Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 596: Only the imagination limited by poverty

Chapter 596 has only the imagination limited by poverty

"Miss Lin!" Azhan told the good guys to send coffee, milk tea, snacks and ran to Lin warm, and said, "Our boss wants to say a few words with you!"

"In my name, I distribute cakes, snacks and coffee, milk tea, what do you mean?!" Lin warm face is not happy.

"Miss Lin, this will make you leave a good impression on others!" Azhan is now very respectful to Lin Wen's attitude, full of smiles.

"I know that I have to do this myself, my agent does it, my friend does it... my husband does it! My husband does it! How can you not do it!" Lin Wen’s heart has a fire and it is hard to avoid restraint.

Azhan was not annoyed, only smiled: "But they didn't do it!"

The dialect of the innocent lying gun: "..."

"This gentleman..." The dialect cleared his throat and handed the coffee and cake to a worker nearby. He smiled and said, "I am Lin Wen’s agent. The reason why I didn’t do it is because today is mainly Chen. At the home of the guide, where do you get other people to pay attention to it?! In the end, is this the wind for Lin Bing, or is it really warm for Lin?!"

Azhan is still the appearance of Xiao Yingying: "Miss Lin will develop in the film and television circle in the future?! If you are not developing in the film and television circle, why should you be afraid of offending the director? Even if you offend the director, it doesn't matter, as long as Miss Lin wants the role. Is a thing for our boss..."

This tone is not too big!

The dialect brows and looks at the man who is very sturdy and stiff in this Mandarin: "Which boss is your boss?! I want to know each other!"

"You just need to know that our gentleman wants to make the time cold, and he becomes the youngest of the two masters. There is no money in the world that can't be done, only the imagination limited by poverty..."

A show of this show clearly did not put the dialect in the eyes.

For the first time, the dialect encountered such a arrogant person, and the gas chest hurts.

"Young man, do you know how many Shadows of the Emperor’s hands have been held in the hands of the teacher?!" The dazzling beauty Sumanman came over and scorned the exhibition. "Your boss has more money and can compare." Passing Lin’s husband?!”

Apparently Sumanman has realized that the handsome fan who confessed to Lin Wen is the boss of Azhan.

A Zhanyi thought that Lin Wen’s husband, Fu Huai’an, was “Mr. Morality”, and there was no point in his heart.

He licked his lips and didn't look at Sumanman. He only said to Lin Wen: "Our boss just hopes to help you!"

Lin Wen looked at the exhibition's twilight cool and no waves, very unappreciative, she lowered her voice: "I hope that such things do not happen in the future! Your boss... Please tell him to let him not waste his effort! ”

At this time, I heard her talking with Azhan at Lin Wen. No matter whether it was Younai, Sumanman or dialect, no one was stupid. From Li Muyang, he just stood up and said that he would let Azhan warm. In the name of the people to send snacks, cakes and coffee, milk tea, they more or less can guess Li Muyang's thoughts on Lin Wen.

Su Manman squinted, did not see Li Muyang's figure, looked unhappy, if Li Muyang was here... she must kill him!

A show silent for a moment, there seems to be something to say and he swallowed back, he said: "If Miss Lin did not forget that I saved you in Venice, then I will ask you to repay, and say a few words to our boss. Just fine, of course... Miss Lin, this bodyguard can follow along!"

Uninai’s impression of Azhan has not been very good, even if it was later known that Azhan saved Lin Wen, but I was very mindful about Azhan and Li Muyang’s taking Lin Han’s away.

In particular, Li Muyang has an unusual interest in Lin Wen.

In Uninai's view, this kind of person who knows that there is a wife who still has to rob someone else's wife is tied to the rocket and launched to let him shoulder the shoulder with the sun.

Sumanman was very surprised. She did not expect that Venice Lin was actually saved by the man in front of him...

So, the enchanting man who has the beauty of the world and is more beautiful than the woman is the boss of this man? !

They all said that the help of life is not a sign of the matter, to make a living! It’s hard to be done. Does the boss still look at the beauty that he has saved? ! Want the beauty of the hand to save him? !

This is why even TV dramas don't dare to write this way!

Lin Wen looked deeply at Azhan. After a long time, he said: "A show you saved me, I am very grateful. What material rewards do you want me to do my best to satisfy you, but you can't force me to see you. A person I don't want to see!"

A show of fans who went out to go back frequently, lowering the voice and asking Lin Wen: "Miss Lin really wants so many people to look at us, guess what happened?!"

"Azhan, call me Mrs. Fu!" Lin Wen said to A. The soft voice was resolute.

A show lip flap moved and finally opened: "Mrs. Fu, the boss who I know, you don't see him this time, he has 10,000 ways to let you see him, why bother... Look?! You believe me, go see our husband, the benefits to you are much more than not seeing! Really!"

Azhan’s words are the truth. When Li Muyang grabbed the time, he did not know more than the exhibition.

Moreover, this time, Li Muyang came to the country regardless of his body, and indeed it was for Lin Wen.

"Just want to talk about it..." The attitude of Azhan is obviously not as full-fledged as the other words, and the voice is almost pleading.

"Nervous disease!" Sumanman pulled Lin Wen's wrist and walked backstage, and Yunai was close behind.

Can save people in Venice, Sumanman knows a little in his heart, the other party is not afraid!

Before I have yet to figure out the details of the other party, it is not appropriate to rush to conflict with others, so Sumanman pulls Lin Wen away...


Inside the dressing room.

Lin warm almost wiped the back of his hand, frowning, and squeezing the dialect to her hand-washing liquid on the back of the hand, squeezed it out... After washing, rinse it with water, then squeeze the hand The liquid is washed again

"That is a disposable hand sanitizer..." The dialect watched Lin warming his head, opened a bottle of water and placed Lin Wen on the table, and took two bottles and handed it to Uninai and Sumanman.

Sumanman didn't pick up. Although she didn't ask Lin Wen's rescue in Venice, she felt very bad about Li Muyang. She asked: "The male fan just now, isn't it a fan?!"

Sumanman’s voice just fell, Lin Wen’s mobile phone rang...

Sumanman looked at Lin Lin and said, "It’s Fu Huai'an's call."

One listened to Fu Huai'an's call, Lin Wen stopped to abuse her back.

The baby's romance contest begins in the fourth season of the season, and the babies have to support thousands of them! If the economic license hopes that the babies can generously help thousands of gifts to play the list, of course, just do it! Love is a free item, and each user can use it once a day! In addition, monthly tickets, subscriptions are also counted in the list, I hope the baby supports thousands of thousands... Love you!

(End of this chapter)

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