Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 599: Dad is the best in the world.

Chapter 599, Dad is the best in the world.

See Lin Biao came over, Lin Wen introduced Lin Shu and You Nana to Lin Biao.

Dialects have always heard about Lin Biao, and few of the young people in the business community have said that Lin Biao is not in the pool. Soon, Lin will be the next Kaide Group.

Lin Biao swept over Unnei and learned that Uninai was Lin Wen’s assistant and couldn’t help but look at Unina.

Lin Biao has always been insensitive to women, but I feel that I have seen Younai.

Uninai also noticed Lin Biao’s eyes and nodded to Lin Biao: “Mr. Lin is good...”

Lin Biao just remembered that this Unina had seen it in a cooperation forum, who seemed to be a personal bodyguard.

Have Fu Huai'an already put a bodyguard next to Lin Wen? !

Lin Biao nodded to Younai and handed the umbrella to Liang Shu: "Mom you get on the bus first, I have something to say and Lin Wen..."

Lin Biao rarely nicknamed Lin Wen, which made Liang Shuo smell a strange smell: "What's wrong?! What else can't stop the mother's face?!"

Liang Shuo subconsciously wants to protect the forest warm, afraid that Lin Biao will train Lin Wen as usual, and then he will be afraid of him.

"Mom, my brother has something to say to me, you must get on the bus first!" Lin warmed his lips to Liang Shu, and calmed Liang Shu.

There was wind in the back doorway, and Lin Biao moved to the side to move the wind to block the wind, and also covered half of the light, and the long figure covered the forest.

The dialect was very eye-catching on the car and closed the door. Younai also withdrew a few steps and stood not far away.

Lin Biao knew that Unina was a bodyguard who had his own duties and didn't mind. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at Lin Wen's small body with a low eye. He asked, "Is there a wound in Venice?"

Lin warms his face slightly and stiff, looking up at the dark eyes of Lin Biao's eyes.

"Don't talk to Mom..." Lin Wen frowned and Lin Biao.

"Is it hurt?!" Lin Biao asked again.

Lin warmed his head: "Nothing at all, brother, how did you know?!"

Lin Biao looked at Lin Wen’s words, and seemed to want to see through Lin Bing’s eyes that Lin Wen was lying.

"I really have nothing..." Lin Wen smiled at Lin Biao's lips. "It's all happening abroad. It has already returned to China! No such thing will happen again!"

"About Fu Huai'an's other identity, I don't know if he told you, go back and ask him! After you have the answer, think about the life you want. If you choose to be separated from him, the door of the Lin family will open to you at any time! If you Still insisting on being with him..." After Lin Biao’s voice paused, the throat slid slightly and opened. "Think about your future child!"

Lin Biao moved closer to Lin Wen and lowered his voice: "You are different now, be careful!"

Originally, Lin Biao first told Lin Wen that Haicheng was not peaceful recently, so Lin Wen was careful, but he was afraid that it would scare Lin Wen, and he could only change his mouth.

Lin warmed nodded: "I know, brother..."

"Think about me!" Lin Biao bit his teeth, and finally frowned and said this.

In the drizzle, Lin Biao did not say anything else. He took a deep look at Lin Wen’s eyes and walked to the side of the car waiting for his beam.

Younai warmed the door and opened the door: "Get on the bus!"

Lin nodded warmly, but stood still and did not move...

Through the drizzle, Lin Wen saw Lin Biao opened the driver's seat door, and the heavy line of sight looked toward her. With four eyes facing each other, Lin Biao first took back the line of sight and closed the door to leave.

"Let's go!" Lin warmed his eyes and sent Liang Shu and Lin Biao to leave the car.

Unnei drove the dialect and Lin Wen to the hospital...

When I arrived, Ionai drove, and the dialect parked her car in the hospital parking lot. I had to go back to pick up the car. On the road, I arranged for Lin Wen’s one-week trip.

During this time, Miss Summer was closed at home, thinking about the concept of the new program. When the program was conceived, Lin Wen could prepare to open a new program. Before that, Lin Wen only needed to cooperate with the "Devils" group to promote it.

Lin Wen heard some absent-mindedness, and Lin Biao’s words were in his mind...

How did Lin Biao know that she had an accident in Venice? !

There are only a few people who know this thing.

The dialect arrived at the hospital parking lot, did not go upstairs, took the car directly, said that he had to go home to accompany his son.

When Lin Wen entered the ward, he saw a soft and soft group leaning against Fu Huai'an, holding a tablet and sitting on the bed and watching it seriously...

Then I met a word that I couldn’t understand, and I asked Fu Huai’an with a tablet computer: “Dad...”

"This is the beauty of the world, saying that your mother is very beautiful, no one can compare!" Fu Huai'an patiently explained to the group.

The group nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Yes!"

The group also feels that the mother is full of beauty, the most beautiful thing in the world is the mother!

Lin Wen looked at the father and son, and the stagnation of his heart dissipated, and the corner of his lips could not help but provoke...

"Then I like it!" Fu Huai'an pointed out that the group had drawn a thumb in Weibo.

The group’s small hand poked a bit and found that the position of the thumb below the microblog became colored. The happy eyes were bright, and looked up at Fu Huai’an who was sitting beside him, then lowered his head and continued to look!

But when it is said that the forest is warm and beautiful, the forest is warm and beautiful, and the group is alike.

Until I saw a screenshot, the screenshot is the male fan who said that I like mom... I commented that I have never seen such a good-looking man, the group is not happy, he thinks that Dad is the best in the world, he never has I have seen a man who looks so good!

The group chubby fingered the message and looked unhappy. He reached for a slap on the screenshot of the male fan on the tablet.

Lin warmed into the door, put down the package and asked the group: "Little hand pain does not hurt?!"

"Mom!" The group saw Lin warm, put down the tablet in his hand, slipped down from the bed, stepped on the slippers and ran to Lin warm, looked up at Lin Wen, and extended two hands to Lin Wen. Thumb, "Mom stick!"

Lin warmed the two small arms of the group to hold the group, and put the cheeks on the forehead with the cheeks, and it really did not burn: "Well! The group is even better! The group has not burned!"


"The group wants to stay here for one night at night, or go home?!" Lin Wen asked.

The black and bright scorpion looked at Lin Wen, and the fine eyelashes flickered. I almost didn’t want to answer: "Go home!"

Most of the children don't like the hospital. If two or three children live together in a big ward, they may not be so lonely...

There is only one group of children in the VIP ward. It is better for the group to go home. The environment at home will be more comfortable, and there are toys he likes.

After the third is over, the baby is happy! Hahaha... What? Remember to watch the great thousand hit list...

(End of this chapter)

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