu Jinnan and filled himself with tea. He set aside the teapot and looked at himself with a smile. Tang Xi’s lips were very evil...

"Invitation is a true invitation, I am afraid that Lu and Mr. Fu will not condescend!" If Tang Xi’s line of sight seems to have not swept Fu Huai'an, "When Wall Street confuses the people, how can he succumb to Xie Sange?!"

At that time, Tang Xi knew that Fu Huai'an was a pooler, had been a special soldier, and turned to become a lawyer... It was the best in the industry.

Tang Xi wanted to cooperate with Fu Huai'an and wanted Fu Huai'an to become the legal advisor of Jiahe Group.

Unexpectedly, after the death of Jiang Ming'an and Lu Xiangsi, after a few years of silence, the name suddenly appeared in the eyes of Tang Xi, and it has become a party on Wall Street! Even Tang Xi is far behind.

Although Fu Huai'an and CapitaLand are his competitors with Xie Jingqiu, both Tang Xi and Xie Jingqiu are enjoying Fu Huai'an from the bottom of their hearts.

As Xie Jingqiu said, Fu Huai'an is such a terrible person. If the first thing to enter is the business world, it is a waste of time to take the special forces and lawyers. The current achievements are afraid that it will be difficult for others to look back.

It is precisely because it is an opponent worthy of respect and appreciation, so Tang Xi and Xie Jingqiu know Fu Huai'an, he will definitely not be subordinated, especially under Xie Jingqiu? !

It was also the year that Fu Huai'an borrowed a private jet from Xie Sange, and then on Wall Street, the first thing was to buy a private jet.

Although Tang Xi knew that it was because Fu Huai'an felt that there was no plane to save Jiang Ming'an and Lu Xiangsi late in the year, he bought a private jet...

Daily routine monthly ticket...hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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