Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 589: Let me come by myself.

Chapter 589, let me come by myself.

For Liang Shuming, Lin Wen is the daughter she has held in her hand since she was a child. How can she say that she has let go of it for so many years? !

Now my biological daughter has already let go, and if Liang Shuru has a warm forest, he will definitely come to see Lin Wen immediately. There is nothing unexpected.

Lin warmed his hands with his seat belts tightened, and his heart was full of flavors...

I promised that Lin Biao would no longer be with the Lin family. These days, she missed Lin’s relatives and couldn’t see it!

But now Liang Shuo came to the door of Tianfuwan Villa and waited, how can Lin Xiang get off the bus and turn a blind eye? !

The eyes are red in a circle, and the heart is also shocked by sour sputum.

The car drove to the front of the villa...

When seeing Fu Huai'an reversing, Liang Shuxin raised it and she looked at the car with a pair of red-eyed scorpions, trying to see Lin Wen's figure.

The more I feel that I am seeing Lin Wen, the more uncomfortable Liang Shu’s heart is.

She was afraid of losing her biological daughter and stayed away from Lin Wen. Until now, Lin Biao sighed and she dared to come. What kind of mother is she? !

Liang Shuming’s enthusiasm for Lin’s warmth has not yet seen Lin’s warm lips have begun to tremble. She doesn’t know what to say and Lin’s warmth in her mind...

Fu Huaian stopped the car, Lin Bing took a layer of fine sweat in the palm of his seat belt.

"I don't want to see your mother's mother?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

The forest is warm and the eyes are sore.

Looked at the windshield in front of his hand, carrying a satchel, the whole body was stiff, Liang Fu, Fu Huaian reached out and opened the seat belt for Lin Wen: "Probably what Lin Biao said to your Lin family mother, or even if she wants to see again You are not going to be black here until you are here..."

See Lin Wen bite the lower lip, black as a gem of the scorpion looking at the slim figure of Liang Shu, the nose slightly moved.

Fu Huai'an added: "Today, Lin Biao saw your biological mother. She should have been touched. If she meets, she will go see it. Lin Biao will not blame you!"

Fu Huai'an said so firmly, Lin warmed his bite and bite his lip, and finally couldn't help but push the car and get off the car.

Looking at Lin warmed off, the clean eyes and complicated look, Liang Shuo throat pain, can not say a word, she wants to smile at Lin warm lips, can be raised in the lips, smile is actually more than It’s ugly to cry.

"Warm..." Liang snorted and opened his mouth. He obviously wanted to rush to her daughter and hugged her. But the steps under her feet seemed to be filled with lead.

Perhaps in addition to jealousy, Liang Shuo’s heart is still a little scared, afraid that Lin will blame her, afraid to not recognize her mother.

Lin warmed the hand of the car door tightened, the eyelids were hit by a heat flow, tears could not help.

I used to be in the Lin family. When I didn’t know that I was not Liang Shu’s own family, Lin Wen’s all kinds of spoiled in Liang’s arms were all in front of Lin’s warmth...

Lin Jingquan said that Liang Shu, who had never touched Yang Chunshui, began to learn to prepare food supplements for Lin Wen when Lin Wen began to add complementary foods, until Lin Wen began to live on campus.

For the first time, Liang Shu went to the baking course, in order to make a birthday cake for her daughter, she was able to prepare a birthday cake for her daughter. This is the treatment that Lin Biao and Lin Jingquan did not have!

Liang Shuan always said that the daughter is his intimate little cotton jacket, and the best of course is to give a small cotton jacket.

She will learn to knit a sweater, just to give her daughter a mother card sweater that won't hit someone else!

For the first time, Liang Shuming had to give himself the daughter of Lin Wen.

"I licked your favorite soup, it should be warm, do you want to drink two?!" Liang Shuo talked and swallowed his throat, his nose slightly twitching, and the tears were like broken beads.

Lin warmed his lips and nodded: "Okay..."

The mother and the daughter did not say anything else, and the indulgent Lin Wen and Liang Shu, did not hold together with Ji Yun like Lin Biao!

At this point, the two people are separated by three or four meters, and the four eyes are opposite. The feelings that accumulate in the heart are tumbling.

Lin Wen is raised by Liang Shu, and his personality is similar to Liang Shuming.

The feelings of the two people are too restrained, even if the heart is unable to carry the feelings of jealousy, but still restrained.

"You can also hug your mother like Lin Biao! Don't restrain..." Fu Huaian whispered.

Lin warmed off the door and refused to suppress his feelings. He made two steps and rushed into the arms of Liang Shuo...

Liang Shuo was stunned by the sudden warmth of Lin Wen, and then the tears became more and more violent, and he tightened Lin Wen.

On this cold late autumn night, Lin Wen and Liang Shu’s heart are warm.

Fu Huai'an locked the door and said to Lin Wenliang and Liang Shu: "It's cold outside, let's go in and say it!"


Lin Wen took Liang Shu into the villa, and Aunt Li gave Liang Shu a tea.

The small group looked at Liang Shu with their big eyes, and Liang Xiao was busy letting the driver bring in the toys brought to the group.

The group saw the driver's big bag and took it in. The little one ran to the door and helped the driver to take the gift.

Liang Shuo couldn't help himself. He took off his shawl and put it on the sofa. He went to the kitchen to take the bowl and gave Lin Lin a soup. Aunt Li was going to take it and was stopped by Liang Shu, taking the insulated bucket from the paper bag. Come out, smiled at Aunt Li: "I will come by myself..."

"How come you can do it, what do you want to order!" Aunt Li knows that Liang Shu is Lin Hu's mother is very polite.

"Aunt Li, go to rest!" Fu Huai'an said to Aunt Li.

Aunt Li was hesitant and could only nod and go back to the villa next door.

Liang Shuo washed his hands and found two bowls in the kitchen, and he gave three bowls of soup...

When Fu Huai'an changed clothes and went downstairs, Liang Xiao smiled and said Fu Huai'an: "Wai'an, you come to taste..."

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Thank you mom!"

When I heard that Fu Huai'an called her mother, Liang Xiaomei's eyes were more intense.

Liang Shuo asked Fu Huai'an and Lin to clean the soup. She held a bowl of soup in her hand and walked to the side of the living room where she was going to disassemble the toy. She whispered a group of soup...

Liang Shuming has always liked children and always wanted to hold his grandson. But Lin Biao has been slow to fall in love and marriage, which makes Liang Shuo very helpless.

Lin Wen sees Liang Shu on the ground, using a small spoon to broth, blowing it and then sending it to the mouth of the group, all the eyes are pets and love, her lips hang up and drink a soup...

Still the original taste, the taste of Liang Shu.

Although it is not particularly delicious, the victory is prepared by Liang Shu, full of the taste of maternal love.

For a long time, Lin Wen did not drink the soup prepared by Liang Shu, she thought that in her lifetime, never again!

Liang Shuo stayed very late in Tianfu Bay that night, and finally he was afraid of delaying the group's sleep time before he left in reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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